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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. I hate Disciple because he's a man. Give me a fresh nubile female woman anytime! Goth and vampiric would be additional hotness bonuses.
  2. Their 3d doesn't look too good, though. I like their 2d maps more. I'd have preferred they just keep to their old look and just focused on gameplay. EU2 is quite aesthetically pleasing, from what I've seen.
  3. Thanks. How combat-intense do the titles tend to be? The setting for Persona1/2 seemed interesting enough, I just couldn't stand the demon-talking combat. We'll see how newer titles go. Since you seem to like SMT's combat, how would you compare it to Persona? EDIT: good stuff in that link.
  4. You mean, tribute.
  5. Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday coop session with Nick and alanschu. Good times. 3 hrs went by in a flash. 1938. Me as France, Nick as UK, and jerkface as Spain. The plot thickens.
  6. Sid Meier better get off his bottom and start making a Xcom game.
  7. No, I think they were spot on about the fat lady.
  8. The MMO version is better. http://pong.flash-gear.com/
  9. Screw remakes. Give me new games.
  10. Yes, I'm thinking of the insightful possibilities!
  11. See, this would only be possible in a virtual setting.
  12. Besides, social activities require friends.
  13. What?
  14. Question for the console dorks. What's Shin Megami Tensei's relation with the Persona series? I've heard some good things about Nocturne and Devil Summoner. The combat system seems to be different, but how similar are they to Persona? Same universe? Here's an interesting interview on it http://www.luv2game.com/luv2game/index.htm...news&news_id=68 Hmm, if they end up being titles worth trying out and come out on Wii, I might be interested.
  15. And I won't jump-kick your face.
  16. Shotgun is pretty fun with ragdolls. I tend to use the Assault Rifle most of all, though. Nick is a SG hog.
  17. I've been playing this too :"> Quite fun cooping with some buddies, for a deathmatch game. I only play 'Control All' mode.
  18. CSS is fun when you're playing coop with some buddies with VoIP. Otherwise, urg.
  19. You mean, Gabrielle.
  20. You know what I think? I think people should make a law banning alanschu from breathing LOL
  21. Hahahahaha dialup
  22. And that would make me happy ^_^
  23. You should wait, Hades! Wait! You know it's the wise thing to do!
  24. I'm buying this game on day 1 anyway, so it doesn't matter if I preorder or not. The collector's edition is pretty meh. No soundtrack, no sale.
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