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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Do you honestly feel that way when the party you vote for gets a huge majority gov't?
  2. I had a friend who tried burning a game for his friend, but the burned copy didn't work, so his friend just went out and bought the game.
  3. It has been pretty ridiculous. This also excludes threads that have had their fair share of DRM discussion incorporated right into it.
  4. I am pretty sure the OP is questionably toying with copyright infringement.
  5. I have at times thought about buying a game from a company I liked that was making a different game I wanted, but then realized that was le crazy.
  6. You also aren't buying it just because it only has a DRM model you support.
  7. I think it was more that she enjoyed how well she and I got along, even though that led to her inadvertently leading me on. In any case, I agree that I am better off.
  8. I was never friends with the husband, so no bridge there to burn. Even through the ups and downs of her helping me in tough times the past month, I realized that I was stuck, and there was a combination of her being too nice to fully push me away, and me being unable to really consciously push her away. Even though she was committed to making things work with her husband, I was still skeptical that it would work, even if it took a while for things to breakdown. I was a bit of a jerk because I had to get her to say we couldn't be friends, and since in the past that never really worked, I went a bit farther to get her angry and to make her hate me. Ironically, when she told me she didn't want to be contacted by me again, I actually felt a bit of relief. I still think her husband is a schmuck and in talking with some other people (I shared with my roommate), some wonder if she was trying to have her cake and eat it too, since at times she would complain to me about her husband, and when she was first creating space, she told my that she was going to give it a year. Stuff that she shouldn't have done, even if her intent was not to lead me on. While I still wouldn't be surprised if things didn't work out between her and her husband, I now no longer believe she'd see me as an alternative, so there's no sense in me worrying about it anymore. In that sense I have really been able to move on pretty quickly, and it has helped my mood out quite substantially the past two days. It did suck to hurt her, but I think it was for the best.
  9. I burned a bridge with a friend! Those who know what I am talking about from the romance thread will know what I am talking about, but that bridge has officially been burned now.
  10. Well, I did point out that it has probably more to do with the current stock market than with the negative publicity due to DRM. In fact, I just found an article indicating that Spore is selling rather well - it seems to have exceeded 1 million copies already (link: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3170143). We don't really know the effect of the negative publicity on sales, though, since we don't know how many copies Spore would have sold without it. I think I remember reading about some supposedly conservative projections predicting sales of Spore at 5-8 million copies and possibly many more. But, of course, those projections were not just for the first few weeks of the game, but over a longer period and in any case they were just projections, so they could have simply been wrong (in either direction) regardless of the DRM issue. This is why Hell Kitty was bringing up that DRM bashers have the same issues to deal with regarding proof as anti-piracy advocates.
  11. Silent Service I & II... the memories... nothing like the sound of a tin can crumbling when you exceed your maximum safety depth The problem was I never understood submarine warfare back then, so I would always go up to the surface because it let me use my deck gun and made me faster haha.
  12. The first game I remember playing is Lode Runner on the Apple II. On the other side of the diskette was Hard Hat Mac I remember. I was a big fan of Dung Beetles, and loved the digitized "We Gotcha" that came out of the sound when you died. The game that made me get an IBM/Compatible was Ultima VII! Of games I remember from my childhood (really young anyways), I remember Lode Runner, Rescue Raiders, Choplifter, Silent Service, Test Drive, Dung Beetles, and The Last Ninja.
  13. I always played some type of versus mode of that with my cousin. THere was some kickass ship that had 3 drones around it that shot (and it had a powerful laser itself) that I loved.
  14. Unfortunately he should be able to get another liscense in any other state... that is, if he can stop condeming games long enough to take the test again. Would the committee that bars him simply ignore the fact he has been disbarred in other states? That seems silly. I don't dispute that he CAN get barred in another state. I agree with the notion that it is less likely.
  15. Poor St. Louis. Losing bluechip defenseman to golf cart accidents!!!
  16. For what it's worth the more passionate feelings my friend and I had/have for each other came out of our friendship. We knew each other for two years, with us becoming friends a little more than a year ago, before we released things were getting too close. I am idealistic and believe that friendship and passion can coexist too. As much as it would sicken me growing up, my parents seem to have that type of relationship.
