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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. What's it all about? I'm split between finishing 3rd as Canada in the World Cup, and conquering most of the known world in Rome: Total War.
  2. You just HAVE to have 3 of those damn KV-2s don't you. Here's hoping the Stuka's get their asses in gear!
  3. I wouldn't be too generous. If a group is having trouble getting food/water, in the interest of not cancelling the season due to ethical considerations, there will be some outside intervention. Not only that, but they take so many comments out of context with creative editting to make people seem that much more confrontational and whatnot.
  4. I don't believe I said that at all.
  5. Which is probably why Jumjalum feels okay with it, given that he's getting a whole other game, as well as its expansions, in addition to other goodies.
  6. Why? People watch "reality television" because reality isn't as interesting, and they experience it during the rest of the day.
  7. Reality television in no way mirrors reality.
  8. I'd expect the problems to lie with the people watching the show.
  9. It likely has nothing to do with what goes on IN the show.
  10. This is the first that I had heard of it, but the potential for very, very bad things is way too high. People are probably just overreacting, but anybody that didn't see this coming is rather daft.
  11. I definitely agree that those two franchises seemed quite familiar back in the day.
  12. I was considering tossing in Might and Magic, but I didn't know if it was around back then.
  13. Well, to be fair, the "Bioweenian stench" can't be THAT bad.
  14. I wonder what it was back then: Ultima is teh awesome! No no no, Wizardry totally rocks it!
  15. Not going to bother, because it will just end up in an argument between two sides that just aren't going to agree.
  16. You included unnecessary (and unrelated, and previously stated) rhetoric with it.
  17. I am well aware of your stance on the issue. THere's no need to repeat it again, unsolicited, when responding to the question.
  18. Non-sequitor. It wasn't what I was asking.
  19. I wouldn't consider System Shock 2 or Deus Ex to be really all that similar to a game like Half-Life 2 or No One Lives Forever (though I'd be a bit more willing to accept NOLF2, which does have some character customization).
  20. If a man wants an abortion and the woman doesn't, does that absolve him of legal responsibility to the child?
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