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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. You can take screenshots simply by using Print Screen and paste. Considering your beefy computer, it probably takes you about .5 of a second to ALT-TAB like it does me
  2. I'd rather have a vague gamelength. Part of the gaming experience that I enjoy is discovering that stuff for myself. To each his own I guess. I don't really follow the press releases a whole lot anyways, in order to avoid spoilers.
  3. I just played through the demo for Shadowgrounds (thanks for pointing that out Steam!). It was actually quite a bit of fun. I got excited when I saw coop, but it seems as though it's single computer only, not over a network/internet I was parusing the demo list at fileplanet, and check out option #2 :D http://www.fileplanet.com/new50.aspx?s=174&v=90001 EDIT: Awesome, check out #47 if you want to play the sequel to one of the greatest strategy games of all time!
  4. At the same time though, if the comments of people here mean anything, it seems as though people do base their purchase decisions based on the length. Yes, it could be horribly off. But even if you're someone that can finish games typically faster than the others, you'll at least get an idea of how long the game can be. It is in their best interests to not be horribly off base with their time predictions as well, if HoW is any indication. Not stating a time would likely result in complaints about the lack of statement of time.
  5. I agree. If it was never stated prior, people would still complain that it's too short.
  6. Depends on whether or not you'd consider a DVD player to be expensive.
  7. The DM Client was never killed according to Obsidian.
  8. I would think it would be a problem with the drive itself. I vaguely remember having that happen with an old DVD drive (not RW). I haven't had any problems with any DVD drive since.
  9. I might as well be, given how many times I died at the beginning. :D
  10. Then you're not using a large enough calibre bullet
  11. Wow, has anybody really gotten anywhere on Far Cry on Realistic. It's been a major pain! Not that it hasn't been fun. But wowee.
  12. I think I'd prefer it just be to the head.
  13. Criticism about the lack of devs posting. Particularly in response to the German-Codex incident.
  14. It seems the lack of posting was giving people plenty to criticize about.
  15. Paint works fine for converting a file to a base file type. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles...but if you don't need them, why bother getting something else? All of the screenshots I have posted were handled in Paint.
  16. The Live Team has been disbanded. Someone better tell Mr. Bartel
  17. It's probably done that way because something that may seem innocuous might actually not be as harmless as they thought. When you leave some parts of it up to the descretion of those that signed the NDA, then there's a chance that something he thinks is not covered by the NDA but actually was, then there's possible trouble. A blanket catch all of zero tolerance limits this opportunity.
  18. So what's stopping you from still using 9.04? Furthermore, why is it bad that Garry feels his product is capable of making him some money now? Besides, if it's a big deal and people don't actually want to pay it, they will continue to use 9.04 and we'll go from there. Don't buy in too hard to the slippery slope fallacy.
  19. Don't worry, mine will probably be criticized even more
  20. It's less risky because you don't need to sell as many copies in order to see a return on your investment. Even with an outside investor. A game doesn't need to be a smash hit AAA title to make profit. Yes, you will get some developers/publishers that will only be interested in going for games that they think will sell the most, but it doesn't have to be that way. EDIT: BW, where did you hear you have to buy Garry's mod? Steam tells me it's third party, and when I go to his website, it has download links right there. As for "the Ship," was it ever actually released as a mod (for Half-Life)? If so, what's to stop you from still playing the mod? Just like how I don't need to pay to play CS:S with my retail copy of Half-Life 2 (nor did I have have to pay to play the original CS, even after it went retail, with Half-Life).
  21. Talk to the marketting team. Why do you have to sign it?
  22. I would think the galaxy fluctuations would be pretty insignificant, given their distances. THough I guess there IS a whole lot of galaxy out there to make our ginormous distance less important. But it is r^2 Ok good. I didn't like the word "specific" so I was just clarifying exactly what you meant. Then what happens to the reflected energy? Is Venus' higher density atmosphere cause or effect? I'm sure if we had a runaway greenhouse happen, our atmosphere would be quite a bit more dense as well, given the fact that CO2 has more mass than Nitrogen. As for the CO2 concern, the concern isn't that CO2 alone is going to cause a runaway, but rather incremental increases will result in additional heating, which would result in increased water evaporation and so on.
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