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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Those phone versions Are the next big update according the dev team. The ui exspecially. It Also means that iPhones will get support eventually.
  2. If I am not completely wrong, you can only put permadeath to a completely new party.
  3. Yep... Have seen same in other situations in these forums If you Are dev you really can not win )
  4. True... How did I not remember that culling start at level 3 and bigger at level 5... Have to check out my personal memory circuits...
  5. You can Also get Rusted short Sword as a weapon reward, so the rewards Are in balance ;-)
  6. That is what was before and it caused problems with characters at different levels.
  7. Hmmm... That is how it works in the real tabletop game. Blessing of gods remains in the card pool to the end of the game unles you Somehow managed to banish some of them. So not likely to happen. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1119347/adv-deck-3-how-many-blessing-gods-should-you-banis And because digital game handles card culling differently, well who knows what will happen in this game. I supose that that card removing is one Main reason why ad4 is Late.
  8. Yes, game Center. There has been cases where account was changed. Contact the http://forums.obsidian.net/user/154743-aarik-d/ And he will give you instructions. Sometimes it helps if you close the game Center and restart it. But if that does not help contact Aarik D. He has been able to help in most account problems!
  9. Same as previously. The dev say when They send the patch to the Apple and google. They can not affect that. I am Also waiting the iVersion of the patch, but Also know that Apple has always been a Little bit slover. They don't know when Apple or google does that release. The release means that the patch has been done and will become available in few days or weeks depending on how fast everything happens in the other end. And Also They can not help the thing that google is faster. Better that google is fast to players, it is upp to Apple to keep the same pace...
  10. Cloud for quest mode is guite propable addition. The interesting part is why there is not cloud save in there when it is in the story mode. There has to be something special that makes it harder to implement. Or maybe it was not seen as an important thing to do. Maybe multiplayer is only for story mode, so the quest mode does not need cloud save? Hard to say. During the development of the game there has been several updates that causes some devices normal work any more and in the next or one after that it has started to work again. If you look the supported devices list, it is actually quite short, so They test this with very narrow amounth of devices, so no wonder that the compability disappear From time to time. No worry, Blue stack may start workin in few months again, or does not. Nobody can tell. The phone compability is the next step for programmers according their chedule, so Expect to see better phone compability next.
  11. It will come our when Apple has validated it. Maybe in the next week I supose. Apple has been exceptional fast lately so maybe even few days. Android version is luckily out allready.
  12. This is tablet game, so I Expect that there is not any stable desktop environment at this moment. IMHO It may work in other platforms but They Are not tested.
  13. Check out your playcenter app. Make sure that it is active before starting the game.
  14. Does the going store come back help? I have a fanit memory that one Person had similar problem, and the text was back normal after visiointi different screen in the game... A ui bug but with work around.
  15. And Also check that your game Center account is active. I personally was not logged in game Center because it is nuisance... So you have to be logged in Also there.
  16. Last time I here it was not soon. Next phone support and some new store items. I would Expect to see it near PC-support.
  17. Officially no, in practice it can work. Phones with big screens and enough memory Are good candidates.
  18. 1. You click the weapon, select the discard or Display. (Don't care the chacles, They Are there for the fluff) 2. Win the wisdom check 3. Kill the mob...
  19. Old bug From previous builds, but good to know that it still exist. Waiting some later patch.
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