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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter
On the subject of "leveling up with 10 skill levels"; why can't you guys just mix MW's Skill system with Dungeon Siege's Stat system. From that moment on ALL is "leveling with doing"... Wouldn't be that hard to do seeing all skills already have stats attached to them, they just need to have a similar bar as the skills then... who level slower and with multiple skill doings...
Sofar everything I carry was either 1) Boxed, 2) Shopped (current lvl: 13). Lvl 13 and having Dwarven boots and helmet (both from a box) with the rest all Steel... Still, even if some things are flagged the eventual items/gold amount etc. found inside that box IS random, just like your enemy... Nope, it is a random item (as the same box didn't had that sword on another occassion). And did you miss my "adventures" where I explained that from now on 50% of the enemies carry Elven Weaponry (the other Iron/Silver); oh my, my current random enemy drop is different from the hardfixed conditions... scary. Wait; wasn't it about "random items scaled to your level?" Does that only includes enemies... Nope... EDIT; Just saw SS' post in the Scaling thread. If you start bringing in nice "Hardfixed standers" make sure you do the good one(s) and don't just put all the stuff on one pile if that ain't possible And now about the *Pay for Horseskins* stuff;' Total BS. Why can't MS just notch up the Live-registries up with a few bucks and then use that additional cash to finance the Game creators who then place FREE additions to their games? Additional Live memberships because of the stuff, more games sold due to the higher support and extra's (and not everybody HAS all the games the mods come for so +$ for people who don't buy every game) and happier customers. Everybody wins and nobody bitches. I can only see positives to it... Or am I just totally wrong here?
Indeed.... *hides*
Oblivion: Don't you just hate guards who try to be funny :D Small quirks of the AI-system...
If you could get 1 free upgrade for your PC...
Hassat Hunter replied to Bokishi's topic in Computer and Console
The best videocard Nvidia has to offer... in SLI! (Or is that counted as 2 upgrades?) -
Orcish, does that exist? Anyways, lvl 13 now and Elven Stuff drops like the Elves took possession of Cyrodiil. And that while since lvl 8 I have damaged luck (haven't bought a cure for that yet) (45) And Dwarven from 6 ... loot tables seem VERY different ingame than displayed on that list (where did you get that list, from ingame files?)
Continuation of the exploration goes fine... just some odd things I hit; 1) I got a Vampire + dream while waiting . Shouldn't I sleep for that? 2) It seems like a lvl-up in Merchant level resets the merchant you are selling to/buying from to begin value disposition (I had 79 because of 3 failed haggles, after lvl-up 82 again). So all the -Dispositon for failed haggles dissapear 3) When fast-traveling from Merchant area to Temple area in the Imperial City Maro Rufus undressed himself when he (with 2 others) load in with me in the Temple area entrance (walking around at 11PM in ONLY pants seems not like a clever thing to do, merchant!) 4) When fast-traveling from Temple to the University I started talking to a guard. Despite NOT having any bounty (according to the Info screen) the Guards are convinced I have to pay 1GP... Not nice to loose 150GP of loot that way <_<
strange song
Hassat Hunter replied to HK-47_THE_MEATBAG_KILLER's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
No mods for me, yet I heard it... so; no... -
strange song
Hassat Hunter replied to HK-47_THE_MEATBAG_KILLER's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
My "just before the lockdown" Download of the Kotor1 soundtrack calls it "Last Chance". It is placed between "The Temple" and "Aboard the Starforge". -
strange song
Hassat Hunter replied to HK-47_THE_MEATBAG_KILLER's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I cannot tell exactly where but it is used in Kotor1... alot (Has to do with Leviathan methinks..., also used on the SF) Zillionth edit; and why is this in Technical? -
The Impossible adventures of Hassat Hunter -Part II. Still in the same dungeon, still no bed, still lvl 11. When rising from my dungeon inside a dungeon I immediately faced a zombie in a dungeon I thought I cleaned completely. No problems here and I proceed to the next dungeon within a dungeon. A very small one it seems, with only 3 paths to take (left, right, straight ahead). 