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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Yes. The croup collectively opens those scenario completed things, I think... It should allow to replay older scenarios with new character though, but I have to check it. But best way is to make completely new party and solo or make a new team to help that new character. Then move that character to you old team when he is suitable educated.
  2. You did go to collect gold screen? What does it say in that collect gold screen. Is there some xxxx time Until reset or something else?
  3. Check out that you have same user account active in your google play app.
  4. Is it the same as this fellows second pick? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88171-1-issue-and-some-graphic-glitches/
  5. So in the first picture it does not ask wisdom roll if you click the bastard Sword?
  6. There is 20 or is it 22 character limit in the game. How close you Are those limits?
  7. Improved inspired crace that give you spell recharge! You don't want that your heal spell goes to discard when you use inspired crace. Otherwice Sounds good plan! Go Seelah go. Kick some unholly a** and show the light!
  8. They don't normally Are part of location deck. Only if some spesific effect put them during the play. So solo run is only option or completely new party with nonexperinced characters.
  9. I agree. I Also would think that quest mode should give better gold because it is harder. But this is just my humble opinion, not the ultimate truth...
  10. Lets do some math. There Are 59 level 0-1 spells in the game + treasure chest spells... In one scenario there Are for 4 character Group something like 4 spells total in the locations. You see about 50% of those spells during the scenario, so about two spells get accuired during one scenario, so there is 2/60*100=3% change of finding spesific spell. If the spell is higher level than 1 it gets even harder, so it is up to the Luck of finding them. I have played a lot, so I have seen them all, but there Are adventure parties that have seen one and another party that has seen another. That is why you can newer count on that you get spesific cards everytime you play and that is good because different games Are really different to each others. I personally don't grind (because it is boring) so every croup I have have different card pool, even They all are in the same level, and that is cool! They really Are different playing experiences! There is nothing wrong in card farming, but you don't do it in real game, because it is so slow and not very fun... In the digital version it is much easier and Also less tedious than in the tabletop version. But it requires a good planning and hard work. Tips in above Are very valid for card hunting.
  11. And that would need at least double the people in dev team at this moment... Most propably trible. This has been done with really small development team that is doing its first mobile game. If They could They would release stuff at much higher rate, bit They just cent because They don't make new stuff that fast. As I said before, I Expect this to be allmost ready at the christmast time this year. If there is next adventure Path it can be a Little bit faster, but not much. Then the engine is ready, but They still have to do all the graphich, and card and scenario spesific programming again. Ofcourse some stuff can be reused and They have more experience of doing mobile stuff, but still there is limit how much two or three programmers can do while making new code and at the same time testing and debugging the old code. So new adveture Path ones in two years? Seems possible if everything goes well. And some extras in between... maybe...
  12. You need a new account. You get guite near manually deleting all groups and all characters.
  13. That was the deal, but this patch was delayed so maybe... But this was not mentioned in the release notes, so it would be nice to get confirmation for one direction or another.
  14. ? That was not mentioned in the pach summary... hmmm...
  15. I think that anything helps, but there is not any info of how succesfull this game is at this moment... There Are 2000 user experience at the google store at this moment, so not too many and no information about Apple store.
  16. 1. Story Mode: A Progression break when Magga would eat the last card, causing you to lose is fixed. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87957-pathfinder-adventures-patch-notes-for-update-1035/ Look for progression brake... 2. Have not seen that one anywhere. 3. Quest mode reward at level 30 will be in the next patch, not in this.
  17. Does uninstall, reinstall help? Not familiar with emulators, so hard to predict what can happen...
  18. ;-) Forum discussions Are always hard! But I have to say that so far these discussions have been relatively civilized. And I am happy with that. I hope that anyone here does not go for personal bashing, because it is no good to anyone. Some people has put this game in pause, because reasons and that is fine. I have done most of the content that is available at this moment and have not played this game for about one month. And it is ok. I know that ad4 is coming eventually and that quest reward bug at level 30 will be fixed eventually. So I know that I will be back. The Main problem is that what we hope and what can be done with the man power that is available Are not in sync. Everybody hopes for more content, more bug fix, Steam and PC support, phone support and so on. But in reality all of this requires a lot of time to do. So it can not be helped. They come when They come. Completely another thing is, should this game have been released at 2017 instead of 2016... Not sure of that either. So my best advises is IMHO Play this game as it is at this moment or wait 2017 untill start playing a game that is more ready at that time than it is now. Both Are good options with their own merits. I also personally did buy that 25$ Bundle in the Beginning and am not disappointed at all. I will get everything I paid for all in time. I consider it as a long term investment where I get goodies in chunk of fives. I have already got a half of whole game. Excelent! I have backed projects where there is no quarantee that I will ever get my goods (kickstaters). In here I know that I will get everything I did pay for (for cheap I have to say). I am quite confident that I have full pathfinder adventure game by the next christmast so everything is OK! Peace my bros! And have happy time while playing this or something else.
  19. You Are using a tablet and not a phone? This game is not compatible with the phones and ui can cause problems From time to time.
  20. The patch is in the system. It takes some time untill it will be released to the customers. So there is some internally delay in the google or I-shop.
  21. The lack of manpower is the Main reason for that it will take some time to make this game fully available. They have one ad/month plan. They can keep it if there Are no bugs, if there Are the next content get delayed. But all that it really means that it just take a Little bit longer untill we will get to the end. This game has huge potentiaalia even it is a niche product. So when it is ready, it can get guite good audience. So I am not too worried. There has been steady new content and bug fixes all the time. The pace could be faster, but that would require more manpower and that is not option. I am not sure how much it cost to make a game like this... A lot is my best ques... And that means that there has to be some income even during the development, I supose. The bigger team, the bigger cost. Next hopefully. Good patch, to fix ad3, Great tutorial, so new players Are not lost in the dark and then some new content. We Are on the right track. The end of the road just is near the next christmast... Untill we can Expect to see what this game really is about.
  22. Well the best part of c-deck is Satyr. It keeps you humble!
  23. They have ansvered. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87957-pathfinder-adventures-patch-notes-for-update-1035/page-2 They will hunt down and destroy some nasty bugs before releasing the next patch... ... And it will take as much time as it does take. It can not be hurried.
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