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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Even still, it's been around for years...heck, probably centuries.
  2. It's been going on for years, and not just in the video game industry. I figured the advantages of developing for only a single console would be obvious.
  3. I declare you interim champion of the internets.
  4. Just for you I checked the Steam store (from the get steam here link). Can't say I call 30,- for an expansion, $10 for original Half-Life, $30,- for Half-Life2 less expensive than in the stores. Quite the opposite... Not a single new game has a price listing there either; only older ones. And I mean $10 to play deathmatch ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The expansion for Half-Life 2 is only $20, not $30. And what do you consider a "new" game? Red Orchestra is not even two months old yet.
  5. Supply and Demand? I'd rather feed Developer Greed (as they are the ones that make the games) than publisher greed anyways. Why exactly do you pimp PC gaming because developers get a "larger cut" of the profits? Valve funded the development of Half-Life 2 entirely out of their own pocket.
  6. Agreed. A military that picks and chooses its fights could be a horrible thing. Sounds like a situation ripe for a coup d'etat, or something similar.
  7. alanschu


    I was a bit disappointed when we didn't score on that 5-on-1, but we scored right at the end of the PP so I was a bit forgiven.
  8. Yes, absolutely. The reason why I choose not to drink is because I haven't grown out of my geek phase or I'm a religous nut.
  9. Which is why I feel the "I like to get the manual" argument is losing steam. As for what happened to the manuals, people are trying to find ways to cut corners to combat the quickly rising cost of development. EDIT: Get Steam here
  10. I have not played the game, and I tend to enjoy Bioware's games. I will likely get this one.
  11. alanschu


    The hockey forums are rife with morons that think the Oilers just putting in the effort. In terms of physical intensity and emotion, last night's game was fantastic.
  12. Optimistically, well done physics does lend itself to more gameplay improvements than any further graphics improvements at the time. An important step on making a more interactive and immersive game world IMO.
  13. Where are you from? In Canada it's 18 all around for voting, and for most provinces for drinking. Some I believe have 19 for a drinking age. In the U.S. 18 is the age when you are allowed to vote (which is one corner stone for measuring when someone is an adult....others use drinking age). In the Dominican Republic, the drinking age is 15, and the driving age is 17, and 18 for voting (though if you're married, I hear it's 12.....ooo, how about that, I learned something on vacation!).
  14. I'm thinking that in a discussion such as this one, which seems to be predominantly about mental illnesses and whatnot. When discussing insanity in the context of mental illness, I typically don't think of the slang usage. Furthermore, even with his slang usage, it's obviously still subjective. I wouldn't consider his need to open doors to be extremely foolish, nor would I interpret his behaviour as strongly deviating from social norms. I agree with meta, as it does depend on what what someone has experienced. If he's exceptionally insecure about his actions at times, then his perception of those actions as being insane is amplified. Having a friend of mine develop schizophrenia and be absolutely terrified of me because they are absolutely convinced that I am intending to inflict bodily harm upon them seems much worse IMO. In fact, as far as OCD goes he's probably gotten way relatively "easy." As an aside, I think people are too quick to apply the OCD label. It doesn't sound like any of True Neutral's conditions are particularly disabling...at least in the way that he described them. OCD is believed to be quite common, but people write off any nuances (especially if someone is in a nervous situation). I have a friend (anecdote, so take it for what it's worth), that just submitted his PhD thesis. The whole time while on the way to turn it in, he was worried that he might have forgotten something, some key diagram, or maybe a page was missing. But it wasn't disabling. When he finished looking at the paper and put it away, he wasn't immediately going through it again to verify that what he had just seen was actually there. He did go through it a few times, checking the page order, making sure they were all there and whatnot. We even joked about his "OCD" since he was so concerned about it. There were confounding variables though. Submitting a PhD thesis isn't a small deal. And the last thing he wanted was to have it rejected because of some stupid little detail because he didn't think to check something. It's a very expensive scenario (in both time and money). But he wasn't incapable of handing it in. And once he had handed it in, he wasn't not persistently worried that something was wrong with it. We all have our little quirks, and for all I know maybe TrueNeutral does constantly check that his glass is immediately in the middle when given a coaster. Maybe he is incapable of being around closed doors, and is constantly checking to see if they have closed when he wasn't looking. As for the number thing, I'm surprised he's even able to post, as there's a natural conundrum that the only way to make a thread have an even number of replies, is to make an odd numbered post. (Note: The American definition of OCD states that the "time investment" of an OCD disorder must exceed 1 hour a day...though it's typically much more). In the end though, TrueNeutral openly commented that he wishes to use his own definition of insanity, so it's all moot.
  15. Hmmm, if you are taht afraid of death, I wonder if you would actually be willing to help a guy getting jumped on a bus. I'd like to say I would, but I wouldn't be too surprised if I froze up.
  16. Errr, if they jack the price up to $4, then you will most certainly be utilizing your reserve. If you buy 100 liters of gas at $2, and the price goes up to $4, you'd be on crack to decide to not use this place, because you'd effectively be getting your gas at half-price.
  17. alanschu


    It took you a couple of hours? Ours sold out in THREE MINUTES!
  18. I imagine 18 is chosen because, for the most part, it's when the right of passage of school graduation occurs and whatnot. Aside from that...who cares?
  19. You should highlight improved combat AI too.
  20. If by nitpickers, you mean the entire field of psychology, then I guess so.
  21. No, you were just demonstrating the difference between what I said it was and what the axiom says it was. OCD makes me insane. Because it fits my definition of insane. I really couldn't care less what society says the word means. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you just use any definition of a word to suit your needs at a whim, then what is the point of words at all? I could call someone a twit...but I don't really care what society says the word means, I use it for upstanding individuals that make a real difference in their community.
  22. It looked like you were making a blanket statement about people running into burning buildings.
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