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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. With rosters made up completely of American players too!!
  2. Because you were saying stuff like this: I didn't equalize Messier with Ryan Malone. I just listed the players that had equivalent point totals as him. Messier still didn't take enough shots IMO for shooting percentage to make an argument for it. He took a hundred shots. A single lucky bounce increases it by a whole percentage point. A goalie making a miraculous save is a negative point. And besides, am I going to think Shanahan is any less of a player for getting less than 10% shooting percentage? Or that Sakic isn't as good because he was only 12% shooting percentage. Or Ray Bourque, THE defacto "accuracy" guy, that won the accuracy shootout in the All Star game all the time, and his 6.6% shooting percentage. Don't lecture me about Messier. I actually grew up watching the guy and he's been one of my favourite players since I started watching hockey (in the Mid-80s)
  3. The two high-lighted guys are the future of Detroit, should they choose to keep them under the new CBA. Datsyuk might not be one of the most feared guys now, but.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually yeah, Datsyuk was a bit of a gaffe on my part. But I don't think people take it "easy" on Kovalchuk when he's rushing the net because he "only" has a shooting percentage of 12%, or Joe Sakic and his "meagre" 13%, or Markus Naslund, who is considered a sniper, and his "blah" 11.8% shooting percentage.
  4. I guess there is General Veers, so I suppose General GoA works. Although since he's controlling the Death Star, perhaps Admiral? Or maybe Moff works because governing that thing is probably not too unlike a planet.
  5. Men would rather smash their head into a brick wall than answer that question. Say no, and they're all just like "oo, you're just being nice...I dunno, it looks a little big...hmmmmm" and if you say yes, well, enjoy the dog house.
  6. True, but I'm talking about shooting next to a guy with the main gun and having him not die type useless. Plus with the horrid combo of the m60/LAW, yikes.
  7. I guess Milan Micahelek it the most dominating player on the ice. He had a 100% shooting percentage in 2003-2004. Matt Johnson had a dominating 33.3%. If you wish to overlook those guys because they didn't score many goals, then I guess Pavel Datsyuk is one of the most feared guys on Detroit, given that he had a 22.1% shooting percentage with 30 goals. Who needs to look out for Yzerman or Shanahan when you have a sniper like that on your team! A game where you get a few lucky bounces, or catching a goalie on an off night can balloon your shooting percentage, especially when you don't score a plethora of goals. As for Mark Messier's point totals, it puts him tied at 116 with players like Ryan Malone, Steve Rucchin, Trent Klatt, Wade Redden, Henrik Zetterburg, and Ray Whitney.
  8. A ninja sim would be cool...if done properly.
  9. That's why they don't really leak anything. The only "leak" they let out was basically letting PC Gamer see that the game was in fact in development when they went to their studios to check out Prey. As far as I'm concerned the hype machine died down looooong ago.
  10. Ah, I forgot about Alan Wake. Yes that game does seem neat too!
  11. I would think that given your stance, you'd probably actually rather the game not even get releaed, and just disappear off the radar altogether
  12. Games I'm looking forward to are Half-Life 2: Aftermath Company of Heroes Battlefield 2: Special Ops Neverwinter Nights 2 (even if just for the toolset...although I think the OC will be good too). Empire at War. and dare I say it....Fallout 3 (actually this is so far off in the future I'm not too worried about it. It's more here to incite the fanatics into a frenzied fever).
  13. To us the consumer though. I'm not sure if it would be as practical to the developer/publisher. Although I guess stuff like this would only happen if you anticipated an additional release, so it's not like you'd have to start preproduction everytime. But at the same time, people often say they "hate" expansion packs because of stuff they feel should be in the game anyways. I think it could possibly backfire, since fans can be just as picky, and could possibly only look at the length itself.
  14. Hahaha, I really enjoyed the coop in Delta Force. I played it with two friends, one was sniper, one had SAW, and one had M4 with M203. It was good fun! Another example of a medicore game becoming fun simply because coop exists.
  15. In the words of Quagmire, it'd be 'giggity giggity giggity.'
  16. I'm not sure I understand the question. I mean, if they weren't happy with what they had, and felt a fresh overhaul was the way to go, then I'd say yes...they had to start it over in 2002.
  17. Errr, they mentioned that they completely started over in 2002. Technically it's only been in production for 3 years then. Given Half-Life 2's 6 years...
  18. Where can you find this pacifist upgrade? I don't recall ever installing it.
  19. Errrr, you want them to cut the game in half, and the price by 60% I really can't see that happening!
  20. Well, it certainly would explain why me, a man, values a good storyline above almost everything else.
  21. Why should the release the game if it's not done?
  22. Fallout is a pretty good expansion pack. No game has had more expansion packs than Kings Quest though.
  23. I was under the impress that it was just the setting that restricts it. Based upon what? A limited amount of literature? If you just look at the core rules, of COURSE there haven't been any before, because they were restricted and not allowed. If that's the best reason you can come up with for a Dwarven Paladin not fitting the setting...... Of course you can be silly and take things way to the extreme and go "but but but, there's no bugs bunny, because it doesn't fit the setting" or whatever. AD&D held up some sort of bizarro archetype where humans reigned supreme and could do anything, but everyone else, despite having the same base attributes and whatnot, just can't do it. I can have a Gnome with 18 intelligence, but he can ONLY be an illusionist. Because a Gnome Conjurer is just OMGoWTFz00rs! or something silly. If it wasn't talking about fictional races, I'd almost say that AD&D is racist! :D
  24. I am just about to become a Lance Corporal. And I enjoy tanks too. Most of my best runs have been with the M1A2 Abrams. But I've always enjoyed tanks. The Tiger was fun in BF1942, although tanks as a whole sucked ass in BFV.
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