  17. My user name in spore land is....alanschu
  18. How about posting something consequential instead of trying to characterise those who don't think like you as pirates and spicing it up with lame one-liners? I will when you don't post ridiculously ironic and hypocritical statements. It's absurd to get pissed at Hell Kitty for stating his opinion (I can understand that it's his opinion, even if he doesn't explicitly say "in my opinion") about numbers, when the other people don't either. But hey, it's cool to get other people to do the work for you. The idea that DRM hurts sales is pretty clear in this thread and other threads, yet hasn't been substantiated either. Call them out on it too! Oh wait....you agree with them. Well that's not very scientific of you! Tsk tsk. So, obviously, those that don't want to need the CD in the drive MUST be pirates, because of your particular experience and preferences. That's some serious deductive reasoning right there. No, but I'm talking anecdotally. I figured I no longer needed to state things such as "in my opinion" or state that an experience is anecdotal when it's obvious that it is. Everyone else does the same ****, but when it's someone that disagrees with you that does it, time to call them out on it. Nice. And what I am saying is that needing the media IN THE DRIVE has been a common occurrence in computer gaming since long before CDs were invented. There was a window where things could just be installed on HDs, but those were also the times when I found it easiest to pirate, and even made money off my piracy because it was so easy for me to do. I'm not trolling looking for a fight. I tend to pick the anti-global warming stance because it actually leads to interesting discussions about that topic, rather than just having a big agreement party with the people I hang out with. That's boring. Or, to use my original word, not fun. Call me crazy, but I like to enjoy life. I'm not even going to touch this one, lest I go back in probation.Then why quote it and mention it at all. In doing so you do touch it. But maybe if you tried posting something consequential instead of just using some sort of lame one liner. That just means the lyrics have been altered, not that the song is really any different. First people were upset when they had to pick the right word from the manual or whatever, because "what if I lose the manual or something? That sucks!" Then "WTF, a CD Key? That sucks for reinstalls in case I lose the manual....and now I can't play MP games with my friends as easily if we LAN!!!!" Then "Booo CD authentication." Now, "Boo online activation" and "boo DRM." Same ****, different pile. Been hearing it for years and years and years. Furthermore, I'm well aware of the title of the thread (and you accused me of trolling...but hey, at least I was honest about it), but other people discussed No CD checks in this thread, and given I was linking the current brouhaha for DRM to the similar brouhaha that people had about CD checks (and other cries), I figured it was obvious. Wait, I thought crippling DRM was its downfall? (you're right, it's not ****ed, but the people that get all pissy about copy protection and anti-piracy measures sure like to paint that picture). Oh wait, this is where I demand that you post numbers proving that the PC industry is doing well, right? (don't ask me to support my claim that it's "****ed" since I'm being facetious right now, but I figured it might be important to spell it out, since it seems I have to start saying "in my opinion" or qualify something that is clearly anecdotal as anecdotal). Hell Kitty is correct in that for whatever reason, the suits at corporations think that their DRM implementations are effective in improving their sales numbers. As much as we bash executives for only being interested in making money and not worrying about innovative games and just making the same crap and sequelitis, it's funny that suddenly all of their profit driven greediness seems to go out the window when it comes to anti-piracy. I mean, they obviously do it because they like throwing money away into DRM without seeing any return on that investment.
  19. Since you obviously don't mind EA making your games useless for trade-in or second hand sales, where's your limit? Will you do whatever EA wants you to do, no matter how ridiculous? I mean you obviously don't think anti-piracy measures hurt PC sales. What if the next step from EA is that you have to enter your credit card number before being allowed to play the game? That way they can charge you $1 for every time you start up the game. I mean, it's a privilege to play games you bought, not a right. Right? Would that be enough for you to take a stance? First off, I don't trade nor sell my old games, so yeah, that's a moot point. As for EA charging me $1 every time I start up the game, I likely wouldn't buy that game because I wouldn't see it as economically viable. But yes, it is a privilege for me to play games, not a right. It's EA's IP, they can do whatever they want with it. Because the bottom line is that it's just a video game, and my life is not going to be incomplete if I decide to stop playing them. Nope, nope, and nope. I used to agree with you, until I realized that there are sooooooooooooooo few games out there that I even look at a second time once I finish with them. Could I be burned by it? Sure. If I am I'm not really going to care a whole bunch though. Steam is my favourite distribution method (I tend to prefer digital distribution in all cases actually), and if Valve suddenly explodes and goes out of business, I'm screwed for those games. But I know that's a risk and frankly don't care if it happens. Oh well, c'est la vie, **** happens. I don't even keep my computer area particularly organized, and sometimes have to hunt for a CD or a game manual, but for some reason I always considered that my own fault for losing it. In the end I always seem to find it though, so yay then I play. I never found CD juggling annoying either. Maybe it's because I also played game consoles and juggling cartridges was pretty much the same thing.