2 have doors infront so I wen't to the one without door (left) after looting a box. Strange looking thingie there... a trap! Pretty painfull if I might say so. Faced a rat and a zombie; quite an easy bait. It appears zombies love spoons, since this one carries one, just like the one before. Looted the box there and proceeded back to the begin. This time went straight ahead; opened the door and... damn, another trap! Unaware of the fact the thing could hurt me multiple times I actually hit it (and damaged myself) 3 times. The rat I could fight, but the skeleton pwned my ass... RELOAD. Entered dungeon. First looted then went left. Knew about the trap this time saved me some health and I easily killed (again) zombie and rat. Reward from that chest was WAY better than the last time. Wen't the straight forward one. No longer a rat and skeleton waited for me there, instead a ghost and a headless zombie (hate these things). Also aware of the trap here I used it against the zombie. Zombie died pretty easily due to that and then attacked the ghost. Seems elven stuff doesn't work, so switched to some old magical weapon (Debasser). Even if for some reasons (what spells are that?) I occassionaly had to third-person watch me drop to the floor the ghost fell pretty easy. When recharging I wonder why the "corpse" of the Zombie does not lighten up with Detect Life, but the Ghost remains do... loot the room and find... A ELVEN CLAYMORE. Neat, even if I couldn't carry it and had to keep it in it's box. So now I wen't right were I (once again) faced a though Skeleton. A very nasty fight later I noticed the guy carried a ELVEN WARHAMMER. That's right... when I was lvl 11! Quite a feat of me, no, doing the impossible? Anyways, didn't wan't to loose it so I stuffed it in the same box as the claymore, wanting to paste a note on that box like you can in Morrowind since the expansions... WRONG! Why take away functions like that? Returning to the Right room I lockpicked some box; nothing special (potion and gold) and fetched my "fixed" reward quest. It contained a Dwarven Helmet! Quite alot better than my heavily damaged steel one I was wearing at the moment... but nitpicking as I am just like the boots no random drop. It seems like I hit jackpot now and atlast get the good stuff... Man, I actually start to like this game too (about time!). Well, that's the end of part II; see you all later in the beatifull looking Cyrodiil! Edit; does this mean I actually skipped the Dwarven random drop mode on some whicked reason?
Let's take a look how correct the statements made before are... Adventures of the Hassat Hunter... part I. Entering Dungeon X (skeleton filled) while being lvl 11 (gain for 12 reached, but no bed found yet). On the left I find a box right away. After looting the 12 gold inside I can go left or right. I choose left. I whack a rat and a mudcrab and then find a small locked quest (Avarage). Opening it find some gold, a potion and a soul gem. I continue on to find a skeleton. Bashing it reveils it used a silver blunt weapon and a steel shield. Both inferior to my current equipment. Looking further I find some gold and a few lockpicks in that room. One chest even contains Mythrilor armor (but fixed, no, so irrelevant "). After whacking another rat in the ascending room I search the stuff there... just more gold. Another ascending room I find another skeleton. An archer this time. After easily disposing of it I find it only has a steel bow. Lockpick a chest there for some gold and a potion. Dead end. Return to start. Taking the right path now. First meeted enemy is a rat. Easily disposed of. Locked chest contains yet some gold and a potion. I meet up with a skeleton. After using a power attack it drops its weapon. Even if he still has the shield and EQUIPED too, he does not show or use it. Easy frag. Once again only steel stuff. I continue on to see another T-split. Left is blocked though, so I have to go right. Disposed of a rather weak Zombie (why are the headless so much stronger?) when I face the bosss of the Tomb... a Skeleton Hero. With it's rather strong weapon I had quite some fight destroying it. I killed it, but one more hit and I would have hit the bucket myself. It dropped quite an impressive weapon... better than what I found before on a random generated enemy; a Silver Two-Handed Axe. Blunt and not as good as my Elven Sword though. So I pick some bonemeal from the body and notice I become encumbered. I search my Potions tab to find 2 poisons I could use. A 1 lb. and a 0.5 lb one. Attached the 1 lb. and wen't to the FIXED quest in the middle of the room. Look at all the loot! That shield was far better than what I had before, but now I am encumbered again. Let's make some potions of my ingredients to loose weight. After doing so I notice 2 different poisons in the Potions list. A 0.4 lb Damage Fatigue and a 0.4 lb Damage Luck. Where the hell did my old poisons go to? Is the amount of potions shown in the list only a selection? If so, how can you show ALL potions? Or did they vanish due to the new potions? Or does "use this on my blade" use up more potions than it should? I still don't know... but I do know that my Elven Blade (found in a non-endbossfight-box and thus pretty random it seems) and new shield will rock any skeleton I will meet from now on. Keep visiting this place for updates on the adventures of the Hassat Hunter and be carefull when going into scary tombs by yourself; you might just meet a Skelton Hero, or worse, ME!
