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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Hmmm, makes me kind of glad we didn't sign him then. Fare thee well Zigs. Move Zig Move Zig, Take off every Zig!
  2. That would make sense....if it was true. Actually it wouldn't make sense at all, as I'm sure Activision would rather release the game rather than sitting on it for months. Activision's "permission" had nothing to do with it. However, Activision was nice enough to keep Troika around long enough to release the patch, rather than just cutting the ties right away. (And I wonder how "done" Bloodlines really was, given the buggy state it was released in). If you want to blame anybody, you should at least blame Valve. Though I don't think it's much of a surprise that Valve would not want someone else to be the first company to release a game with their shiny new engine.
  3. Sounds like a lot of micromanagement. Does it get in the way of tactical planning? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, for me, it doesn't so much get in the way of tactical planning...but perhaps execution. I'm sure with proper grouping I would do way better though. I do wish you could zoom out just a little bit more though.
  4. They do with the Sniper Rifle. Instakills everything but bosses afaik. Maybe not the sewer monsters, never tried it on those. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? I'll have to try that. I know that 'Jaime Sue' gets a damage bonus simply for being zoomed in. It doesn't need a headshot though.
  5. I never really found headshots to do more damage in that game though.
  6. There are minor hero units, and major hero units as far as I can tell. The minors it seem have similar tasks to the majors, but the majors come back after a small amount of time when "destroyed" so to speak. Or so it seems anyways. I was able to make Field Officers to improve all land units in combat, as well as smugglers which the Rebels use to steal money from the Empire. The Empire has a Bounty Hunter to counter these guys, and I did see Boba Fett and Solo/Chewie as the "major" versions of these guys. The major ones can also go into combat it seems. Fett has his flamethrower and Jetpack, and the Han/Chewie Combo can hijack enemy vehicles. I'd imagine as you explore worlds, you unlock heros (Luke on Tatooine for example). I really like space combat, and I find it a bit less cumbersome than the land battles. Thankfully the AI is decent enough to still attack and all that if I am too busy to assign orders. It can get pretty chaotic. I always suck at selecting units though.
  7. I love that Harm spell of theirs...
  8. It is a lot of fun, but I need to relearn how to play RTS games. My basic strategy is often "CTRL-A" "ATTACK" which doesn't work too well. I suck at multiple fronts. Though I only really have a problem in the space battle. However, I probably wouldn't mind slowing things down all around, especially on the overhead map screen. Things go pretty fast. But I'm intrigued.
  9. I'll let you know when I get home from work.
  10. The game gives all vampires a Blood Buff skill though, that boosts Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina for a limited time. Using that alone can make most fights manageable.
  11. Except that combat is in real time, which will probably immediately sell Hades off of the game...as PnP D&D is not a real time combat game.
  12. We're on a losing streak too!
  13. If it would be Gaussian distribution. But it is uniform, so you can expect any value between 12 and 120 with same probability. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not Uniform. For instance, getting a 12 or a 120 means you have to roll the exact same value for all 24 dice (either all the highest or all the lowest). Since it's 24d10, your probability of doing either is (1/10)^24 Look at it with two regular dice. The probability of getting 2 or 12 is the lowest, with the probability of 1/36 (1/6 * 1/6). However, you can get a 7 by rolling 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, or 6-1. Your chances of getting a 7 are 6 times higher than getting a 7 than a 2 or 12. Though I did just make an estimate about the expected value being 60. With rolling 24d10, between any two pairing of die, you'd reasonably expect 11 to be the highest probable value. With 12 pairings, that's 132 damage. 132/2 is 66. With some quick math, I'd say the expected value is closer to 66. But it is certainly not a uniform distribution.
  14. Both are quite viable. I found firearms useful in some areas, but with blood buff, a high defense skill, and armor you should have no problems. Even with my more firearm skill, I was able to make good on many areas with just my special katana. Higher level Auspex improves your wits and your perception, which are used for a variety of things.
  15. It would do less than 40 damage 1/3 of the time, if it had an equal probability of doing 1-120 damage. But the damage is 12-120, with an expected value of 60. Using your equation, if the Familiar had 12 HP, then 120/12 would mean a 10% chance of survival. But, the minimum damage is actually 12, which means that the familiar would die 100% of the time it fails its reflex save. Get some sleep
  16. I was let down by the ending of CoD 2. I really enjoyed the game, but the end of CoD just seemed that much more emotional or something.
  17. Errr...is your math sound? Why would you take max damage and divide it by the total HP? I mean, if Max damage = min damage = 120, then the only chance it has for survival if its HP is less than or equal to 120 is if the evasion roll succeeds. You'd need to do a whole schlock of work, determining the probabilities of each damage time and all that for yours to work. I mean, a guy with 1 HP and a Reflex save of +23432 is probably going to survive more often than not. Though you did comment that you didn't want to calculate the reflex save. Even then, if it takes 120 damage and has no reflex save...then how does it surivive 1/3 of the time if it has 40 HP?
  18. They need an option to hide headgear... It all looked rather stupid. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then don't wear it. I think options to hide headgear are dumb, because your character is wearing it. Make people make the choice between aesthetics, and having the uber loot.
  19. Probably would have made sense to mention those details when describing it then.
  20. Same. Taking back Red Square as the orchestral music picked up. Defining gaming moment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same with storming the Reichstag.
  21. I'm not sure why the situation you described couldn't happen in the standard game.
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