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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I had heard that from people on these forums. In any case, I see it as a blessing in disguise. Releasing it in February means they won't be rushing it out the door for the holiday season.
  2. Hence the reasoning why the game requires massive integer/logic performance from the hardware running. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Although if it's going to use distribution functions and random variables to determine it's outcome, it'll actually also be quite floating point intensive. Virtually, all statistical analyses for AI is. The actual choice is "simple" logic, but determining which action the NPC takes is not. There's only so much you can abstract continuous random variables into a discrete form. Unless the game is planning on having a uniform or perhaps multinomial distribution. But then that would make the NPC decisions more random than they probably should be. A lot of the decision making in the finite state machines or screwy-louie Markov Chains utilize continuous random variables, which deal exclusively with floating point numbers. Greg Entis of EA mentioned the following in an interview with Gamespy: If you want to have the NPCs base their decisions on probabilities which are affected by a large variety of variables, a statistical approach to AI is very likely going to be required, lest you abstract it and result in more erratic and bizarre behaviours. In fact, I found the whole question that the above quote came from quite interesting.
  3. Still possible to die. And doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. Microsoft is going to love any game that is exclusive to its console, because then if people want to play that game, they have to buy an XBOX, and they have to buy that game, which gives Microsoft royalties. The initial debut is still important to the console, and the more launch titles you have, the better (ask Apple and its experience with its Macintosh).
  4. I agree with Sawyer that the Splinter Cell games were all very interesting stories, and an absolute blast to play. Chaos Theory had production values through the roof, and was easily the most enjoyable single player Splinter Cell experience out there. The mercs-vs-spies multiplayer in Pandora Tomorrow was a great idea (although I still think spies can kill mercs too easily...I don't like playing deathmatch I like playing cat and mouse), and the coop mode is INSANE fun. Nothing like hanging your partner down a vent Mission: Impossible style so he can hack a keypad to get you into the room with the laser grid, only to have one guy disable the grid so the other could run across, so that HE could disable the grid for the original guy. Anyone who doesn't think that Splinter Cell (especially Chaos Theory) would be anything more than a mere B-Movie I don't think has really played the game. There are already movies that are similar in story like Patriot Games (Tom Clancy, so I guess it's not a big surprise), and I wouldn't call Patriot Games a B-Movie. In fact I was surprised it took THIS long for there to be a movie about Splinter Cell, given that the game just screams for a movie. In Chaos Theory, you got to hear from much more Grimsdotter, as well as Redding, and you found out that those two are pretty interesting characters too. I particularly enjoyed the bantering that Fisher shared with Grimsdotter.
  5. Then I guess nothing you say means anything. Winnar!
  6. One of the biggest issues that I was thinking of was because of Don Cherry's "alleged" racism against Europeans and Quebecers. Don Cherry said "the only people that wear visors are Europeans and the French." Despite many Europeans and French in fact laughing at Cherry's remarks and taking it in good humour, the rest of Canada was up in arms about it and even got CBC to do an investigation into Cherry's allegations. And believe me, if Quebec felt offended, we would never have heard the end of it, and we probably would have sent even more money in their general direction. The funny part is that he was right....most of the people that wear visors in pro Hockey are from Quebec or Europe. Ironically he offended the people that he didn't indicate more than the people that were his topic of discussion, for no better reason than everyone is trying to be PC to the point of silliness, or worse yet they're self-righteous crusaders who feel it's their burden to lift up the rest of humanity. The White Man's Burden hasn't gone away in my opinion, it just changed it's premise. On their own, perhaps. But I'm talking about situations where many people are involved (although my example was just me, so I can understand why it was seen that way). I've seen it at my University like crazy. Someone will mention something along the lines of not agreeing with homosexuality or something (University students are mostly left-wing pinkos), and suddenly the guy is a gay basher, and getting attacked by everybody....except the homosexuals who merely commented that the fella has the right to his own opinion (ironic that it was an "oppressed" person that was defending the original man's right to free speech). At University I find it to be the worst, where it seems everybody wants to be a part of some cause or something, and show that they have done their part for bettering society. Not all that surprising, given the elitist nature of University. I originally went to University in 