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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Good point. So are FOT and Lionheart.
  2. Alan, that is like making a Dungeons and Dragons game without using the Dungeons and Dragons rules. You mean, like taking out turn-based?
  3. That's irrelevant. It's irrefutable proof. Giving it more time would just be as inconsequential as actually putting effort into a real-time SPECIAL system. It just can't be done.
  4. Making the game longer was also not an improvement. FO2 proved that. FO3 should be shorter than 10 hrs.
  5. Now, of course, the argument would be that some people would actually have to like MOO1/2 *and* 3. I'm sure some, er, people... do.
  6. In any case, purists can pretend to be all hardcore and stuff, but wouldn't people who enjoy FO1/2 *and* 3 - regardless of how different it is - be 'truer' fans of the series just by default?
  7. Define 'certain portion'. Bethesda's hype and lies certainly seems to still be working on the media and a crapload of mainstream gamers. I mean, someone should take away those GOTY contender awards and expose their lies. The public has the right to know. Considering the number of mor... self-respecting gamers who are buying bloody horse armor, Bethesda doesn't have anything to worry about.
  8. That's right. You could do a good job at both sites at once!
  9. Hey, maybe you'll actually get a chance over there.
  10. Said 'watered-down' sequel is going to outsell FO1/2 multiple-fold, so meh.
  11. I also post in threads regarding topics in which I have no interest for. Such as this one.
  12. I bought it because I thought the game would have ugly naked men. I'm glad it wasn't misleading. Imagine if it were Morrowind with guns ROFLTUNASANDWICH
  13. Hades must have been one of those people who didn't buy PST because the boxart sucked.
  14. I'm trying to retake Pegasus Bridge, but those jerks are trying to kill me.
  15. I'm waiting for Hotel Dusk to come out on the DS next week. Point & Click adventure game with awesome artstyle. The preliminary reviews have been very positive so far. Any fan of the genre with a DS should at least look it up.
  16. We are not sponsored by any pharmaceuticals.
  17. Another good idea would be proper game design and balancing so that you wouldn't be facing those bloody freaking rats in the first place. Unless you like tedious repetitive combat, I guess.
  18. Actually, the laxative that usually seems to work the best is Sennosides, which can also be obtained over the counter, if memory is correct.
  19. By all means, please encourage Hades to play HL. I want to hear more ranting about how first person breaks immersion, after all.
  20. This is what this is called EU3, and not EU2. 2D has nothing to do with it.
  21. The 3D does look atrocious. A refinement of the 2D (with widescreen support) would have been much better. Then again, as long as the gameplay delivers.... Which I would possibly know if I'd try the game, I guess.
  22. Haha, I got EU1 from the 1$ sale and haven't even really tried it yet. I'm in no rush to give EU3 a test run.
  23. Phantom Hourglass will probably be very late 2007 at the earliest, from what it appears now
  24. Worst character design ever. Unless you like furries
  25. You forgot to mention that the DS sold 1.6 million and the PS2 1.4 million in December in the US as well, according to the NDP. The DS too, with its pointless second screen and hilarious touchscreen controls (using a stylus to draw stuff on the screen, for games? ROFLTUNASANDWICH), is also a gimmick, only made for non-gamers. The DS is also the fastest-selling console worldwide ever. Even the mighty PS2 didn't grow this fast at the same point in its life. If you look at the top 30 games sold this week in Japan, 26 of them are on Nintendo systems. If you look at the top 15, they're all Nintendo. However, as Volo says, catering to a new market while still providing 'hardcore' games, at the cost of having weaker specs, does not print money. Even if you're selling really well in all regions. Not to mention that among the top selling DS games are completely traditional games like New Super Mario Brothers and Pokemon. Just because a system allows for new control schemes doesn't mean you can't make traditional games.
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