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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Now imagine that YOU are a parent of someone that develops a mental illness... Or care for someone that has one... Imagine if you were that person's spouse....
  2. Get him the Pirates PC game Might be a little too complex for him though. EDIT: How about Pirate Lego? Yaarrrr!
  3. Well, then that wouldn't truly be paralyzation then would it? Speaking of paralyzation, it's a cool/bizarre feeling. I remember getting my wisdom teeth pulled and they froze my jaw...it was wierd looking into a mirror touching my jaw and not feeling it at all! I needed that mirror to drink the gingerale they gave me, otherwise I'd just spill it everywhere :D To the topic at hand, I do disagree with a shoot-to-kill policy. The man had a mental disorder and killing him because of it isn't far off from euthanasia now is it? Speaking of which, I thought you were generally in favour of extreme reactions Hades. Weren't you the one that openly stated that you supported simply dropping nuclear weapons on terrorist nations?
  4. How can someone be completely paralyzed, yet feel everything?
  5. With Kreia I needed a different strategy. I found out that Force Crush essentially incapacitated Kreia, so I litterally just spammed "2" and was able to essentially "juggle" her to death. I did have to take a time out to kill those lightsabers she spawns though.
  6. There was a bit of twinking involved. I think it was with a dual-bladed saber with insane strength (all my points put into it) as well as uber-crystals. It did make me laugh out loud. Admittedly it wasn't on my first time playing it however. Though I didn't struggle with him my first time. Ironically, the only time I struggled with him was as a Consular. I found him more difficult because he had excellent resistances and saving throws.
  7. Well, Sion was only stretched out because of Combat. I literally just kept hitting '1' to keep doing flurry. Which was overkill because I was able to get him down to zero health in almost always a single flurry. Malak required more button pushes and time simply because I had to do some moving to the tanks. I was able to get him down to zero health in a single flurry though
  8. I thought Malak was pretty straight forward, as well as Sion and Kreia. Dear Lord if JE was even easier! :D Master was easy too! Just had to talk to him
  9. oooooooo. I'll be able to watch some of it then. Starts soon too!
  10. If it's just feeling, than the definition is pretty arbitrary. The reason why I care is because you yourself seem to have as much interest concerning what other people consider CRPG games. Furthermore, you go on to say that your definitions should be obvious to someone like Sawyer because he's the designer. I have no problems if you have your own perception of what a CRPG is. Just don't act surprised when people call you on it because it doesn't match up well with what the rest of the world considers one.
  11. How is it not a CRPG? You have equipment, character stats, a story placed in it. You have skill builds. Just because you chose to play it one way....
  12. Fallout was "classless" you could be any "class" you built a skill set for. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know that. Hades was using it as a reason why Silent Storm is a CRPG.
  13. So why are System Shock's limited? It's easily much more of a skill based system as well, as you are not bound by your choice (if you want your marine to develop psionic skills, have at it). Deus Ex also had a classless, skill based system. You could be MeleeMan, HackerMan, StealthMan, and such.
  14. System Shock 2 let you select 3 classes. Naval Marine, Army Soldier, and Psi-Ops Psionic. What classes did Fallout let you be?
  15. Aren't you one that does not consider System Shock 2 to not be a CRPG? I agree that your examples and definitions of "CRPGs" have more in common with TBS games than anything else. And this goes beyond just Silent Storm.
  16. If the game is too easy, I get bored and any game I get bored at is not a CRPG to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As a parallel to this definition, any time I eat something, but do not enjoy it as much as I expected, it is no longer defined as food. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  17. I remember reading up about that format a while ago. I'm not sure what I think about it though. Pfft, they should just have every team make the playoffs. Have a 32 team format, 16 in each conference. But have the 1st place team have a bye for the first round, since there are only 15 teams in the league! :D
  18. Alas I have no camera to take my own picture with. Otherwise: Tobey Maguire 80%
  19. I think "laziness" might be a little unfair of a term. Making the levels larger in the PC version would have introduced the possibility of many additional bugs, plus it's not just like you can go "copy -> paste" to change them. You could argue it was "laziness" but I'd wager things such as money and scheduling would have more to do with it. I'm willing to bet Ion Storm wasn't just "sitting around" being lazy during the last few months of development.
  20. Is it really getting out of hand? Isn't smoking on the decline (at least in North America)?
  21. That's pretty optimistic for you, likely alot of games would never get made and then never be ported over to computer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It would depend of course on the level of investment, as well as how much additional investment it would take to make it work for the PC. If there's already been a huge financial investment, a release on the PC could be very viable, even if it just meant cutting their losses rather than making an actual profit.
  22. I'd like it to get a kick in the teeth pretty much only because of Epiphany
  23. This is the impression that I had too.
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