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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Vampire kitties for teh win. Night eye AND detect life in one little power... perfect for those nightly hit and runs. And perfect for NEVER getting ambushed again(even if some claim I do get ambushed by Mudcrabs... " ) Personal stuff on this: Some info requires like a 50+ disposition. Usually nonsense though, but one guy was nice enough to give me some locations on my map. Several quests (corruption at the guards is a prime example for this one; since you need to do this with 4 people) require you to have 80+ disposition before starting/continuing. Fun thing is that the persusion mini-game (for me) only goes to about 70, so I have to bribe the guys for additional cash. And if it is good for Haggling? Dunno, altough one of my favourite sellers gave me better deals with 82 disposition as with a (now fixed... even failed haggling doesn't lower it) 100 dispostion. Same storekeeper also never updated with completed quest information though, and still tells me "I will deny X" while X is savely dealt with Hope there is no collect them all quest, since I accidentely ate a few already :"> The beginning healing spell does for me... I assume other spells do too then...
  2. Freelancer looks pretty even with todays standerds. For everybody wanting to play it with modern hardware I advise to turn off "EAX" though in the music tabs... unless you love crashing your game during Jump Gate jumps...
  3. Demo's " I would really advise you to try all 3 (altough I only played 2 myself) Demo #2 shows basic gameplay later on and a bossfight Demo #3 shows "Military Base", an amazing (if bit tough) level, and a newer engine
  4. Little warning to my fellow Oblivion players; If you explore near the Imperial City and find the sideway cavern and then manage to get to Lost Abagarlas, stay OUT of the marked area (see attachment) It is easy to wringle yourself past that branch hanging there... and get in, but it is impossible to get out, beside a Forced Reload...
  5. It's pretty good; buit it is a game that you either hate or love... no middle path. Basically it is a gothic-like shoot 'em up with loads of baddies to shoot at. So don't expect Half-Life2 or Deus Ex like use of Tactics, comparable to the other of those genre like Serious Sam (but with less and a bit more intelligent enemies; and darkier instead of SS' cuteness graphics) or Doom The levelbuilding is amazing, and the graphics are (even if olded) still pretty good (the 1.61 patch featuring engine upgrades might have helped). Physics cause downed enemies to make the most amazing stunts. But back to the levelbuilding; that is just way better than founded in any other games IMO. Even if all levels (besides 2 or 3) are
  6. For E-mail it is... well, untill gmail came around (does it allow 10mb attachments though?)
  7. Here in Holland they sell it for 5 euro's... Currently playing: Oblivion Painkiller
  8. Since we seem to be in Oblivion; Haven't made many pics beside ones of my main char, but here it goes. From left to right; 1. My char after becoming a vampire 2. I don't wan't to say much, but I believe you're on fire... 3. My main char when still being normal, and in a good looking armor
  9. This reminds me off something too. I had to rob X for a quest. All done and well some guy in the Arena audience tells me X is dead during a violent robbery (even if I never heard that one it was already greyed out too)... So I break into X house again and go to his bedroom. Yup; there he is alive and well. Apparently he is bothered I am in his house, and requires me to leave. It DOESN'T bother him though I give his wife 6(!) holes in her neck... nice husband. So, after this extensive feeding I decide to kill his wife; maybe this would cause a good response. Whack his wife; who now wakes up atlast, and her husband runs off. Following fight was pretty ridiculus, after every hit on that woman she yelled "ah! Intruder!", and she never even tried defending/running at all; only yelling things that broke off and re-started at the next hit. Besides all that; I have a good time (the Arena is just cool) but I still don't think this is THE game of 2006...
