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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Conventions That being said, a MMO with humor infused throughout it does have some appeal.
  2. Just read the rest. I'm not sure if the combat would be any good. It sounds pretty... standard.
  3. You're not worthless, Hades! http://hades.youaremighty.com/
  4. Sounds somewhat interesting, actually. What was the 'original' WH online supposed to be like?
  5. Just use kirottu's link
  6. Amazing!
  7. Then again, Obsidian. KoTOR 2. I still have hopes <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then again, Magical Volo. Check, and Mate.
  8. You could make it so at the start of the story you're in East Harbour. In the second part, there's an invasion of the extra-planar fortress by village people and the whole fortress pushes them off. And eventually you discover they were there for you. And they were there for you because when you were just a pudding when a big riot happened in East Harbour between the Communist Party and this Pirate. At the end of the riot there was a giant explosion, and what had happened was that the glass eye of the leader of the Communists basically shatters. And shatters. And not just shatters so there's a piece underneath the desk... but scatters across the planes. What you find out is that there's a piece in you, which is why these people are all after you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Needs more ninja.
  9. I'll pussify *you*. In any case, the story outline doesn't really say much. Is it more or less compelling than being the child of a dead god, or an immortal amnesiac? Can't really tell.
  10. I am currently in search of a storyline
  11. Refresh my memory, was Dak'kon a Githyanki or a Githzerai?
  12. Well, YOU stole *my* storyline, jerk.
  13. Win. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1216213971004625060
  14. Guess what Gabs does for a living!
  15. Why the crap did I click on this thread? WHY?????
  16. it'll be interesting to see how they pull off emergent gameplay. Go go radiant AI!
  17. Hmm, hadn't noticed a demo was out. <3 Battlefront
  18. You mean, like spears and crossbows? In any case, it's Bethesda's business model. If there's profit to be made and idiots will shell out money for it, there's no incentive to do otherwise. The trend isn't new. You can already buy items or whatever crap in other games already. You can whine about it or sue Bethesda, I guess. EDIT: Besides, Bethesda's bolder than you think http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=340806
  19. Well said, pixies. It's about time citizens stood up for the wellbeing of mainstream America.
  20. Whoever's 'fault' it is doesn't matter. You're entitled to Oblivion and its patches, not to officially-supported addons. It's Bethesda's business and they call the shots (whether influenced by a third-party or not also doesn't matter, though we all know who that third-party is). Heck, how hard do you think it is for someone to make a armored unicorn mod for the PC version?
  21. Because the repercussions of favoring the PC community over the 360 = bad business.
  22. Hmm, I never needed to enchant any of my items, I found enough of them lying around (from important NPCs/bosses, I guess).
  23. Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday ^_^
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