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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Then what the heck are you talking about?
  2. So in other words you're just trolling the thread.
  3. no, i don't think so. it will make them worse. that's what i meant by the resent. anybody that poured his life (specifically his) into an equal position alongside a woman that is there simply because the law requires it will harbor great resent. further, opinions of said women will be ignored more often than not and they will have accomplished little other than an increase in pay. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Except that it has been working. The resent is a short-term cost. It's not going to have immediate results, and those that implement it don't expect it to.
  4. I haven't touched it for a long time either...I think because it's too addictive. Though I'm just addicted to Civ at the moment.
  5. Hmmm...what is that Silent Dead perk? I can't remember my Perks as my small arms guy. He did have a perception of 10 though, which would probably help in spotting you
  6. It is good. Though I'm sure my small arms specialist will annihilate your unarmed guy
  7. And where is their empire now? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Many of those colonies peacefully ceded from the Empire. She is right, your original comment was dumb. It's not like the US soldiers are holding people at gunpoint (your words) saying have an election, and forcing people out to the polling stations.
  8. I remember playing it with 2 characters as my friend. I was a Fighter/Paladin and he was a Drow Fighter/Mage I think. I just took the Fighter levels to get the weapon specialization feats though, I think he was a bit more balanced class wise.
  9. The only decisions you have in combat in KOTOR are whether or not to use a feat/item.
  10. I was never patient enough with unarmed fighting. I always preferred blowing holes in people with the Gause Rifle. I could snipe them in the eyes before they even knew I was in the area.
  11. Civ Civ Civ WoW WoW Civ Civ Civ WoW Civ WoW Civ Civ Civ WoW
  12. No game can cover all aspects of every possibility. They had to ship the game some time.
  13. Keep that rally cap on! Georges appreciates it!
  14. Cleary good sir, you are better than me at this game :D And I thought I was pretty good!
  15. You were the lead designer for IWD2 right?
  16. Well, KOTOR 1 and 2 also sold millions of copies. The Vampire computer games were not good sellers at all. You may have enjoyed it, but no one is going to finance a game if they don't think it will sell.
  17. The game pretty much already does play itself. Much more so than your Jade Empire example. That's only because you can never look past the rules. Get over it. People are tired about hearing your schtick.
  18. Errr, I've not been following the game...but that's usually not good.
  19. Be honest....did you exploit save/load if fights didn't go as expected or anything? I'll admit I sometimes am suspect of that
  20. Okey doke then. Basically, performing a meaningful AI search is computationally expensive. Lets start at the highest level, which is the current situation in the conflict, with a 1-on-1 fight. At this point, the AI can choose any action it wants, be it flurry, attack, heal, etc. There are a variety of ways it can choose on option. The easiest way is to just randomize it. Naturally, this would not result in a smart AI, as it just chooses from a list. Next you could give a weighting to each action, and have it pick from that. This would mean you could have it choose to attack more, but it's still static and not very smart. The most obvious way (to me) is to set up conditional probabilities based on the current situation that both you and your opponent are in. But this is not easy. First you have to determine how you can determine which action is the best course of action. And we have to properly define things. Do you want the AI to think that attacking high with a chop is better, or are you content with just "attack." If you're content with just attack, then you aren't going to get much better than what you have now. As an aside: Even if the "attack high" has no actual difference from a gameplay mechanic, you'll still need a mechanism to select the correct animation to provide a fluid looking motion, as I'm assuming poor animation would be unacceptable. If we simplify it and say we have just 4 areas to attack, which would be high, low, left, and right then you have to take into consideration that each attack location would require at least 4 different animations. This is because attacking high will look different depending on where you last attacked. This is also too simplistic, as it ignores the possibility that your opponent might attack you at any of the 4 locations. Therefore, you'd actually need 8 separate animations, depending on whether you had to defend at any of the 4 previous locations, or attack, prior to your attack. Even then, this still gets repetitive as you only have one animation to choose from for each attack. So how many animations are actually required for it to provide that cinematic nature you want? The situation becomes exponential when you have to consider the fact that a character could get attacked by multiple targetsEnd Aside Chosing whether or not to perform a type of attack depends on the situation, and could be better if you follow it up with something different. This means you have to start performing predictions, all of which have a conditional probability on them (with an increasing variance), and next thing you know your computer is now chugging along at fractions of a frame per second. The situation is worse for each additional character you have fighting, and becomes even worse if you start getting characters fighting multiple characters at once. You also have to make concessions, as you could literally go on forever, and eventually cut off the search telling it to stop. Trying to determine the heuristic for something like this would be a nightmare for a programmer as well. To do something like this, I would think that at the very least, you'd need to have a multicore processor, with one of those cores used just for determining how the AI should proceed with battle. For example, it takes modern computers a moment to determine where it should put queens on a chess-board to make sure that the queens aren't attacking each other. If you have 6 guys parsing through trees of information, calculating the probabilities of the Bayesian network, it's not going to be very fast. But the thing is, you want fast. I am quite confident you aren't happy with the AI taking a second (or more) just to determine what type of action it should do at this moment. This is especially unacceptable if you are looking for sequences as fast as the Obi-Wan/Anakin fight. To do what you want to do, in real time, would probably take computer hardware that hasn't even been designed yet. Maybe a little faster if you restrict everything to 1-on-1 encounters (and not even 5 different 1-on-1 encounters...I'm talkin ONE 1-on-1 encounter at a time). With respect to the animations, you can either try to acheive them procedurally (might as well add a few extra years on to both development to make sure it mimcs human movement perfectly, as well as even more demand on computer resources), or you can hire even more animators to work on them. The thing is, creating art in computer games is VERY expensive. Hiring even more animators to make sure that they have plenty of smooth, animations that flow nicely into each other, is going to skyrocket that cost up even more. Either that or they can take even more time making the game...which is probably even less acceptable as I doubt they want to go 6 years without selling a product. And this is just concerning fights. You also mentioned dialogue animations and stuff like that. Animations don't become cheap. And the more you add, the more testing time goes up exponentially. Especially when you commented on finding a clipping error with the lightsaber as being unacceptable. Doing what you would like is not cheap. With respect to both money for development, as well as computer resources. It's not what he's looking for though. You still selected the attacks you wanted to do. He wants AI to take care of it.
  21. You certainly do move slower and slower. I imagine that if you get captured enough times, it will become a problem.
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