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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. ME does sound like it'll have good potential. Tactical squad-based shooter combat can be quite fun. Exploration also sounds like it could be well-implemented. What M$ needs to do to reduce their XBOX360 losses is to make Windows Vista be able to play 360 games, since the software is where M$ get their profit from. It makes sound business sense, and would provide more incentive for people to get Vista, too. Since the two will already be compatible for the Windows Media Centre or whatever crap, and that M$ already announced a XBOX360 controller compatible for PC, it just makes business sense. Then again, it's M$.
  2. This is the coolest accessory ever http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/
  3. No, all the elements are the best features ever on their own, and they combine their awesomeness to produce the most awesomenessest ultimator game. It's not even a game, it's a life-changing experience. Or so they say.
  4. Erm, other than having a third-person 'shooter' combat, I don't really see the similarities.
  5. Isn't ME expected later this year? Or maybe early next year? Of course they have to hype it. Game's dev cycle is much shorter. Heck, already planning 3 titles is telling. Hey, if they want to spend 4 yrs on DA, all the better. I'd rather have a polished title. I can live without DA, so it might as well become a great game. 2007 at the earlier sounds reasonable. Hype machine has no reason to really pump the game at this point.
  6. Yeah, if you dare check out the TES boards, you'll see similar arguments :ph34r:
  7. Well, it's not like the CRPG market is flooding with titles nowadays, either.
  8. Yeah, I kinda lost interest in this title. First off, a swordfighting game on the Rev done right would most likely be quite more fun. Second, given Ubisoft's track record, and given how the HOMM5 beta had Starforce, this game will probably end up with Starforce.
  9. Not to worry! Us PC gamers might end up with a MMORPG!!! It's the wave of the future!
  10. I like to play my imaginary copy too
  11. Does it matter whether any of us think DA is being made or not? None of us gets to play it anyway.
  12. http://www.firingsquad.com/games/bioware_pre_e3_interview/ As usual, info on Dragon Age amounts to one sentence that doesn't actually say anything. \o/
  13. You should play Oblivion!
  14. Go go Radiant AI!
  15. Please keep up updated!!! :D :D :D :D
  16. Choosing graphics over performance? Hades has become a graphics monkey!
  17. I'll CPU *you*.
  18. I guess a drop of water during a drought can be a luxury.
  19. Don't compare my awesome rig to yours. :ph34r: I don't remember if I said I was running it at 800x600 or not, because I don't remember which one it was at now, anyway. Either 800x600 or 1024x768. In any case, don't expect any eye candy. All settings were pretty much set on lowest. All that is irrelevant, of course, since the game ran very smoothly for the bulk of the game (the final battle kinda chugged a bit, but nothing unplayable) and loading times were minimal. Other than the occasional crash, I didn't really run into any technical problems. I didn't find a patch necessary. I had the latest Catalyst drivers, too.
  20. Not having a 360, CoD2 would be the only game I'd recommend on it. Fun campaign.
  21. I'll fantasy *you*.
  22. Wouldn't it be negative sum, anyway?
  23. Oh yeah? http://www.metadigital.justgotowned.com/
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