  10. Oblivion itself: Arena Kotor2: Battle ring/Escaping Peragus/The Will of the dead scavangers on Dantooine/constructing HK etc. etc. Kotor1: Korriban Tomb Test, several Test assignments etc. etc. Largest grip with the Thortorin-quest that makes it "FedEx" is because there is absolutely no skill required or anything besides just walking and talking/taking from point A to B. Sure they can say "Track him after he leaves his shop" but if it just stays standing next to him I can't say how I can't call it FedEx. Examples of Non-FedEx jobs are the Arena in Oblivion itself; and I can't be bothered to check out any other RPG's right now for their quest-history... Like I said if the following really forced you to keep a small distance and hide this quest would be SO Non-FedEx... but alas *sigh* My definition of a FedEx job is that you have to get from A to B and then maybe even C and D without any need of thinking, strategy or covertlyhood/scripted combat, because the quest only exists of that walking...; if you think this makes every queste in RPG's a FedEx in my eyes you haven't played RPG's beyond MW, or don't understand what I am on about And to Lovewolf; probably not. Seems like "own goals" are not to be able to be furfilled. See afore mentioned love relation with another woman I couldn't tell his wife about, or if you hunt the Gray Fox to kill him you never succeed; atleast not without completing I don't know how many thieves-guild quests :wicked: *sigh* PS. And finally, am I not supposed to fight people, but is my look scary enough for dead (Am I THAT ugly?)? I wen't into the Imperial City Market Area Sewers and the first thing I noticed was a Khajit bandit dropping dead infront of me when waking up from his bed...
  11. Eh, requires investigation? How about every step is given... no thinking needed. Really, once you asked Throronir all steps are clearly given in the journal, from follow X to bring item X to Y etc. Eh, requires patience? You mean patience as in "T-Rest patience" or "I have to follow person X around which is extremely boring patience" And this one is a example of FedEx... point me (except battle supreme) to ONE point in the quest where it isn't walk to X, get item to X2, get to X3 and talk, get item to X2 again etc... Now if the trailing actually meant something more than "walk beside them to their goal" it might have raised from it's FedEx position... but as it is... The various GTA's have shown us it is possible with a follow meter and you have to stay near too... there trailing actually forced you to be stealthy, making these quest just that lil' bit more immersive... But please feel free to point me wrong... just mentioning already I won't listen Without mods? Oh, and it has a 15-rating! Heads will roll now!
  12. To kaftan... edit the file in My documents/my games/oblivion Ingame you take them by (what a surprise) pressing the PRINT SCREEN. You cannot miss having takes a pic, since a
  13. Yeah, I know what FedEx quests are, and I only got those (exception Arena) so far. Some quest spoilers; Sure, alot do not involve items perse; but I also count enormous long walks to meet person X, Y, Z, A, B and C before you finish it, without actually doing anything in between than walking as FedEx; as they are... And alanschu; There have been dozens reports over at The Elder Scrolls Forums that if you get a skillpoint reward as bonus this breaks the skill for leveling. Did a quest reward for you involved a +merchantile boost?
  14. Open oblivion.ini in the my games/oblivion map and find bAllowScreenShot=0 (just search the file for Screen and you'll find it), and turn it to bAllowScreenShot=1. Way to hide stuff! Any way too to enable a FPS-counter like MW had (which never reached higher than 10 )?
  15. Hit me. Use spoilertags if you have to (do you mean the Arena fights?) Still on the Imperial City FedEx quests, but now a vampire bit me! (is that supposed to happen already on lvl 8?) I can't see any negative stuff about being a vampire right now...
  16. Well, probably had a pretty bad mood in the weekend, played it abit more and this time I didn't get a "I wan't to play another game" every 15 min. And I have gathered some additional quests... all FedEx again I could rant again on some of the issues, but I won't. Please enjoy these pics of Radiant AI in full effect. 1: Hey! I am NOT the floor 2: So sad, he couldn't even made it to his bed
  17. Trust me, I wish I WAS making all this stuff up. I am starting to get pretty bothered with the quality of Oblivion IMO, yet I always return saying to myself "even the MW-haters like it; it SHOULD turn better soon"... PS. Health display is above the cursor....
