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Everything posted by Nikolas

  1. Casshern Sins is great. Restarting an old 70s Tatsunoko superhero with a bucket full of angst. Great animation and music, thanks go to Madhouse. I just love all the sh*t they throw at Casshern xD Also, same seiyuu as Kyosuke from Kimagure Orange Road <3
  2. They know how to market their games obviously. That takes brains too you know.
  3. It's the swedish word for ballast. Check your swedish dictionary.
  4. ^^ I'm waiting on my copy to arrive! Astro Boy: Omega Factor on bus rides. It's really awesome, but quite hard.. I keep one easy, one normal and one hard file, playing whichever fits my mood. Great fast portable fun. Tried to play Lock's Quest on bus rides which doesn't really work. Can't skip cutscenes And the waves of enemies can get so tiring, hopefully the difficulty picks up because right now it's just droning. Skipping on with the last case of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The bitch admits to the crime and expects me to get her out of her mess. Oh well, that's what I love about the game <3 Exploring the demos of EVE Online and Mount & Blade.............
  5. Played through the Company of Heroes Demo. It was great! Sadly my current computer won't run it well so I'll wait to play the whole game until upgrading. The physics and AI were really impressive and I felt like I could do anything I wanted to do on a battlefield of that scale. Particularly blowing stuff up. Great great stuff.
  6. 1 - Snake is a clone, created from the genes of Big Boss (old war hero, protagonist of MGS3), as a tool of war. It's a side-effect of that. It'll get clearer later on I think. 2 - You don't have to go anywhere. You just have to Equip the weapon from the Weapons menu. Then you'll have it in the R2 menu.
  7. / I played Left 4 Dead for 9 hours and now I'm very tired. / I helped my mom put our groceries in their respective resting places. / Now I'm thinking about NDS games and screwing around on the net!
  8. Left 4 Dead when my trigger finger doesn't hurt Motorstorm Pacific Rift when it does Ocarina of Time when I'm sad (doing a NeoGAF 10 year anniversary round)
  9. Ikue Asazaki Grizzly Bear He hit me And it felt like a kiss. He hit me But it didn't hurt me. And everything I can find with Kate Bush. Eat the Music Under the Ivy Architect's Dream Sunset Running Up That Hill Breathing Wuthering Heights There Goes A Tenner
  10. More Brain Training from Dr. Kawashima - How Old Is Your Brain? Mainly sudoku and the Dr.Mario version Fun game and just bought the DS Lite with it. Fun piece of hardware! Last weekend was a Wii-weekend playing loads of wii games. Only good ones were Excite Truck and Wii Sports =( But we had loads of fun! Other games played: Resi: Umbrella Chronicles Wario Ware: Smooth Moves Lego Star Wars Trilogy Winter Sports 2008 (figure scating, curling and cross-country skiing were fun!) Metroid Prime 3 (major dissapointment, recycling the first one again and making it worse. action-metroid ftl) Resi 4 (Better controls? wut? Easier to win the game sure, better controls fno.) Excite Truck (YES! but having to play single player to unlock more tracks sucks balls) Wii Play, lol Splinter Cell Double Agent. (If one has ages of time, could be a lil bit of fun..... maybe) Red Steel (personally didn't try it out, sounds awful)
  11. Is All Star Superman as awesome as the 1st Vol. cover is? I'm also buying Berserk vol. 1 & 2 in english and japanese. Just because Berserk is my religion.
  12. Gromnir, have you watched Only Yesterday? It's by the man who made Grave of the Fireflies. - play.comlink Samurai Champloo? By guy who did Cowboy Bebop. (Japanese hip-hop) - amazonlink Millennium Actress? - [url="http://www.amazon.com/Millennium-Actress-Miyoko-Sh
  13. Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey
  14. Final Fantasy XIII HL2 Ep2, Portal & Team Fortress 2 And finally buying Super Monkey Ball
  15. Susumu Hirasawa - 21 degrees eurasia Sam Cooke - Cupid
  16. Future Boy Conan (Miyazaki 26-ep series) Princess Tutu (Shoujo, ballet and classical music) Mobile Police Patlabor (Slow cop-kinda series) Touch! (Awesome baseball show, long, old) Only Yesterday (Ghibli, Takahata) Gunbuster (Early Gainax) New: Nodame Cantabile Mangas: Berserk, Lone Wolf & Cub Radio story/anime Ai no Kusabi for the homo-erotic.