  20. Fortunately I am not yet too big so yeah, not really a problem for me either. I was disappointed when my homeworld was raided one time without me being there, even though the instant I show up my home defenses kick the crap out pirates.
  21. Yes. And yes. Frankly I'm quite surprised at the animosity that some forumites are showing towards those that are trying to take a stand on this issue. I completely understand that DRM doesn't quite anger many gamers the way it angers some of us (although they would be glad to be rid of it anyway). What I don't understand is why Hurlshot, Hell Kitty and Alanschu are actively trying to discourage and sometimes downright ridicule those that have taken a stance against DRM. Is it too hard for you to accept that there are law-abiding customers that do not pirate games but who are upset about having their fair-use rights systematically stripped away from them? Perhaps you feel their numbers are too low to have an impact. Regardless, don't you feel they're protesting about something that at the end of the day does affect you, no matter how slight the effect may be? Wouldn't you be glad if every publisher adopted Stardock's principles? If so, why discourage and belittle them? Perhaps you guys are just playing the devil's advocate, but that's not the vibe I'm getting from the tone of the posts. Because I've been listening to the same nonsense for years about how anti-piracy measures hurt PC sales. I used to be on the anti-piracy bandwagon, but then I realized their shtick is old and boring too. I have never had a need to get a no-CD crack. For some reason I seem to be one of the few people that doesn't mind when I need a CD in the drive...I mean, given I've been gaming on computers for years and years and years, where all games except a few exceptions have required me to have the CD in the drive, or the floppy disk in the drive, or whatever. In fact, the overwhelming majority of times I have played games without needing a CD or a floppy disk in the drive, were the times in my youth when I actively WAS pirating game software. Heck, I had a CD burner before people even knew what they were, and was pretty much a printing press for games. I even turned a profit! I have never had an issue with anti-piracy or DRM measures. Whether they be Starforce, SecuROM, or even Steam (which was vilified back in the day too...I mean, no hard copy CD? OMG OMG OMG). I am very much in Hell Kitty's camp that both sides have become pretty retarded. I used to be in the "boo-urns" copy protection camp, because it interfered with my pirating. When I realized I wanted to go into software development, I realized I wouldn't want people to pirate my software, so I stopped pirating pretty much altogether. Even my OS is 100% legit, and I don't typically lend my CDs out to people either. However, I began to realize that this camp was just as stupid, and just says the diametric opposite of it (though I do tend lean more towards the developer than the consumer in this regard still, though probably more just because it's more fun...and in general I think people are stupid) Furthermore, it annoys me when people have clearly made their point, yet continue to randomly chime in with "Boo DRM I no likey" type comments which interfere with discussion. At least this thread is actually about DRM, so it makes sense here. My "arguments" against you and all those like you are that I have been hearing the same **** for years. Furthermore, it'd be a pretty ****ing boring topic if all it was was people going "OMG ya teh DRM is evil!!!!" As for my skepticism about law abiding citizens that would truly boycott gaming entirely in response to DRM....well, that's anecdotal based on my personal experiences......but I've never seen it actually happen, despite people being all uppity about it. Every single time they have either rethought their boycott when some kickass game comes out, or the resort to piracy because they feel they're still entitled to the game for some ****ed up reason. Here's a really ****ed up thing too. The more challenging the DRM becomes, the more the pirate groups want to crack it, which makes the DRM more challenging, which makes the pirate groups try harder. People say "well, stop the DRM then!" But you can just as easily say "stop cracking the games then." If the pirates want to show that piracy doesn't negatively affect sales....why not demonstrate it by not cracking a game? It's the same ****ing argument, just from the other side. Neither side wants to give, so neither side will. No one side is ****ing over the industry. The tandem of both of them are IMO.
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