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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. What you propose will absolutely explode the development costs.
  2. That's exactly what I thought too. Which is why I was surprised with your comments that Epic rules were needed to balance the game. Epic rules in D&D I think are dumb. Hey, look at me, I can swim up waterfalls and run along clouds.
  3. Kudos to the guys that did take some urgency to actually perform the quest. If you care about the village, you should do things quickly.
  4. What is the Society of Leopold bug?
  5. Isn't Morrowind repetitive as well, as you just wander around attacking stuff? But hey, you didn't need to do the sword fights, nor the dancing. Just like you don't need to take part in the "engaging" conversation in Morrowind.
  6. The AAA comment was directed more at Arkan. But rarely are games such as BG or Fallout seen as AAA titles before anyone plays them. That's why I can't stand it when people criticize companies because they are new and don't have a history of AAA titles.
  7. It's just a different type of RTS then. No need to stereotype.
  8. You're just trying to ruin my future job! :'( EDIT: Personally, even though I can't vote in this election as I'm still 10 months away from being considered old enough, I really don't like any of the candidates. All of the local candidates are idiots... <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehe, welcome to politics :D
  9. I think that that is a cop-out. I do stuff like this as well if I think people are making misinformed statements. Given boards have a search feature to speed this up, it doesn't usually take that much anyways. To be quite frank, as someone that didn't initially see it on the Bioware boards, I'm glad he went through the trouble. As to developers making AAA titles....god I hate comments like this. Whether it be that cherished "experience" in the workfield, or with stuff like this. Newsflash....the AAA developers weren't born into this world with a reputation of making AAA games either.
  10. Mine was definitely my first experience with Ultima 9.
  11. I was never able to sell it....it always had a value of $0. Where did you sell it?
  12. I actually agree with you here. For the most part, I am in the "lucky" camp, and never seem to experience the majority of bugs that most people do. It's funny, because my showstopper wasn't in Leopold Society, but in the Kuei-Jin temple. There was some door block I had to push out of the way, that it wouldn't let me push. It's just the only way that makes sense to me with respect to Activisions involvement based on the conjectures we've heard :D
  13. I will contribute nothing, and say that I don't particularly care about AI vs postponement. It is just a game, so if I had to choose, I'd say choose what makes most people happy...which is playing the game. Just make sure that the AI is set to Diety for them Depending on how many people can't make it of course (and how many are playing).
  14. Not sure how that really addresses my question however. I wasn't talking about whether or not d20 was a good rule system or not. I'm curious why you need Epic rules for it to be balanced, and all I really got is "Yoda is only level 19."
  15. The reason why we don't have a deficit is because the Liberals, as they stand now, are most definitely not a left-of-center government. They're pragmatic, and at the current moment, are right of center. Particularly on the fiscal end. The only reason why they appear to be left-of-center is because they were in a minority situation. They could either make concessions to the NDP, the Conservatives (not going to happen), or do nothing. I'm not a fan of private health care either, but all of your girlfriend's woes could probably have been covered by insurance (at least according to my relatives living in the US). With premiums that aren't unlike the premiums I currently pay for the government health care system I have now. British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario all charge premiums for health care. Having said that, clinics are already for profit. Doctors are not employees of the government. They run their own clinics, and all they do is bill the provincial government instead of you. And regardless of what the Canada Health Act says, private clinics already provide services covered by the Act. The "two-tier" health care system that everyone is afraid the Conservatives will implement already exists (which would be difficult, as a decision like this is made at the provinical level. Federal involvement in Healthcare is restricted to money and modifying the Canada Health Act). There's also issues with brain drain, facility efficiency, and other fun stuff like that. It was funny listening to my roommate get rejected from some of our local practitioners though, because they weren't accepting new patients. But there's no sense worrying about the Conservatives allowing something that the Liberal party has already allowed. I was thinking on arguing this point, but it's pretty subjective, and not something that I necessarily disagree with. I can see the advantages of both systems. Though looking at it as "8 bucks a paycheque" is no different than thinking "wow it's only $1 per day, what a deal" when buying something. $200/year is $200/year. Though if you have no problems with it, then you don't have any problems with it. Fair enough. I'm relatively indifferent to the issue. I do think that I can handle my money more efficiently than the government (since there isn't a gigantic bureaucracy involved), but I can see the advantages that it can provide. At the same time, that $200/year is food on the table for a poorer family (and I can speak from experience, as my roommate and I - as students - have been able to stretch $200 to cover 1.5-2 months worth of food). As for whether or not lowering taxes is a good thing, I guess you can always consider the Laffer curve when thinking of that. You should try to get some TV time in. It's pretty entertaining. Liberals accuse Harper of being un-Canadian, and the Conservatives accuse Martin of using private health clinics, and moving his personal business outside of Canada to get cheaper taxes. And interesting observation though, is that the US spends a larger percentage of its GDP on healthcare than Canada does (14% vs 9.5%) Though per capita Canadians probably still get more. As for other issues, I hate the fact that Paul Martin has "assured us" that if re-elected he'd remove the ability for the federal government to invoke the not-withstanding clause. His concern is definitely with respect to his same sex marriage bill (which I've heard required a hardcore invoking of the party whip to pass). But at the same time, I'd rather we not have to go through our ridiculous amendment process to change the Charter, should a non-elected panel such as the supreme court invoke their power to set a precedent for a law that the majority of Canadians might not agree with. I also hate our House, and would love it if free votes were much, much more common. And I would also love an elected senate.
  16. That would explain why he got his but handed to him by a Padawan. Wait....no it doesn't.
  17. Errr, I thought that his preference for the "slam-dunk" was more with IWD2, in that he was trying his best to keep his co-workers (and friends) employed, so that they can acquire capital to make a better game.
  18. Ah. No more obvious assumptions just by looking at the Vampire? Though that's a bit too bad.....I would hope the Nosferatu are still deformed....if they still exist.
  19. I'm not too worried about Canada turning into a midget version of the US. If Harper takes the country in that direction, I suspect he'll just find himself back in the Official Opposition next election. I'm not voting Liberal because, one we need change, and two I don't like their current track record. Voting them back in basically tells them "we don't care WTF you did with our money...do whatever you want." I'm not voting NDP because I do not think that their platform is fiscally sound. I'm leery about an obviously left wing party that simply says to "trust them" when asked about how certain policies they propose will be funded. I do tend to be right of center, especially economically. I am more left socially though. I think any time spent by a Conservative government "debating" abortion and whatnot is a waste of time, and I'll make sure to let my MP know that (who stands a good chance of being Conservative this time around). At the very least, I'm hoping for a bit more accountability. I did laugh my ass off when the Marxist-Leninist went on TV to talk about his stuff. I'm not sure where you get the idea that the Liberals are a left-wing party though. They're very pragmatic. Though what is it exactly about mimcing the US that you wouldn't like? At first glance it just sounds like you've bought into the Liberal ad campaign a bit too heavily.
  20. Aren't they known for their RTS games? Why would a developer who specializes in one genre of games move to another? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think he just really, really, really wants KOTOR 3 to come out and doesn't really care about much else.
  21. But why does it need a specific Epic ruleset? How does that ensure balance?
  22. I agree. I always hope for the best for all games, since it means more good games for me
  23. It's just rather irritating that apparently my enjoyment of dialogue means I'd rather "have a six hour story spoon fed to them." I definitely get negative connotations from it, and as a result see it as derogatory or perhaps inferior.
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