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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Yeah he had a seizure. Apparently his heart stopped and they performed CPR and there was also reports of a defibrilator being used. Last I heard he was in stable condition though. In other [better] news, Edmonton apparently won their game in ugly fashing. (Hey, a W is a W).
  2. I suspect the XBOX 360 will eradicate the PC gaming industry about as effectively as the XBOX/PS2 did. Though a bit of me (perhaps the elitist caught in denial) does consider supporting the consoles to be a financial vote for the "Graphics first" school of game design
  3. I do consider Fallout to be a shorter game. I replay many of my games, and among RPGs I can beat Fallout quite quickly.
  4. Meta, when I finally acquire the game (I have to wait until Christmas since there's a chance I may get it for Christmas), I challenge thee to a game of Civ4. Darque can come too! Oh, and by challenge I don't necessarily mean bashing each other to pulp, but just playing the game and seeing where it goes EDIT: Now that I think about it, I should probably add in jags, as he was enjoyable to play with in Diplomacy. And probably Walshingham, as I continue to ignore his reminders about Close Combat 3 (I can't find the CD dude I'm keeping my eye out for it but it's looooow on the priority list at the moment). Anyone else feel terribly offended that I'm not mentioning. Can it support a 32 player game?
  5. 60-70 hours is "midrange?" How many "long" games are out there? I mean, not even BG2 took me 100 hours to beat. I wonder if it even took me 100 hours to beat it TWICE. I mean, a full playthrough of Fallout for me now (now meaning of course I know where to go and don't get stuck anywhere...but I still play through the game without just warping to the end; i.e. I still roleplay the game) can be beaten in a single sitting for me.
  6. Errr.... I doubt Sony Online Entertainment nor Blizzard would really have any interest in a game like KOTOR 3 anyways.
  7. What the heck? Did he forget that he was playing defense? It doesn't look like a simple swing, but indeed an intentional shot. I think he even throws his arms up to celebrate for like a millisecond.
  8. No one "takes his place" as he wasn't really on the active roster. Though I wouldn't be surprised to see Syvret stay up.
  9. My favourite thing about Leafs' fans (not the mkreku kind...but "those" kind) is that they full on expect their team to win the cup, and are completely taken aback when they don't
  10. Oh, I definitely wasn't passing judgement. I too have googled my own name :D
  11. Fare thee well metadigital. We hardly knew ye...
  12. Though I did find it more entertaining when he threw his stick in stiuations like that
  13. I am a little curious as to what you were googling. Did you google your own name? Are you a vain man Mr. Lawson?
  14. For me, the price of games has been exceptionally stagnant. I remember saving up $70 to buy Street Fighter II Turbo when it first came out for the Super Nintendo. From what I've heard, it sounds as though inflation has not had much effect on game prices throughout North America. I don't know if this has been the case in Europe and the UK or not.
  15. Ah, but how often are Internet prices different from store prices? Especially from large stores such as Future Shop, Best Buy, etc?
  16. Why doesn't the internet count? Because it disproves you?
  17. I think that that is just convenient though. The funny thing is, we as fans pretty much demand "save anywhere" and get pissed off when it's only checkpoints. I couldn't imagine what we'd do if we were merely given "lives" with no saves whatsoever. Then we also demand longer games. You see, even if you count Super Mario 1's replay because you died moments from the finish as satisfactory additional play time, there still was not additional content. Imagine playing games like Halo with no saves, or any of those ones that you complained about in the first post. The "longer" games of old times actually had much, much less content in them. I think that "accepting" the older, much shorter, games because they didn't have save features so we could still get many hours out of a game (even though you're replaying the same stuff over and over) is weak. If we count replaying, then I'd say that Deus Ex is probably the longest game I've ever played. Maybe followed up by Half-Life. Both of those single player games have been played through to their completion numerous times by yours truly. I've easily logged in more time in them than FF7 and BG2, both of which I've only played through twice. If you want games to be "longer" like the old days, play through Kong without saving.
  18. Are things on general more expensive in North Bay then the rest of Ontario? And no, it's not obvious. What is obvious is that your store is an exception, not the norm. But hey, it supports your argument, so why not? Face it bub, you bluffed, we called it, and you made a fool out of yourself. Game over! r00fles!
  19. Action/adventure games are frequently 15-25+ hours long Zeldas, Resident Evil 4, Metroids, etc <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Zeldas do have long adventure times. I haven't played any of the newer Metroids or the newer Resident Evils. Just for curiosity sake though, I loaded up Resident Evil 2 and checked out my saved game the first time I beat the game, and it clocked in at just over 3 hours. I bet even now, not having played it in many years, I could still beat it in under two. If I recall, didn't you need to beat the game in under 2 hours (or maybe it was 1.5 hours) in order to get an 'A' rating?
  20. You said straight up that in Canada, the game still costs $40-$50. Which is not correct. Backpedal all you want, but you're a fool if you seriously though people would recognize you were only talking about your one, overpriced store.
  21. But there were BBSs and other ways of venting. I still don't remember people complaining about how short many games were back in the day. The original Ultimas weren't particularly long either. Even Ultima 7, once I realized why I always got stuck on Horace (because I was an idiot), was beaten in a single weekend (and it wasn't a weekend of nothing but Ultima 7). The only SNES games I remember being particularly long were the FF games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ???? Games have been getting longer, in my mind, since the NES days, but even in the NES days you had things like Zelda, Metal Gear, and Metroid. It was hard to make a long game pre-saved games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't disagree that games have probably gotten longer. But I don't think all games have gotten longer. Much of the "length" in many games I find is also swallowed up by travel time. Either that or time swallowed up getting "stuck" somewhere. I didn't play the original Metal Gear (I tried, but at the time I had already played MGS so I found it too archaic), but I didn't find Metal Gear Solid to be a partiuclarly long game either, especially now. The only games I have consistently seen take a long time to play are "epic" RPG games like in the FF series.
  22. But there were BBSs and other ways of venting. I still don't remember people complaining about how short many games were back in the day. The original Ultimas weren't particularly long either. Even Ultima 7, once I realized why I always got stuck on Horace (because I was an idiot), was beaten in a single weekend (and it wasn't a weekend of nothing but Ultima 7). The only SNES games I remember being particularly long were the FF games.
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