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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. I think being able to see your feet is also a requirement.
  2. I'm pretty sure you lost it.
  3. Especially not grammar.
  4. If by idiot, you mean Mr. Awesome, then that's me.
  5. If by my opinion, you mean your grammar, then yes.
  6. Yeah, 40 year old loser browsing the Obsidian forums under the name Lale Kikkeli, which is probably your KotOR name. You're not any more knowalgable than he is.
  7. Krookie doesn't like games that he hasn't played, so leave him alone. Jerks.
  8. If you were God, I'd make sure I end up in Hell. Which I'm not already! Because I'm a good person. I'm just saying.
  9. What the crap? I don't call you alanpoo. Jerk.
  10. I like the style.
  11. You freaking morons don't even get it. IT UNFOLDS IN BLOODY REAL-TIME.
  12. Any idiot can come up with 'sources' and have a 50:50 chance of getting it right. What's the point? Getting a cookie? Getting Darque's admiration? 'No, I'm right!' 'No, I'M right!'
  13. You mean, funny design.
  14. The real benefit from it is from an interface standpoint. Having the circle thingie allows for more efficient navigation using the gamepad. Having specific buttons or whatever assigned to a specific response at location X instead of scrolling through the replies. Could work.
  15. You could socialize with Gray Jedi Knight. Not that I'm implying that he's dead or that I've murdered him. I mean, I'm just saying.
  16. They're using different sentences too. That's new as well. 'Brand new script!' Hype +++
  17. In any case, it's a nice experiment by Bioware, but branding it as something new and shiny is somewhat unconvincing.
  18. There's a reason why Final Fantasy has such a large fanbase. Going all cinematic is nice and all. Looks nice. How much does it really benefit interactive storytelling, though?
  19. A step up from the persuasion minigame, I guess. From a roleplaying perspective, it's not necessarily a bad thing, having the player focus on intent more than choice of words (intimidate, bribe, seduce, disrobe, etc). Can't say I favor it over the traditional conversation trees. The shift from active participant and passive observer becomes more obvious - though, of course, this is more a design issue than it is over what dialogue 'system' is being used. Click 'threat', view scene. Dialogue trees as they currently are aren't perfect either, though. There's lot of room for improvement, but mainly at a fairly large cost in resources - perhaps at a minimal return in investment, since current design of such trees is already effective enough. In this way, ME's system can provide a fair economy of resources. By limiting the amount of branching, you focus more on the cinematic quality of each branch. Different priorities, perhaps. Hmm.
  20. Bah, when the crap are Obs going to announce their console titles?
  21. Not that I know of, all I know is that they're made by the same devs. I thought YU was more of a SRPG from the gameplay footage.
  22. A tad too dungeon crawler-ish for my tastes, I'll admit. If you're into that, though, keep an eye on Yggdrasil Labyrinth. Being made by Atlus, of course. The art is very nice. Not to be confused with Yggdra Union, the GBA game being published by Atlus.
  23. HDR in Ep1 was very well-done.
  24. I want more tactical RPGs on the DS, darn it.
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