  17. The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (Portal and Team Fortress 2!) and maybe in the far future, Final Fantasy XIII Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Resident Evil 5 Devil May Cry 4 Super Mario Galaxy Spore BIOSHOCK also looking forward to someday finding and buying Grim Fandango
  18. I hope she has a good life. She looks happy in the pictures of her on the site. I will not comment on the morality of abortion or her parents posing her for the world. I am for abortion and think it should be the choice of the woman and her partner or if she is a drunkard/drug addict/serial killer etc. someone else should maybe help her with a decision. They say she will have more surgeries and those might help make her life easier later on. Hope all goes well. She also seems to have a nice family and was that her sister on some of the shots with her? If her sister is with her at this early age hopefully she accepts her sisters face and learns or has learnt to love her. She is her own person and should of course be allowed to live. I, as someone else said, hope she will be able to find happiness and her own way of life. And I hope her family/friends will support her. I repeat, I hope she has a good life.
  19. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Is it good? I loved the first GBA one. TSS was so easy though.......... =( Not playing anything at the moment except for some (emulated) Dr. Mario.
  20. I played Tomb Raider: Legend. It was mediocre, and very short. 5 hours? Heh. But it was sad, really, because the game had some nice things, like the cute banter, particularly Lara herself. She rocks! =) And the graphics, well.. Are you supposed to be able to play the game with Next-Gen Content (hihi) turned on? Without fpsdrops? Major? And is it supposed to be as buggy as it is? Like shadows only in some places, some of the mappings on textures, and depth of field, my favourite, also looked nasty in places. The whole game felt very unfinished and rushed. Copy-paste things from other games into our own except do them worse, woohoo! And the story was such a disappointment as I had heard it was supposed to be nice, if not great. It sucked. One scene in the beginning, blah blah blah, another nice scene, blah blah blah and a tiny scene more. Lots of blah blah blah, horrible combat, blaha, and then a tiny scene, not an ending or anything, and it ends. It was ridiculous. I HOPE the game was rushed. Also playing Call of Duty 2. Hardened. Kill the stupid people, watch my friends throw grenades on themselves and NOT watching out for the umpteenth time, kill people hear bawdy music, rinse and repeat. I don't think I'll finish the game. I've played one of the MoH games and while this is better, It's still an old, and really stale, genre. Read a few boring lines of text > Kill > Kill > Kill > Die > Kill > ? > ? Oh well, It's an ok WWII game. Next up, Shadow of the Colossus Myst IV - Revelation Half-Life 2 - Episode 1 I hope, for the world
  21. Eternal Darkness is ridiculously overrated. Some nice atmosphere and storytelling tricks go! Nice voice acting too. Other than that it was horribly boring, awfully easy, not really pretty, quite short and even being short it got very, very repetitive. Yuck. And it's gaming philosophy was probably, run in a straight line, press R, up and hit it until it dies, run in a straight line, do the same thing with the puzzles. EVERYONE CAN PLAY THE GAME! BECAUSE IT SUCKS! Yes, I'm being illogical and whiny, but really, it is overrated and the story is so lame. Boring, Dyack. Resident Evil 4 is too long. It's the same mini-scenarios over and over again. Mercenaries and Assignment Ada were the funniest parts. And the graphics aren't THAT pretty, although Ada IS- THAT hot. Ada go booty! =) Metroid Prime is also overrated. Super Metroid go! Hopefully, The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess Absolutely, Super Smash Bros. Melee Pikmin 2 F-Zero GX Resident Evil Remake Ikaruga Maybe, Soul Calibur 2 (single player DIE) Super Monkey Ball (1 or 2, I prefer the first one) Mario Kart (fun with friends, may get old fast, not fun alone) Rogue Leader
  22. Two people hitting each other. And it wasn't even pretty. Yay!
  23. Falling in Love Robert De Niro & Meryl Streep deliver some great acting for me and both of them looked great, particularly Meryl in eighties clothes Nice movie, a well-made, well-acted New York(?) romance thingie
  24. Stevie Nicks - Gypsy
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