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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Fortunately terms like "hybrid" are ambiguous and you can pick and choose exactly how it's a hybrid :D
  2. The values you posted don't indicate that the average age of a gamer is younger. It's just relative percentages. Let's say there's 100 console gamers. 46 are 17, 35 are 35, and 19 are 36. Average age is: 26.91 Now lets take 100 PC gamers. 35 are 13, 26 are 18, and 39 are 36. Average age is: 23.27 :D
  3. Diamond, see my above post if you haven't already. The information you provided shows that the majority of console game players are over the age of 18.
  4. Actually Diamond, you made a mistake: Since only 46% of frequent console game players are under eighteen years old, that means that 54% (i.e. the rest of the people) are over 18. Therefore, MOST (i.e. the majority) of console game players are over the age of 18.
  5. Sample size is 1,500 households. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't find those numbers you quoted in your link. What page were they on? The only age related information I can find in your article is: 35% are less than 18 years old 43% are 18-49 years old 19% are 50+ years old. The average age of a video game player is 30 years old. I also notice that Women over the age of 18 take up a greater portion of the ENTIRE gameplaying population at 28%, compared to 21% for boys aged 6-17. Where's the console specific numbers? EDIT: Whoops I'm an idiot and didn't see that other link.
  6. I know that's what you said. But there was no reason to state it in this thread. If you want to talk about how you're done with PC games, why don't you create a new thread about it instead of taking this one off topic?
  7. I'm much more understanding of piracy towards abandonware and other older games. I think it's a bit of a silly clause to have copyrights last for I think seventy five years. Technically you are still pirating (i.e. infringing on copyrights), but given you are not actually removing a revenue stream from the developer, I really have no problem with it.
  8. If a game isn't worth paying for, even at substantially reduced prices aka the bargain bin, then why is it worth your time to begin with. The problem with Drakon's reasoning is that his logic is not falisifiable. Sure, there may be people that would just never buy the game, but it's easy to just make up magic numbers like 1/10 because clearly, people just wouldn't have the desire to play the game. It's basic economics Drakron. People like to maximize what they can purchase. If something can be acquired for free, many people would choose that route. I mean, lets imagine if there was an offer for everyone that has preordered a game to receive a free copy without any strings attached "just because." Now these people have already committed their money to the product, having preordered the game. I wonder how many of them would opt for the free copy of the game. I would suspect it'd be much more than 1/10 because people always like getting something for as little as possible. The "piracy doesn't hurt anything because I wouldn't pay for it" point of view is a naive one, used to justify the actions of piracy.
  9. Wouldn't it be hard to play any games for the console if it can't be hooked up to a television. I mean, its not a handheld, though it is small enough to be one almost. Well, if this is true then it will be one major kick in the jimmy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Errr.. Inspiration 1 Inspiration 2
  10. Sorry, you are right. Deus Ex definitely isn't a FPS. My bad.... As for Kitty, how do you tranquilize Howard without shooting him with something? Whatever....this has gotten stupid. When the developer of the game classifies it as such, in addition to 99.9% of the gaming media, community, and so forth, I'm willing to take their opinion on it rather than someone else's anal retentiveness over semantics for no other reason than trying to be obtuse.
  11. If they wanted to make an emulator, then probably. I thought you were talking about just putting the disc in. But it's all just assumptions. I'm not familiar with the OS of the XBOX, nor the concerns as to why they wouldn't allow for emulation on a PC.
  12. No, but Hell Kitty was saying that the "SHOOTER" in First-Person Shooter wasn't fulfilled. Given your lack of control over your squad, I'd say it's probably not a Tactical Squad game. The discussion involved whether or not Deus Ex is actually an FPS/RPG hybrid.
  13. It's just a method of progressing through the game. The ONLY means of combat is using the first person shooter mechanics. It's entire combat model is based on the SHOOTER style of gameplay. Also, Max Payne is not really a First Person Shooter either. In fact, you're the first person I've seen refer to it like that. Why do you refer to it as a First Person shooter though? Because you shoot? But what about the lack of First Person?
  14. Hmmm...perhaps that's the name of my game too! :D
  15. The only method of attack in Deus Ex is by mechanics found in First Person Shooter games. Choosing not to attack doesn't mean it doesn't have its roots in the FPS genre. Go tell Warren Spector that Deus Ex has nothing to do with FPS games based on an all too literal interpretation of the acronym. In other news, my essay I'm writing involves the VeriChip company, of which I keep wanting to put down VersaLife. I've put VeriLife soooo many times.
  16. I'm playing "Let's take a break from an essay." It frequently has to battle with "OMG my AI assignment is due and it is freaking hard" as well as "FFS this project is taking up all my time." Oh, and some WoW on the off chance I have some free time.
  17. People shot at you? You suck!
  18. I agree that the Calder (for better or worse) is Crosby's to lose. I'm more impressed with Ovechkin given the team he plays on. As for Sundin's comments, it reminds me of when Michael Jordan came into the league. I remember reading a quote from a Celtic (I think it was Larry Bird too) about how he enjoys watching Jordan put up 50 and 60 point nights, as long as the Celtics won the game. It seemed like fans echoed his sentiments. Everyone wanted to see this new offensive juggernaut perform insanely creative moves, but still wanted their team to win. It was two for one!
  19. "Wired?" Booooo. Meh, not that I have any wireless peripherals...just trying to steal your thunder. Anyways, break is over. Back to the essay!
  20. Either that or programming. I prefer design though as it's a bit more creative. Bioware is a member of my University's Industrial Internship Program and they plan on taking 4 people from the program as an intern for 16 months. Given I live in Edmonton it's a natural choice. I spoke with Kevin Barrett at the "meet and greet" and had pretty good interaction with him. Apparently they are looking more for design people, so hopefully that bodes well for me. I'm currently planning an RPG adventure for NWN2, but I'm going to quickly pound out a "prologue" type demo for it with NWN to get more familiar with NWScript. Apparently Dragon Age is also going with NWScript as well, so it might be useful. Electronic Arts is also part of it, and while I've heard horror stories about "evil working hours" I'm still a single guy with no life. Given the internship has a fixed time that cannot be longer 16 months, even if it's a large workload, I have an out At worst I come out with 5 years of work experience They did express interest in me for a January placement, but it's only for 8 months so I turned them down. I have a friend that just got a job at Bioware, and he put in a good word for me, so hopefully that helps. He said that with the recent merger he expects Bioware to be hiring for the next couple of years, so I'm actually pretty optimistic. If I'm unable to get an internship at a game company though, there's plenty of other excellent companies that take part in the program. In my spare time I will continue to get familiar with NWScript (hopefully my module for NWN2 will be out by then...pending NWN2's release) as well as Unreal Script. My friend said he'd even be willing to work on an Unreal mod with me too (he made a mod for Half-Life 2...Source Racer, which pretty much got him his job at Bioware). I'm actually planning on being pretty picky upon graduation. I have an interest in AI (which Bioware said they're looking for interns to work with AI), and if I cannot get into any of the jobs that I want, I'll probably go for my Masters in Artificial Intelligence. And no, I'm not usually this planned. You should see my bedroom!
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