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Everything posted by Nikolas

  1. Ico, and soon Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter will be mine, once again. I love those games so much.
  2. Disgaea 2 - if the eu version gets the japanese va:s or the english ones are as good as in the first game then this will replace disgaea in my shelf. prinnies, better balancing, more of everythin' etc. etc. omgmeloves God of War 2 - david jaffe doesn't lead the project, hooray! and now they have the game engine so they might make MORE of everything and make the weapons/spell system not suck and make the last boss less horrid. and they said in an interview they aren't going to change the game too much just make it more and better. like disgaea, which makes me happy, much much happy Okami - japanartsy zelda with wolfiepoo makes me blush, and made by devil may cry nd viewtiful joe man, sounds verrry nice. hope it's a bit more difficult than the demo, though.
  3. Neverwinter Nights 2 Half-Life 2 - Aftermath Xenosaga Ep. III - Also Sprach Zarathustra Kingdom Hearts II Final Fantasy XII BIOSHOCK SPORE DRAGON AGE The Legend of Zelda - The Twilight Princess
  4. Brokeback Mountain. It was lovely! :">
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