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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Say it's a surcharge to help fund the war effort.
  2. Interesting that you prefer Henriksen, despite his game work being poor. I thought Michael Ironside (and Dennis Haysbert) have done excellent jobs in the Splinter Cell games.
  3. If you hate the state that much, I strongly recommend moving. As you do your daily affairs, you do nothing but support the government via taxes and whatnot.
  4. I believe that the human arrogance also helps us feel we have a complete understanding of our Biosphere to claim that there is only a 1% chance of the phenomenon being natural.
  5. Deus Ex urges to play rising. They will be smitten when I go home and play EHM 2007 though!L!#8975487642jhsdkf
  6. Playing Oblivion, and hitting a gamestopping bug that has me stuck on a ship that was an Inn that was stolen and taken out to sea. Illegal operations galore! Is there a console command to teleport myself back to the imperial city?
  7. You guys don't want to see mine...
  8. The attact animations were still played at the normal speed, but none were really slow. The movement speed was what took up the majority of the time (if you didn't have the speed setting up). I just died to some radscorpions <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember the Regulators fight taking a long time, and for the most part it was just people standing their shooting at each other. It was even worse if they happened to be missing each other a lot.
  9. I tried it once. But when I realized that it artificially lengthened the game, while providing virtually no additional value, I stopped.
  10. I think Hades is calling to use a disposable, tube-launched rocket propelled projectile at the president.
  11. I couldn't see myself NOT turning it on, but I suppose it's possible. EDIT: I'm pretty sure I did, as I do distinct guys running around really fast during their turns. Though IIRC attack animations and projectiles still travelled at the normal speed.
  12. Would FRAPS be able to take a video of an older game like Fallout? I guess I'd also need to dig up the old computer I played it on as well. Was it the P 166 or was the the K6-2/333 I can't remember
  13. I'm sure I can dig some things up. I dont' have a lot of time right now, so I'm just going to throw some links at you in the hopes you'll find them interesting. I'm assuming you want evidence of climate change being not attributable to nature, rather than evidence of the UK's weather records. I will try to find something more detailed tomorrow. Greenhouse gas emissions climate change more serious than previously thought sun dimming troposphere warming The consensus seems to be that scientists are worried. Granted, these links are all from the BBC and I'm well aware of the inherent untrustworthiness of relying on one source. As I said, I'll expand when I have more time. From everything I've read on the subject, and I have read a fair bit being interested in it, the most positive thing we can now look forward to is maybe avoiding the most catastrophic effects. It seems we're already too late to actually reverse anything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was not interested in the rather repetitive talks about climate change, but your claims about: "Britain has been taking records of the weather patterns since 1659. Studies of it have shown that the increase in the temperature has less than a one percent chance of occuring naturally. The temperature in central Britain has risen by a degree in the last forty years alone. 350 years of continuous records are hard to argue convincingly against." Only the last link really made any comments about long term temperature change, but it was only talking about data that was readily available because of satellite information. As an aside, the global dimming one is rather interesting. If we were receiving less solar radiation, that would have a negative impact on "global warming." Unless we assume that the air pollution is a significantly large block for the natural radiation of the Earth, that it makes up for the decrease in solar radiation.
  14. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that our ability to asses microscale temperature changes over an insignificant period of time such as 300 years was pretty poor for a bulk of the 4.5 billion years the Earth has been around.
  15. That would be awesome. That way you could work around a bug in the toolset, and when they fix it, you'll get to go back and fix all of your workaround!
  16. Should have went with Alchemy and bypassed magic all together <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm doing alchemy as well. Just got my apprentice rank in it.
  17. Joke attempt failed...please try again... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It wasn't a joke.
  18. Were these climate scientists the same ones predicting an impending ice age a couple of decades ago? Here's my 2 cents: Humanity is narcissistic, and overstates its influence on the planet. Our studies of ice ages show that they are cyclical. And we believe our most recent ice age was 10,000 years ago. Given the large lengths of time between ice ages, this is actually pretty recent. To be honest, given the gigantic length of time the planet has been around, I think that 350 years of British readings is too small of a sample size. At best you can conclude that the planet has warmed up a bit. Causation is a trickier matter, but I think that the human ego would like to think that it is because of humanity, as it means that we are capable of significantly affecting our world. And as a result, we should (hopefully) be capable of significantly affecting our world in a positive way.
  19. Britain has been taking records of the weather patterns since 1659. Studies of it have shown that the increase in the temperature has less than a one percent chance of occuring naturally. The temperature in central Britain has risen by a degree in the last forty years alone. 350 years of continuous records are hard to argue convincingly against. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could I get a citation please.
  20. @Greasy The "OMG Kim is in trouble" stuff slowly starts to decline. Though there was still a part in third season I think. I imagine she was under contract so they had to find a way to keep her in the show without being boring. On the plus side it is some nice eye candy! Her role declines in later seasons, which means less "OMG Kim is in trouble!" scenes.
  21. I thought so. I think I would have remembered if it was as annoying as Hassat indicated, but I didn't remember that.
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