1999/2000 and failed out (too much Counterstrike). So I eventually went to a local college that would transfer courses back to the University, so I could get back in. Given that I'm working hard at school, my marks are exceptional. I do very well in all of my courses, and most of the familiar faces that are in most of my classes know it (given that there's always the "How'd you do" discussion after a test). You should have seen the look on some of their faces (not all, thankfully) when during casual conversation I mentioned that I went to the local College, which is less competitive and is usually where people go that can't get into University or can't afford University. Unfortunately, the still justified and rationalized my decision for me, commenting that I was forced to go there because I made poor decisions my first year of school People put too much meaning in words. The mere fact that words are censored on this forum is rather silly. People have no problems if I say "BS" but if I say bullsh**, then it's more taboo....despite being an abbreviation. Or if I say "fudge" or just flat out make up a word instead of saying "f*ck" because for whatever reason, the f-word is some unholy blight on all existence. Never mind the context it's used in. Why is fughguagu ok, but not f---? I live in a poor neighbourhood, which unfortunately DOES fit the stereotype being non-white. Now I DO understand the systemic and institutional nature of racism and discrimination, and I understand, and even accept the affirmative action initiatives. As a young white male I'm in a tiny, tiny minority in my area. It's from conversations with my neighbours that I initially got the impression that the majority overreacts more than the minority does. Having said that, if you talk with your friend or whatever and there IS a problem, then have at it. You're sticking up for your friend AND what you believe in. As long as you don't do it THINKING you KNOW what's best for your friend, I have no problem with it.
  7. Shhhh....shhhh ....shhhh shhh shhh shshhs shh That's a preemptive 'shhh' I just want you to know that I have a whole bag of 'shhh' with your name on it.
  8. Grrrrrr. I hate how apparently a helicopter can survive a tank shot from an M1A2 Abrams
  9. Or perhaps the result of a company restructuring itself.
  10. Bah, no use arguing. As much as I love a tank, there's no stopping a high level wizard. All he needs to do is toss up a few mirror images and stoneskin, and by the time you finally hack your way through all that, he's already petrified you, or wilted you (Horrid Wilting) or just out right finger of death'd you.
  11. Would you go to the defense of someone that wasn't offended though? And if so...why? If that person doesn't care about said comments, then obviously it doesn't affect that person in the slightest. I would consider it elitest for someone to put himself on some sort of moral high ground and champion those that don't require it, nor want it. I consider such acts equally discriminating, because it gives the appearance that that person is incapable of defending himself, or in capable of seeing the "wrong" that was perpetrated against him.
  12. Wrong. I guess you played on the easy setting.
  13. Humans could still circumvent the multiclass be dual classing. That was the main point I was trying to make. Fair enough, but I think the archetypes are still too restrictive, given that the archetypes are just formed by stories that people weave. I think it becomes a circle, where AD&D has no gnomish mages because they don't exist. Yet they can't exist because AD&D has no gnomish mages, so you'd have to bend the rules (at which point I would consider AD&D to no longer be truly used anymore).
  14. When the minority wants help defending itself, or even just lets it be known that the a gesture is offensive, the I have zero problem with other people defending them. I hate the crusaders that think the minorities need defending when the minority itself doesn't care about the issue at hand.
  15. What's the point of ignoring the rest of my post to comment on just that? I added it because I'm well aware of what Messier brings to the table, given that I've seen him do it for his entire career.
  16. If you wanted to restrict the colour to the appropriate class, it'd make more sense to just say "Consular Only" in the item description for a green crystal. In any case I think it's silly. Colour is colour. There's no indication that colour conveyed any sort of difference in the movies, or any thing of the like.
  17. Sounds like Radiant's gonna need a heavily dynamic distribution functions to determine the appropriate actions. Multiplied by I would imagine quite a large number of in game characters that will utilize it. Constantly updating the statistical methods of decision making for many, many characters....sounds expensive.
  18. http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000180051299/ I won't being to rant on what I feel about the ratings system as it is, but I guess if you can download a mod and make pr0n out of a game, it'll get Adults Only.
  19. How is the radiant AI system supposed to work?
  20. Obiwan is dead and Luke is missing a hand. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah yes, I forgot about the hand. And as for dead...meh, so is a lot of ppl.
  21. Hehehe point taken Craig MacTavish was insane...dude played without a helmet up into the mid-90s
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