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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. The first one was fun, but it got repetitive real fast. Didn't bother with the second one after that.
  2. Nor mine. What gives?
  3. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=16046 I still can't get over the hilarity of the CivCity name
  4. Did this thread even have a point to begin with?
  5. Well, there's coffee.
  6. Stop embarrassing us! People will think we're geeks or something ^_^
  7. Since this isn't being locked down, can I make a thread specifically about Magical Volo?
  8. Okay, my first mod will be a murder simulator where all NPCs will be variants of Hades.
  9. Quiet, Fenghuang. Stop telling people about my Nobel prize in awesomeness. You're embarrassing me.
  10. Sega dude doesn't. He wants fantasy.
  11. I'll kettle *you*.
  12. This will just end in spam. <_<
  13. I'd have sent a PM, but what do I know?
  14. That's a general sign you need help.
  15. Sometimes it's a bit silly what you see coming in in the emergency psychiatry department. 'I have massive anxiety problems!' 'How much coffee do you drink?' '10-15 cups a day!!!'
  16. Want a fantasy game similar to TW? Go read up on Warhammer: Mark of Chaos.
  17. No, I want a fantasy game, because history is boring!!!!
  18. You already have a 4-year headstart.
  19. They've already said it won't. You already have the NWN toolset available to test out.
  20. Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Old 3rd person shooter from Interplay. Humoristic.
  21. Erm.... yeah. Start buying me games.
  22. Yeah, you should buy all the games that don't use Starforce that you will never play.
  23. I sure hope so. I could use some more revolutions.
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