  18. STILL haven't got into it... man how freaking awefull... starting to get pretty annoying. I have combed the entire Imperial City now; talked to over a hundred NPC's and all I got was 8 Fed-Ex quest...man, do you really need to start the main quest for fun missions or what? Still not happy with the combat system; it turns out to be more button-mashing than Diablo2. When pressing right mouse the time when you shield arrive seems totally random. Sometimes instant, but most after you took a beating of 10 beats. Melee combat with 2 or more NPC's is impossible, since you cannot actually aim for which one you wan't... and due to the large beating you get blocking is equal to suicide. Also when it is over is unclear because Health Display switches faster of size than a guard of armor Also the many times in the Arena enemies walk through you or teleport around is pathetic... first you beat them, then they are whacking you in the back... Grrr Melee on Ranged is pretty cool though; altough a bit easy. Keep that shield up, and after the hit charge up and hit right mouse 20 times in a row... that's the only tactic I have to use Radiant AI pisses me off too. It would probably be less worse if there weren't these "map crossing doors" where they dissapear at one and then appear at the other. The fact they have to walk through 5 of those sometimes to get to their destination makes missing so easy you can wander a unexplored area and meet only old faces and then meet 5 new faces in the old explored areas <_< . Also the many times the NPC's told me about how great their house or area was, while they were in the street/other area is annoying, or that when traveling through some doors apparently somebody wen't with me through that door that wasn't even on the same map And then a husband told me he cheated on his wife, and not to tell his wife. One guess what I tried to do... but it was not possible. GRRRRRRR! I can probably keep ranting all day, but more usefull is to ask WHAT you guys did to make it actually enjoyable instead of a "find a NPC, rumor/imperial city, then move on to the next boring NPC" annoying game... so I can maybe finnally atleast can start having some fun Never even had so much annoying stuff with MW. And on the technical issues: Above my hardlocks I now had 2 CTD's, a blue screen of death with immediate system termination and a monitor reset to 320x240 Edit; oh and on the flying item stuff; I even saw a guard who had it... quite funny to see him stand there and then flew up
  19. "You cannot change armor when in combat" " Anyways, still lvl 3 (prob. 5/6 after sleeping... leveling goes so fast!) and exploring the city a bit. Persuasion mini-game is fun, and abit on the easy side, as too gives major boostage to persuade skill. Before maxing desposition I usually have an additional level Funny too how thieving works. If I stand behind shopkeep X (no stealth!) I can savely steal stuff from infront of the seller... if my char just stays behind her ("Hey didn't I just had a full desk? That weird kitty behind me couldn't have anything to do with it no? Besides that he visibly took everything and is my only customer") Anyways, I wonder why I, who found Morrowind alot of fun in the begin, hate Oblivion so much in the beginning... while all the MW haters love this one?
  20. Try for yourself. Enter an area where alot of items are. Save when facing the items. Now load. Notice how all the items fly back into there original "above ground level" position and STAY there? My eyes do not decieve me... Just a minor issue with the physics, but I love how you keep telling me "No bug, no bug, design decision, your mistake etc. etc. etc."
  21. Ugh, there wen't my edit button Anyways, all the merchants have it. Everybody is a creeper/mudcrab merchant now! Makes my wonder WHY anybody should ever pay them for +500 cash (as the manual says is possible)... I wonder if the X-Boxers have this too... as these lucky basters have it unfixable then while we PC'ers probably no longer face it after patch #1 Nice... eh... NOT. Why give a money amount at all than if it doesn't mean jack at all ? Anyways, to answer SS questions: 2. Uhum, when I load the area the objects fly upwards (like the opposite of normal gravity, quite visible too). And yes; they actually stay there... I will convert my BMP-pic to jpeg and post it in a moment Here is the pic. It happens with all the objects in the room (every room), but is hard to take a pic of. Most noticable with the vase on the left and the apples in the distance. Also adding a pic of my "arrest through the wall"
  22. Wow, man, those Oblivion guards are
  23. Till Supreme Commander hits the stores Sjeesh, even I am able to run it all perfectly on medium quality, and I don't even get near this.. (ofcourse I do have the occassional hardlock and CTD)
  24. Okay, then that is not a bug... (still not convinced...) Anyways, some more questions; Why do enemies always die with about 1/4 of their health left? I always get that when whacking enemies I take away little (like 1/10th) of there health bar and when they hit the 1/4 left mark 1 hit makes them suffer and throw them far away Why do mudcrabs carry around money? Did they all become mercants in the meantime? Why does "directions" become blackened out when 3 sub-questions under that one are still selectable; or why is there no "oops, I know the directions, sorry to bother" when you accidentily click that one... you always need to ask one direction to get back...? Why the hell is the ingame help so bad? The manual uses less lines to explain the mini-games of picking and talking and explains it better <_< ... (first game in a LONG time where you need to read the manual to know what you are doing)?
  25. No.... that one wasn't there when I didn't have that flower yet... Edit; pretty sure it was a copy of it's dead counterpart lying there... who shouldn't have spawned when I was still so close
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