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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Convenient. If it's so easy to do, it shouldn't be a hassle at all. If you're not willing to put your money where your mouth is and support your claims, then don't bother making them. Event then this ignores the fact that the vast majority of people don't know squat about this sort of thing anyways, and are completely incapable of building their own computer.
  2. I saw the Virtual Actor demo, which looked really cool (though the movement of the upper lip seemed a little off...but all in all it seemed cool).
  3. Err, I don't disagree. Though to be honest, I'd be surprised if a substantial amount of them even regularly frequented the Internet. In any case, I was just talking about conclusions that can be made from the message board commenting like crazy about the DM Client.
  4. Really? I thought that they just required short hair, particularly around the ears. Not shaved heads.
  5. I think, at best, we can conclude that the internet community is more concerned with the DM Client than the OC. It's tough to say when I'm pretty sure most people that will buy this game don't frequent internet message boards.
  6. Lucky were the ones that didn't sleep with the Germans.
  7. I have. And I stand by my statement. If people are that interested in the DM Client, then I am saying straight up that they should not buy this game. If they think that this is unappropriate for whatever reason, then they should not buy this game. If they believe that it somehow encourages developers to do acts like this in the future, and they don't want it to happen in the future, then they should not buy this game. If Obsidian's actions indicate the slippery slope of doom and destruction of game development, then they should not buy this game. If you are still interested in the game and the DM Client, then the only condition under which they should buy the game is after the DM Client is released. Not before. Not under imminent release, or anything else like that. Only after. And only if none of the previously mentioned deal breakers applies to them. If this pisses off Battlewookie so much, then he should not buy the game. If this pisses off Hades so much, then he should not buy the game. I agree 100% with the notion that you should vote with your money. Gromnir seems to understand this, and (combined with other issues such as game length) seems to actually be considering avoiding a purchase of this game. I don't buy games that don't interest me. If the DM Client was all I cared about, I would not buy this game. If the DM Client was highly valued by me, then I would not buy this game. The only condition under which I would consider buying the game, is after the DM Client is released.
  8. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Excellent point! I keep forgetting that developers should be blamed for lack of willpower!
  9. Then I'd suggest waiting until the DM client comes out, if it is that big of a deal to you.
  10. Ever been to Neverwinter Connections? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope.
  11. Build this computer for me please. Seriously...as I'm considering buying a new computer at the moment. I'll give you $900 to work with, since that's the $400 plus the top end of the $400-500 range. Preferably go to some place on line where it is easy to validate your claims. Sound a little less certain of yourself here though. As for the Radeon X1600 being valid for several years, I disagree. Just like the Radeon 9600 doesn't keep you going now. The Radeon X1600 with 256 MB of memory plays FEAR at 1024x768 with no AA and no AF at 26 FPS. It plays Call of Duty 2 at 31 FPS. Age of Empires 3 at 21 FPS. Quake 4 at 54 FPS, Serious Sam 2 at 36 FPS, Black & White 2 at 22 FPS.Link (Note: These tests seem to have max details set for other things, so you could likely squeeze out a bit more life out of them. Though I'm not sure what kind of an optimal experience FEAR is at 640x480. I prefer not to play at that resolution which is why I have not played that game with my current graphics card, and am waiting until I get a new computer). The X1300 card runs today's games even worse. Buying the X1300 card for gaming is a bad idea. Doing a quick look around the internet, it is routinely outperformed by the Radeon X800, an AGP card (not that AGP is bad, but its days are numbered and you're not going to be getting new AGP cards any time soon). A quick look to other sites that I have usually relied on for video card reviews shows similar results: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,1896798,00.asp http://www.beyond3d.com/reviews/ati/rv5xx/index.php?p=14 http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.aspx?i=2552&p=9 The funny thing is, you didn't keep your top of the line GeForce2 for longer than 3 years. You then bought a Radeon 9800 Pro when it was released. The only ATI card that was better than it at the time was the Radeon 9800 XT. And given that I have a Radeon 9800 Pro, I'm seeing the crunch that games like Oblivion are having on the card. And it's only a 3 year old card, which is barely half the lifespan of a console. FEAR requires me to play on lower detail settings than I prefer (and I'm not all that demanding on my video card settings). I have to play Oblivion at 640x480 to consistently get good frame rates without turning off the rest of the detail settings. This is also on a system with 1 GB of dual-channel RAM on a Socket 939 Athlon64 3500+ processor.
  12. That is you and not me and let me tell you something Lare, there are more people like me who want the DM client at release than there are people like you who finds buying an incomplete game satisfactory. Delay the game til Christmas so the whole thing can be released at once. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are there? Prove it.
  13. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hahaha, that post is awesome. It's all because of the lure of the game!
  14. No, it's not. That would be the case if you found out the DM Client was missing after you bought it. In this case, you have been told up front that the steering wheel isn't there. Don't buy it until a steering wheel is there.
  15. And you got pissed at me for putting words in your mouth...
  16. Horrible analogy. UT2K4 single player is designed with bots to simulate an offline multiplayer experience. The point of the game is MP gaming, as that's why most people buy it. You'd be better off reversing it, and saying that UT2K4 should remove the SP part of the game and keep the MP part. In any case, I am curious how many people actually use the DM client. I know lots of people play multiplayer (though I suspect that they are dwarfed by the number of people that play single player anyways), but do they actually play in DM games? Or are they just a vocal minority?
  17. Fair enough. I'm still interested in what sort of capable gaming machine he can get for $400, unless the "upgrades" is one of those $400 video cards that are out now. To get a video card that will continue to play games for the 3-4 years (which is what he said initially), you'd have to plop down $400 on a video card alone right now.
  18. You'd be surprised. In any case, build me a computer right now, preferably with links to the prices, that will last anywhere near 3-4 years that only costs $400. You said barebones PC with a decent processor. I'm assuming you're not going used (since you can get used consoles for insanely cheap too). So build me a computer that is a good gaming machine for $400.
  19. The Allies experienced the "baby boom" however.
  20. From what I can tell, men don't need to have their heads shaved in the first place.
  21. Hopefully it's the precursor to an announcement, and not a cancellation.
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