It's less risky because you don't need to sell as many copies in order to see a return on your investment.
Even with an outside investor.
A game doesn't need to be a smash hit AAA title to make profit. Yes, you will get some developers/publishers that will only be interested in going for games that they think will sell the most, but it doesn't have to be that way.
BW, where did you hear you have to buy Garry's mod? Steam tells me it's third party, and when I go to his website, it has download links right there.
As for "the Ship," was it ever actually released as a mod (for Half-Life)? If so, what's to stop you from still playing the mod? Just like how I don't need to pay to play CS:S with my retail copy of Half-Life 2 (nor did I have have to pay to play the original CS, even after it went retail, with Half-Life).