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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The PC Gamer mentioned the scrappage occuring in 2002
  2. Ok good.......at least that rules out any possibility perhaps you were being serious. Besides, Lucas would have made it look WAY nicer.
  3. I just got a few medals and ribbons myself! I'll catch you soon Kaftan! Although I'm a miserably pilot, can't hit anything. And I suck at getting guided missiles to lock onto a plane properly, even if I hestitate and let them fire their Chaff.
  4. While I won't disagree, I'm sick of hearing local activist groups blame EVERY weather phenomenon on "climate change." We had hot summer, which made "perfect sense" given that "global warming" was occuring. But now that we've had heavy rains, it too is because of global warming. The warm winters....global warming, the cold winter...oooo a different name, "climate change." We had some rivers flood (which local scientists attribute to the heavy rainfalls), yet clearly the rise in global temperatures is starting to increase rate at which the glaciers in the rocky mountains are melting (although it didn't explain why our rivers where so horribly, horribly low the past 3 years). Meh.
  5. I'm just going to post a whole bunch of quotes, since I am finding this article a neat read. Apparently the motion of the flag in the video is not dampened, as it should be if it existed in an atmospheric world. I watched the video, and it was pretty neat. If you check out the link, he has a link to the video, in its entirety.
  6. Interesting... Interesting that NASA made no attempts to hide the fact that when doing simulations they used a mock-up of the lunar surface. Now why on earth would they make this stuff public, and then shoot the "real" thing there and say it's not faked?
  7. Alberta has also had mild winters in the past few years. This past year was rather cold. We also had some really, really hot summers the past few years, but this summer has been anything but (in fact it's been mostly we here in Northern Alberta).
  8. Another good read This one is a case by case study of hoaxes in general, rather than just looking at Fox's "documentary." He has many links to the photos that "prove" the lack of moon landings. This quote I liked the most (so far, as I'm not done reading it):
  9. Which professional experts would these be? Given that we also have "professional experts" that say Climate change is occurring, and other "professional experts" that say climate change isn't occurring. How many of these professional experts have taken photographs on the moon?
  10. Is that what Chief Visual Officer means? Like I said, I figured it'd be the dude that creates the "company vision" for the future and whatnot.
  11. Wouldn't it be "Moff" or something? Moff seemed to be some bizarro title. Moff JerJerrod is the one pleading with Vader that he needs more time/men in Return of the Jedi. And Grand Moff Tarkin of course.
  12. WHAT?! Ender Ender Ender..........tsk tsk tsk. In any case, take a peek at this In any case, I have seen the video of him putting the flag up. Odd, that it's fluttering WHILE trying to drive the thing into the ground. Who would have thought that by moving the pole, the flage itself might move. Add this to the fact that somehow, the government was able to keep something so huge and so big underwraps, despite the Soviets trying to do the same thing and getting beaten. As for the radiation of the Van Allen belts...Van Allen himself said that the duration of a trip through the belts would not be sufficient to get radiation poisoning. The inconsistency of the dust floating, is that it didn't float. It has a nice parabolic motion.
  13. Evidence on both sides? I can't think of any evidence that supports the moon landing as a hoax.
  14. You did NOT just use shooting percentage as your hammer at the end of the post prior to saying "game over." Shooting percentage is the goofiest stat recorded in Hockey. I'd much rather let Messier with his 17% shooting percentage get an open shot than Jagr with his "meager" 12% shooting percentage. All it means is he was lucky enough to get the puck on his stick when there was an excellent opportunity to score.
  15. jodo, I doubt Fionavar would be the one to say "yes, we're making this game."
  16. I remember hearing about one old Oilers game, where the Oilers were getting their butts kicked after two periods. They came out on fire in the third and erased like a 4 or 5 goal deficit or something. One of the players was asked after the game what Sather said to fire everyone up? The player's response was that nothing was said in the locker room....Moose just glared at everyone.
  17. Messier does have those intangibles and the competitive drive.
  18. Empire at War takes place a little bit before A New Hope. Vader is his awesomeness and all that fun stuff.
  19. Errr, I meant them in FR/Greyhawk settings games. Why do 3e rules and CRPGs based on 3e rules allow for non-human Paladins (NWN for example). EDIT: I think your reply was to an old, editted post...or something. EDIT2: Nevermind, I found the post.
  20. By your logic, the moment you introduce the first house rule into your 3e game.. It ceases to be 3e. My game is still AD&D (I use all the AD&D tables and charts..) though with a little OD&D flavor.. that's all <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do those OD&D changes make sense in the setting? If there's some grand idea that a different race cannot be a Paladin or some other class because of a setting, then why didn't 3e stipulate some of these rules? And what, in the FR/Greyhawk setting, would absolutely prohibit the creation of a Dwarven Paladin? Dwarves don't have gods that would grant a warrior divine powers?
  21. Actually, in my game you can See above post. My AD&D ruleset actually incorporates some OD&D aspects and it was done so long ago that I sometimes forget what belonged to which game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then you aren't playing AD&D anymore. You have modified it, to overcome the restrictions.
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