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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. That's why I value representation. It gives me +3 happiness in my 6 largest cities (I usually play the bigger world sizes), and has the same upkeep cost as despotism (which provides no bonuses). Another concern I have is that by allowing other religions to come into my lands, I end up giving other nations free money. I've never really tried it, but I could see an advantage of going for respresentation and mercantilism, while maintaining closed borders. I can't remember if you can still trade techs with closed borders though. How much will opening the borders for trade help you at the moment? Do you have any connections to anyone outside of along that river? EDIT: I'm pretty sure some mods have come out to modify the attributes of the religions. I don't blame them for not touching that subject though.
  2. Didn't I recommend it to you? Or was that Band of Brothers?
  3. Not at this stage of the game. As you said, I don't need organized religion because I'm building units, and the happiness bonus for a state religion is usually mitigated by the fact that I can get representation from the pyramids. And while I don't get any bonuses from similar religion types, I don't get any penalties either. I don't hardline the Open Borders....I do eventually open them up. Just not at the beginning of the game.
  4. Building ships is stupidly fun. I can waste hours just PLACING components, let alone deciding what to put on the ship.
  5. Sounds to me like Jediphile would be a bigger fan of a LARP.
  6. True enough. I don't typically go for religions as often anymore, so the religious trade is a bit moot.
  7. Simply saying "assonance" would have worked. Though I guess I know now for the future. You have made me a better person.
  8. I have heard that there is actually some truth to the idea of removing a soldier that lost many siblings from active combat. Though the idea that they'd send a platoon of soliders to go and do it seems far fetched.
  9. Sort of like some consonance (or would it be assonance, as the hard 'E' sticks out more, but it's more the 'lee' that is carried over). I guess it's just rhyming
  10. Slowly...and excruciatingly painfully. Hmmm....do my last two words make sense grammatically?
  11. alanschu


    The East has acquired 159 points against the West, with the West capturing 177 points against the East. I guess this would be in 300 games as each team plays 10 interconference games....or I guess it'd be 150 games, since I counted each game twice.
  12. You're going to kill me with links to Volo for Mod petitions?
  13. No one said he was scarecrow But if we blame the accident on the object, then couldn't we just as easily say things like "Nails kill people" or "Ham sandwiches kill people?"
  14. I'm not so sure. Monty is a psycho, but even then it looks like all of your immediate neighbours have more Power than you.
  15. I guess you'd have to find a way to determine responsibility. Couldn't the accident have been avoided if your friend had exerted more caution?
  16. I think so too, though not as good as Saving Private Ryan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Saving Private Ryan was my pick as well. The only thing I didn't really like about the movie was the nerfed tanks at the end It was a movie that evoked so much emotion in me....it's probably the only movie where scenes choked me up to the point where I was almost actually in tears.
  17. It will also let them know what your cities and defenses are like.
  18. I suspect it will be like the early days of the CD...you'll have a large amount of blank space on the disc.
  19. That would explain the huge amount of old players that play the game. Funny though, his big beef is that the game isn't playable by yourself. Perhaps you should point out how wrong he is.
  20. But then when it works out, doesn't it just result in mad lovin'? That's the geek dream! "Wow, your ability to flank those spearmen was hot!" "I know! Take me big boy!" etc.
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