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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Screw ya... " And yes, I do think we (Humans (-Homo-Sapien)) are one "race". There might be differences between black and white people, but so are there differences between me and every family member I have. Hell; twins are never the same mentally. Thus can we forget all the outter visual stuff and concentrate on the inner which while different with each and every human has enough in common to be shared under a single race... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then I guess dogs are all one breed.
  2. Ahum Consistent, Alanschu... VERY consistent... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quoted out of context from a discussion about MODs. How many crap mods have gone retail and sold well? Here's the full line: Again, I can't think of too many mods that were of low quality that became official, let alone sold well.
  3. How could you miss Daytona?!?!? In any case, first time I have ever seen your definition.
  4. I imagine Half-Life after Half-Life 2 just doesn't cut it. There's a lot more slower parts I find in Half-Life. The pacing of Half-Life 2 is a bit better IMO. Half-Life seemed to follow a relatively formulaic pattern of Level with Zombies/Headcrabs/Xen creatures Level with Marines Level with Zombies/Headcrabs/Xen creatures Level with Marines etc. Though it was neat the way it was done, as it meant a change in pace. At the time I really loved it (and still do, since I have a soft spot for the game...it's also the one that brought me back into PC gaming). The Xen levels were typically spooky, with appropriate ambient noise and so on. The Marine levels were a much faster pace, with heavy guitar riffs for the music (Lambda Core totally made We've Got Hostiles. Going up the elevator, just after your first encounter with a Marine, and listening to it wind up and get going right when you reached your stop was perfect). Definitely much more action. I'd suggest you try to get past On a Rail. It does pick up a bit more there. Though the ending is a bit weak.
  5. It actually sounds like a badass smack talk before you lay the beat down on someone. "Who are you?" "I AM DEFINITION!" "WHa-" *pow* *bam* *kapow*
  6. The impression I get from the Appendix is that that is indeed the case. He may be a fiction writer, but his settings make more sense if he's not completely off the wall with some of the science behind it. I think he did his homework. I haven't actually read the book (just the appendix), though my roommate has highly recommended it.
  7. Nova Prospekt is my favourite. Anticitizen One is also a ton of fun. Good choices My favourite all time Half-Life level is probably We've Got Hostiles. Considering I knew nothing about the game, my first encounter with the marines was jaw dropping.
  8. It is fun. EDIT: Highway 17 that is.
  9. I find it interferes with my razor blades of goodness, and would probably abandon it anyways. In any case, I'm through Ravenholm, and just getting into Highway 17.
  10. Absolutely. Human beings as social creatures is complete bollocks, and a myth altogether. I ask you, why did you bother posting a quasi-suicidal message stating how much you think your life sucks because you were losing your job once Christmas was over, so on and so forth?
  11. You kept dog's ball? I never thought about that hahaha. I kill the thrower zombie guys with big giant tanks of flammable substance. Sometimes the odd submachine gun grenade (since I rarely use that it seems).
  12. You're definition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am not! (That might even be a compliment; but, still, an undeserved one.) Waits for the penny to drop ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It still doesn't make sense. I mean, maybe if he added 'a' to it. Like, You're a definition or something. You're definition makes no sense.
  13. The Appendix of State of Fear was a very interesting read.
  14. As their fan base grew up, the impression is that their games didn't. While this may or may not be actually true (I have no idea how many "non-kiddie" game the GameCube has compared to "kiddie" games), the impression that they haven't is all that matters.
  15. Paying for patches? What? And clearly the mod isn't done. If he didn't want to work on it, he wouldn't. It's not like $5 a sale is going to make him go from "I absolutely do not want to work on it" to "Sure, I have no problems working on it." I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with the Black & White Mod. Which game was it for? Uh, what? Apparenlty you don't know what the Slippery Slope is (I did provide 5 or so links for you to view). You know, the "first step" comment. That's the slipperly slope. And that's the logical fallacy. (Note: The Fallacy you did here was Straw Man. Thanks for coming) This assumes of course Garry is not interested in doing it. It also overlooks the fact that, if he wants to continue to improve his mod, even for free, it's starting to get expensive. Especially time wise. Sucks for real life to get in the way of things. He essentially was hired by Valve. After he commented that he wasn't going to work on it anymore, Valve provided him with an opportunity and have essentially contracted him to continue working on it. Kudos to him, he got hired. Unless you're claiming that Garry started the mod with the sole purpose of eventually making money on it. In which case, kudos to him for achieving his goal. And he was moving on. Valve essentially offered him a job to keep going on when they offered him a contract. The complaints were because Valve's servers were overworked, and there was issues authenticating the CD copies of the game. If you want to bitch, bitch about copy protection. About that slipperly slope... If Garry wishes this venture to actually make him money, it's in his best interests to release updates. Since you claim he's only doing it for the money as well. Why? I did read the EULA of Half-Life 2. I even quoted it for you (hell, I even posted it on this forum). Since you missed it: "This License Agreement may be amended, altered or modified only by an instrument in writing, specifying such amendment, alteration or modification, executed by both you and Licensor." Since I don't have NWN installed on my computer (just did a reinstall) and I think the discs are in my roommate's room (who is sleeping), post it so I can read it. But hey, they're content with just releasing the "Premium Modules" which is completely different. Besides, since you mentioned this wasn't an issue until DD came along, it was already exercised by the Silicon Valley (a company) project called World Builder. Like metadigital said....welcome to the old school method of software distribution, Shareware. And who cares if Garry is popular? He's made a product that he (and Valve, the company that has contracted him out [i.e. hired him] to continue work on his mod) feels he can market. It's also a product that had him asking for donations to keep it running. Considering it's entirely possible for you the user, to continue using the free version of his software to no skin off of your back, you have no foundation for your argument. I'd keep going, but I noticed that meta has responded, and I really don't have anything else to say.
  16. alanschu


    On the plus side, the Whyte Ave celebration became a gong show to the extreme today. Idiots.
  17. Odd of Volo not buying DA is probably as good as the odds of me not buying DA.
  18. alanschu


    Hahaha, it's fate. EDIT: Anaheim also lost in seven. Whoops
  19. It's an apartment, so I don't know if new locks is really in the agenda. We'd need to get new keys or get the lock made for the current key and whatnot. We anticipate having to take it apart. Though the landlords said they would take care of that tomorrow for us, since it was late and we were able to get inside.
  20. Haha. I'm sure without Atari's involvement Bioware would be confused as what to do, as there'd just be NWN.
  21. alanschu


    I'm not sure how much weight Dvorak lost. AFAIK he wasn't even sick. Raffi lost 14 pounds though.
  22. I went to watch the local sports team put themselves in the Stanley Cup Finals, and when I got home some asshat put glue in my keyholes. After bothering the manager at home, with a screwdriver and some WD-40 we were able to clear the bottom lock, and by a stroke of luck we forgot to lock the deadbolt! But trying to clean out the deadbolt is NOT working nearly as effectively. Any suggestions of clearing out this glue? I assume it's some sort of crazy glue/super glue because it's clear, and exceptionally solid. Thanks for the help.
  23. alanschu


    Depends a lot of what Roloson's state of mind is. He's an older guy with a family, so a bit of stability might be valued a bit more. In any case, I'm hoping that there's some bias towards signing with Edmonton because of both the excellent playoff drive, as well as the opportunity Edmonton provided for Roloson. For the first time in his career, he was given the reigns to be the number 1 goaltender. He got off to a shaky start (and the team wasn't playing too well in front of him either), but he's taken the bull by the horns now.
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