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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. alanschu


    Sounds like a penalty in my book. I don't know, did they touch the puck at all ever? Seems as though all bets are off on trips if the puck gets touched first.
  2. It was more a reminder to myself to find that damn game
  3. You need to get a change of venue action and hope you land in Florida.
  4. For me it's a mixed bag. He seems coarse and drab. On the other hand, I can't help thinking I wouldn't mind being manhandled by him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been a bit of a fan, even from his Privateer 2 days. Maybe I just like him because he was desperate enough to be the star of a video game :D
  5. I know. I just think it's a wee bit too convenient. I wonder if there are people out there that just want to believe in time travel. I am typically of the mind that if time travel existed, someone somewhere would have been sloppy and not covered his time travel very well. Given that every trip back would create a new branch, you'd essentially have a branching factor of infinity. Which means that the probability that we are currently in the one branch that time travel did not occur would be zero. In fact, the continuous distribution means that the likelihood that we are on a time travel path of any small number is exceptionally tiny).
  6. Agreeing with the chap that brought up the Social Contract. Whom also seems to be the chap that wanted to play CC3 with me "
  7. alanschu


    Yes, because trips are never plays for the puck. Deja vu anyone?
  8. Not to mention I have defeated the internets.
  9. Compare video cards here Compare CPUs here You can pick two products to see how they compare, as well as the benchmark you are interested in.
  10. Interesting! Back when I played BG2 though, I was definitely an exclusive "hero" player, so I never did that. I guess you could also do a variety of things in the Underdark as well. It's all coming back to me now!
  11. I like Clive Owen. And I agree with your assessment of Joe Pesci. If there's one thing I feel safe to assume in a gangster movie with Joe Pesci, is that Joe is screwed.
  12. alanschu


    Stoll admitted to taking the dive on his interview with Team 1260. He figured they were calling things so tight that he could take a gamble and make the 5-on-3 a 4-on-3.
  13. There was a beautiful resort next to ours (which was also beautiful, but not quite as established) in the Dominican Republic that was called The Palladium. That's the end of my contribution to this thread.
  14. alanschu


    I found it very interesting that he openly admitted to diving on the Laraque hit, yet the referees still gave him many calls throughout the series. I remember when Michael Jordan admitted he got away with little travels here and there, the referees started watching him more carefully and he started getting called on it
  15. What were the different options with Firkraag? (though I was talking more BG1 than BG2). I always ended up just killing the dude. I guess when I consider non-linearity, I don't consider whether or not I allow person X in my group to really be all that non-linear. I am always focused on plot. For instance, I don't consider Oblivion (or Morrowind) to be a very non-linear game, as it didn't seem like there were many quests that could be done in a variety of ways, and certainly not the main storyline. I guess your reactions to some NPCs in BG2 does actually have an impact on the game.
  16. Ah yes, good point. Though it just screams Coop, given you have the option to do whatever you want in the SP game.
  17. alanschu


    Since I got back into hockey, Steve Yzerman has been my favourite player. Even if he wasn't an Oiler. He's a total class act and give it his all. I remember when, on one leg, he was their best player in the playoffs.
  18. I spent 3 years full time at my local Boston Pizza, plus some part time years. I am finally free of all that though :D
  19. alanschu


    Fun fun fun fun (w00t)
  20. How so? It's been sooo long since I have played the game. I'm not someone that considers the option to do side quests as non-linearity.
  21. OMG OMG OMG Multiplayer!!@!?@?!?!?!?!? As for Freelancer, I'm a big believer that playing even the worst games is still a lot of fun if done multiplayer. It is fun star treking across the universe in FL.
  22. I particularly like the methodical singing in that link.
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