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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The fanbois are too busy professing their love for her in different threads and different forums?
  2. Swords are cool. In fantasy I usually prefer a melee warrior of some sort. It lets my character show off his big muscles and show how brave he is to the romantic interests in the game. In games with technology though, I'm all about the guns. Why walk up to the guy with a hammer, when you can shoot him before he knows you're there, in the eye, with 95% accuracy?
  3. ****ALANSCHU INFLUENCE: INCREASED**** At this rate you'll be able to train me as a Jedi in no time.
  4. I like the idea of for a change NOT powering someone through until level 20 in one game, and slowing things down a bit from an overall XP thing. This would give time for a romance to develop a bit more naturally. I guess one thing I hate about romances is that the options for romance are usually too narrow. Why must my character only have romantic interests in Bastila, but not the capability of liking someone else more?
  5. What? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think he's referring the article on PBS that I referenced.
  6. Although many of the conversation points did require you to bump into someone on a planet, although same could be said for KOTOR 2. I never remember this option in KOTOR 1. Where exactly do you start in the game then?
  7. Plus, in Morrowind you can use a Daikatana as a backup weapon should things get up close and personal.
  8. I was just wondering what people thought about romances in RPGs. I'll admit, when I first clued in that I my relationship with Jaheira was actually turning into a romance in BG2, I was thinking it was very neat. I also enjoyed the little bit of Annah opening up towards TNO in PS:T However, for the most part, I find romances to sometimes be rather rushed, and seem to just be included as it's "the in thing" to do right now. Bastila's romance wasn't too bad, but given the huge amount of fanbois that seem to profess their love for her, I am almost wondering if it was me. I guess if you put an attractive woman in a game with a nice voice, simply having her show some sort of response to the male hormonal urges is like a win for some. While there were times I found it pretty amusing ("That starship doesn't fly with me"), I certainly didn't find it essential, nor did it make me think that Bastila was suddenly a very deep character. It seemed like something that was added because somewhere someone knew that young males (and perhaps females) would find her attractive and would go through the motions to snag a kiss (although I'm sure they were hoping for a bit more). Romances for female players seem even worse. I suspect it's because games are largely created by males, so there's not much perspective of things there. They tried to make Carth a sensitive man, but I think they tried to make the romance a bit too funny with some of his lines, which ended up coming off a rather corny. Meh. Let me know what you guys think. And I'll be keeping a running total of the amount of "I Bastila, she's so hotz0rs" posts for fun
  9. I prefer to be no one's b!tch. I actually haven't played Daikatana.....it just sort of slipped past. I heard from my friend that it wasn't THAT bad...but certainly nothing spectacular.
  10. I can still play most online FPS very well online (which is the defacto game that requires the 60 fps) at as low as 30 FPS. I think it's quite phallo-centric
  11. Checking the defacation areas for gold coins no doubt.
  12. I knew it! All caps just doesn't exist unless you're playing Diablo 2 or referring to an acronym.
  13. Although on a more "serious" note, I actually felt bad for that one Ewok that seemed to say "Buddy" and mourned the loss of a friend :'( Like "awww" sad...which is the equivalent of say Robert De Niro having a full fledge waterworks of genuine tears
  14. "Aaiiiieeeeeeeyaaaa" means what then? "Drink the blood of the men in white suits" perhaps?
  15. Then why the all caps? All caps = acronym always1!!1111 :ph34r:
  16. It even relates to the original KOTOR by having Bastila. I'll admit, when I hear "love story" I don't usually think of slaughtering Ewoks, nor impaling Jar-Jar.....although GoA death DOES seem to work. Redefining the love story, taking the world by storm: DarqueEnderAllan
  17. I think the starting conversations on their own is a double edged sword. If you know you're at the next "conversation" point, it's a bit of a drag to just wander around on the planet not doing anything, waiting for them to speak with you. Also, sometimes they start conversations at the most inapprorpiate times. REVAN: "Ok, I'll open up with some disabling force powers, while HK lays down a supressing fire. When they are disabled, Bastila and I will move in and finish them off...got it?" HK-47: "Affirmation: Yes sir, I look forward to blasting the meatbags" BASTILA: "I've been thinking about that stuff you said earlier...about my Mother. I don't know what to do about her...I guess I still love her, but after all that she put my father through...I don't know. But everything feels so natural around you, and you help me through my tough decisions. Hold me, just for a moment." REVAN: "Ah...I was thinking on maybe getting out of this no-win situation where we're surrounded at the moment." BASTILA: "It would seem as though we are always surrounded....should the Jedi feel no love? I'm not sure what I feel towards you..." HK-47: "Query: Master, may I just shoot these meatbags while you and drama queen sort out your...issues?" REVAN: "Very well HK"
  18. Steampunk = Fantasy world with Industrial Revolution ala Arcanum?
  19. My what? :angry: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wrote the beginning, Ender wrote the end, and we bestowed you with the honour of writing the middle. We figure the middle is where the people would like the love story stuff anyways
  20. But you NEEEEED 240 fps. 120 just doesn't cut it.
  21. Agreed. I think any single player game that someone can play over 100 times would mean the game is a rousing success!
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