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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Hehehe. For the record, I'm just playing devil's advocate to see what people have to say. My opinion on the matter will remain firmly my own
  2. Ok then. But where's the invasion of Syria? From my lacklustre (apathy?) following of world events, it sounds like they've been harbouring terrorist groups more than even Iraq has.
  3. Hey, I *did* say I had specifically upgraded my computer
  4. I was reading up on a neat looking game cold Cold War where you are a photographer caught up in a global conspiracy. He's very resourceful (some might argue too resourceful, but meh), but it sounds like a lot of fun. http://pc.ign.com/articles/631/631799p1.html
  5. Perhaps the one person analogy didn't work, since they were supposed to mimic the larger, organizations. However, to what ends do you go to make sure that they opposition is crushed? Particularly in terms of collateral damages and whatnot. Do you punish every Muslim, since that would give you a large probability of getting your target, or do you utilize some other method?
  6. Doh! My bad! People will be too awestcuk by the fancy hip movment.
  7. I really enjoyed the game. And even though Troika no longer exists, I was kind of happy to see that Activision let them hang around long enough to release their patch. I think it was a bit too coincidental that Troika just ups and disappears a week after the patch As I said....Haunted House =
  8. I don't care. They started it. I guess that's where all the shady areas come in. People have many variations on "who" started it. Would me beating someone to death because they shoved me and "started it" be okay though?
  9. No-CD "patch" eh? It's a good possiblity that the size shot up since you're not using the cracked exe file anymore...give it a try I guess and see if it works
  10. Well.....there was always the possibilty that he'd go on a murderous rampage for people altering his life's work! I didn't really see it happening, but there's always that SLIGHT chance Now Akari.....perhaps we can discuss the location of your secret forum leaks? *enter an interrogation droid*
  11. Err... not to be raining on your party or anything, but the biggest issue people seemed to have with the game was its poor performance. And since that was caused by the game's use of an unpolished and poorly optimized early build of the Source engine, the patch doesn't fix it. Lots of people (myself included) reported the game suffering memory leaks, too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Game ran fine for me....but I did upgrade my computer specifically for Half-Life 2. Athlon XP 3500+ 1GB of RAM Radeon 9800 Pro. *zoom zoom* No performance problems at all In fact, I never really had a hard time playing it for really long periods of time...although there likely is a leak somewhere, as performance did begin to degrade (particularly loading times), but I was already on the third part of town before that happened! Haunted House = teh
  12. This game was *insane* fun....until.... I really, really, REALLY loved the game up until then. My guy was a master sniper :D
  13. Higher level fast units are more likely to retreat.
  14. They still seemed very much like "Nuclear" blasts though. I know WHAT Chernobyl is. I don't know the details so I couldn't comment on whether or not it'd be more similar to a dirty bomb or not.
  15. Or your just not striking back hard enough. The real problem is there is no target as such. One of the most effective ways of cutting the terrorists nuts off is to destroy the regimes that are supporting them. But if you take that road you have to be 100% commited to it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How hard is hard enough though? And how hard to you have to get until you're no better than those you seek to destroy?
  16. Did you neglect to read that part that said calculations clearly show that a person would have to stand absolutely still within the untouched blast radious for one year in order to suffer a "fairly high" dosage. Any calculation is only as good as the problem posed. I can assure you that whatever calculations to which you speak, are based on various assumptions that do not and cannot cover all possibilities. I can also assure you there was plenty of radioactive poisoning at Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernoble (probably misspelled). And sadly, I can assure you that the history of nuclear materials is replete with false assurances of low risks. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nagasaki and Hiroshima didn't seem to be "dirty bombs" however. I'm not familiar with the details of Chernobyl.
  17. Both sides are equally dumb. Al-Quaeda is stupid if they think that these terrorist attacks are going to help "their people." All it does is increase the resolve to do something violent back to them.....with more support and legitimacy than before. However, the irrational impulse immediately following attack results in smacking back at the terrorists hard, which only fuels the terrorists. But then you get into other types of speculation.....what if the UK does nothing? This could be even worse as it could encourage other terrorists organizations (or the same one) to perpetuate attacks on the UK knowing there's no retaliation....or the terrorists could lose support since with no retaliation, there'd be less cause to support the bombing of civilians since they're not bombing back.
  18. Well, that's because of the bouncing around between WCW and WWF and all that. Times were hard for him!
  19. What's the score for all movies? And how do we score this? 6 points for 1st, 5 for second, etc? Or start at 5 and 0 for the worst movie?
  20. Buck ****!!?!?!?! Why the heck would someone bottle that? Edit: It would seem as though S E M E N is taboo.
  21. Admitting my complete ignorance of all things Islam, I thought "Mecca" was like a "Heaven" or "Nirvana" so to speak. Like, I was in Gaming Mecca when I first played Deus Ex :D
  22. Obi-Wan/Anakin duel is 1a I am not a big fan of the quick cuts and close angle shots that seem to dominate films nowadays.
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