Smells like lymph nodes. They can enlarge in response to, for example, a cold - or whatever other infection. Are you feeling ill? Fever? Seizures? Coma? Death?
I had what felt like a dry, sore throat 2 weeks ago. But the pain was on the right side of my throat, below the lower jaw, aligned with the right ear where a first lump was detected and is still there. It was painful when swallowing. I didn't feel sick or feverish otherwise.
So your first lump was found 2 weeks ago and is still there, coincidently appearing together with a sore throat? It's not an uncommon reaction, just your immune system fighting off the remains of whatever virus you caught - the most likely cause, anyway.
Look up cervical adenopathy in the context of a likely viral upper respiratory tract infection.
Abridged checklist:
- overall recovery status x 2 wks
- current status of sore throat + swallowing
- noticed any pus during your daily throat exam?
- cough x 2 wks
- headache --> common, new, frequent recently?
- general malaise, muscle cramps
- other general cold-like symptoms, coma, death, etc
Don't look for zebras.