Well; 1) All used stuff either is stuffed in boxes, or is bought in shops. Enemies drop nothing you really will use. Not in my experience atleast... 2) You mentioned everybody should walk around in dwarven when level 10. Well I newly found a place at that level and all they were wearing was fur; except 2 outside who had iron stuff... So you tell me the Bethesda devs have a FIXED 40 gold drop behind a Very Hard lockpick? These damn sadists! I think these boxes get pretty random loot... or is every box you find in a random cave handpicked filled with utter crap so the low-levelers cannot find good stuff in the begin? And wasn't Umbra a Orc you fought to dead in Morrowind? Must be wrong, or the guy has a second life... Please if you go ranting about me talking about Fixed items first check IF I talk about fixed items " You have answered this one yourself: Once again, prove me that every chest in a random cave is not effected by this... as I haven't found Mega-
Yeah, but all the stuff you use you find in boxes or in the shops... Apparently not... (did visit town though) Yup. You explained stuff like "Elven stuff drops from lvl 15 and not before" and were incorrect. Please try again! Oh, and you can "explain" the sytem, but if the system does not listen; or is strangely mutated... that doesn't really help. How many times you repeat "enemies should drop Dwarven stuff" I don't get Dwarvenstuff from that in my game of Oblivion... PS. Just looked at some old screens I made when playing Oblivion and it seems I had those Dwarven boots already at lvl 6/7... (only piece of Dwemer I found though... even when meeting 2 bandit-riddled ruins after the town, where I had 2 or 3 levelups already...)
Yup. And I found one at lvl 11 just before hitting lvl 12... explain that... And it is kind of hard "buying" when you are in the wilderness...; and none of the "Dwarven" weaponry dropped was any better than my current stuff. Prob. didn't help all the enemies walk around with rods (blunt weapon)...
10K Fists, please explain then how I get from a iron longsword to a elven one when being lvl 12? First off all; iron was WAY too low-leveled for me to be still having, and Elven is WAY too high-leveled for me to already getting... But anyways; Now I replaced Attack 7 with Attack 10 it become alot sweeter traveling in Cyrodiil... I might not stop playing after all...
Random enemy inventory (level 11): NPC Skelton/Goblin: Steel shield, weak weapon (iron?). Always see 2/3 anyways when I found the dropped items after a big search Bandit: Fur outfit, occasional iron stuff... weaponry same as skeltons/goblins. Really, almost never does a enemy give me better equip then I have (all steel) since lvl 7; besides those Dwarven Boots (that I found in a box though) EDIT: As a matter of fact... all equipment I use I either found in some box or bought...
That would be me. Speechcraft/Alchamy and that running/swim (Athletics?) as Major Skills... PS. 12 now and only finding fur stuff
Don't tell us, tell Nvidia and ATi, who already abandoned AGP... Maybe they can make yet another Necro-act just for DX10? (Very unlikely... since it makes less $ for them... but nobody didn't expect a 7xxx for AGP either...)
No. AGP is dead. The 7800GS is a result of Necromancy (in a train station " )
Not for AGP
Yup. That will be the most advanched card EVER for AGP. If you wan't better (and future-proof)... well, you need PCI-e...
Get a 7xxx or don't get anything at all... That is, if you don't have a 2GHZ- processor... And a GeForce 4MX = GeForce 2 with a fancy name...
Tell me about it. After my latest rant I followed Musopticons advise and played another game. However, since I beated that one I got back into Oblivion. What appears, behind my
I don't wan't to... I just do