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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I agree. I have no regrets having spent a couple years working as a liquor store clerk, as well as a short order cook.
  2. I agree. It's what jerkfaces do.
  3. Nah, they are totally trying to steal the thunder of the 52nd anniversary. I'm sticking to my guns here people.
  4. I've heard Slither is remarkably entertaining.
  5. B-but... aren't Intel the underdogs? Look at their stock prices. Look at their current products. Look at their management. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehe, this would totally be news to me. I'm sure that even if a single stock of Intel was half the price of an AMD one, Intel still demolishes them with volume
  6. I don't know if it comes in a box. Jags suggested direct download, so Hades is probably SOL. I suspect I'll be spending some money in the near future "
  7. Same in PnP your still limited by the rules and common sense. Being finite is still quite different from being given a pre designed character and told to play it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The variations one can make in a PnP game that still stay within the rules are as finite as the possibilities of appearance in the actual humans (which is indefinite by the way). Now that you mention it though, I definitely hate the restrictions that classes artificially place on me.
  8. Doomsday sounds much more straight forward, and if you want any help or tips with it, just open up a thread and I will be there! It's done at the division level, so you'll never have just "one guy." At worst, you'll have one last division of men (which still means you're probably screwed, but you can build more!).
  9. I have noticed that many one hit wonders have their one hit be a cover of a different song. A few off the top of my head: Alien Ant Farm Ataris Tiffany My roommate and I looked through at one point and it seemed actually pretty common.
  10. And your palette of customization in a video game is still finite.
  11. I have a bias towards the underdogs, so I'll likely stick with AMD. I haven't really followed processors closely since the 1 GHz race though.
  12. Ah yes! The choice! Given how popular the game was, I suspect it was quite unlikely that everyone had a "unique" character
  13. Hahaha, they actually tried to ban suicide??? Sorry, I really shouldn't laugh...but I did.
  14. Soooo, if I like Freelancer, I should like Space Rangers 2? Hmmm...interesting. What's the game like, gameplay wise? It looks sort of "mooish" at times, but Freelancer/Privateerish at others.
  15. I am indifferent to Starforce, so that's a moot point (plus I already have it installed on my computers from other games).
  16. So you're telling me that Space Rangers 2 is a good game?
  17. How is BG, or IWD for that matter, a non-linear game? The only choice I remember having (though I haven't played in quite some time) is Marl in the bar.
  18. I think it's the social aspect of MMORPGs that make it so attractive.
  19. France conquered, Belgium annihilated, Luxemburg crushed, Vichy installed. Next, probably those wacky Dutch, and definitely Yugoslavia for breaking the Pact of Steel and betraying our alliance. That's a neddy no-no.
  20. I laughed when I called the title of that movie when I first saw the preview :D
  21. I still disagree that it was your character. As I consider it an inherent obstacle for a game which has finite options. Which is why I think comparing a PnP experience to a computer game is a silly thing to do.
  22. No no no, he'd buy it when he could find the console for less than $100.
  23. I think a big problem is when people expect a PnP experience from a CRPG game. I agree with Gromnir's stance about choice in games being an illusion. I've yet to really play an RPG where I am truly given much choice. Even an open game like Oblivion is still limited. The choice you are given is that there is so much to do. I only remember one quest off the top of my head where I was actually able to play both sides off each other, and even then it was just because some woman approached me after I accepted a Mage Guild Recommendation quest, so it was still pretty canned. Not too much choice in the questing as far as I'm concerned, outside of the choice of whether or not to do it.
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