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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. And why praytell, do you not like them?
  2. alanschu


    The Post-season isn't supposed to be taken into account, so I'm not sure what you are trying to prove. I think this is just proof that your a bitter person
  3. alanschu


    Of course! Especially considering the two aren't really related. There's nothing saying that the best goalie in the league is necessarily one of the better players in the league. The only trophy nomination you could complain about that to would be the Hart. For instance, Kiprusoff is a Hart candidate. If he was not on the Vezina list, then that would be stupid. Crosby, Ovechkin, and Phaneuf have been in the top 3 for most of the year by many analysts. Lundqvist would occassionally move into #3, but Phaneuf would usually retake it shortly afterwards. I considered it a tossup between Phaneuf and Lundqvist, so I'm not all that surprised.
  4. What's to sigh about? Josh's analysis is pretty spot on. Precedent was already set.
  5. Oh wow. I figured the demo would still let you start from the beginning again. Timed demo indeed!
  6. alanschu


    Because they figured that the three other players listed were more impressive in their rookie campaigns? You'd have a case if you were talking about Hart nominees.
  7. What the heck are you going to do now?
  8. If it's already sitting in memory, then I doubt load times will really be that significant.
  9. Yeah well, they can still buy those games. They'll just be rated M.
  10. it's advised by... I'm asking what the actual degrees that the ESRBoard has... are they pop psycologists... perhaps angry mothers... or even creationists. That's what I'm trying to get at. We have a rating system but we don't know who's doing the rating so we are incapable of knowing if theres a bias or political influence on the group (shivers at the thought of hillary clinton being put on there) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If there's any bias, it's from the games industry. IIRC it was set up and funded by the games industry....or maybe that's just the ESA? Meh.
  11. Certainly doesn't sound like Bethesda is sticking it to the ESRB. Unless "sticking it to the ESRB" is complying with their requests. I agree with Josh...after the hot coffee fiasco Bethesda should have been more careful.
  12. Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They were just "fully reworking it" to take advantage of the keyboard and mouse.
  13. The Demo for King Kong has Starforce on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just find that baffling. If anything, I would think it would compromise the protection as people can "practice" on the SF that the demo has.
  14. My lecturer did comment that C++ I/O has made a ton of improvements in its performance that C's advantage is pretty much gone. I was under the impression that C still had a slight advantage, though that was 2 years ago now.
  15. I was under the impression that the analog stick in the dual-shock and subsequent controllers were truly analog.
  16. Actually, the US "attacked" Japan first. Pearl Harbour was attacked in retaliation for a "show of power" off the coast of Japan(it was apparently a "test" for a new weapon...), presumably as a warning to stop hostilities towards the US military in a particular theater of the war(Philipines I think). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I had never heard that. I agree with julian's assessment, as it's what I've read up on as well. The Oil Embargo pretty much set the two on a collision course for war IMO.
  17. The raid did not get any of the brand spanking new North Carolina class battleships that were built earlier in the year. The unsalvagable battleships were the old school (1915) Arizona, Oklahoma (1916), and the Utah (which at the time was nothing more than a target ship, commission way back in 1911). Damage was sustained to other battleships, but they were salvaged and repaired. The military significance of the attack is overstated IMO. Most ships still in port were older ships, and no aircraft carriers were around. Enterprise was en route to Pearl Harbour, after removing planes from the airbase to reinforce Wake. Saratoga was picking up a load of planes in San Diego to bring to Wake Islane (which ended up being used to reinforce Pearl Harbour after the attack), and Lexington had just left with a shipment of planes from Pearl Harbour to Midway Island. Other, more modern carriers like the Wasp and Hornet were just finishing up training, as were the brand new North Carolina class Battleships. The new South Dakotas were finishing up construction as well. I hardly believe that Pearl Harbour almost had the US losing the war in the Pacific. The US began mobilizing for war, and redirected carriers from Norfolk and the Carribean to the Pacific Theater. The fact that no aircraft carriers were lost helped ensure that the War in the Pacific was anything but an easy one for the Japanese. Japan probably would have been better off destroying the infrastructure at Pearl Harbour than any of the battleships, as even in the aftermath carriers began docking and refueling. I think the effect was believed to be devastating at the time, as the true effectiveness of an aircraft carrier at sea had not really been battle tested. The completion of the South Dakota class battleships were a nice boost as well, as they had fantastic firing control systems, as well as extensive AA guns. Having said that, I doubt the conspiracy is really true. But IMO it is one of the more believable ones.
  18. If true (I am skeptical), what do you think about FDR's decision?
  19. There's the popular conspiracy theory that Roosevelt, sympathetic to the plight in Europe (and probably Asia to an extent as well), had information about the planned attack, and subsequently made sure that the flagships of the navy (i.e. the Carriers) were out of port.
  20. I'm well aware of the nuances of assembler. Though I only have experience with MIPS assembler, not x86 (or any other architecture). While nothing will really compare to assembler (except maybe machine code....but assembler is basically the quasi-engrish version of it to make it minimally understandable), C/C++ are still relatively fast in my experience. Especially compared to Java. Heck, C itself is quite a bit faster than C++, especially when dealing with I/O (though C++ has gotten better).
  21. Invent the analog stick??? Let's not get carried away now. Analog joysticks have been around for years. All Nintendo did was adapt the idea for a console (which was a good idea, I'll give them that). As an aside, I remember hearing that the N64 "analog stick" isn't technically an analog stick. It uses a series of very fine digital sensors to determine how far the stick has moved, rather than potentiometers. Don't know if it's true or not, and it did function as an analog stick. Random unsupportable factoid of the day.
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