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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Didn`t read the card so well when it was unlocked after the scenario. Have to check out Most reward cards have some check to accuire like any other item you can find.
  2. You have to find it From the locations, so it is random chance among all the other items.
  3. Support@obsidian.net
  4. Mummys mask has a element that is a like a card shop. They have traders that allow player to trade cards to another. It has been quite popular addition to previous rules. It is a like a back yard shopping, because you newer know what is available today.
  5. Are you logged in the same game Center account on both devices?
  6. All cards you banish goes back to the common pool aka the gamebox, like in tabletop game so you don`t need them more. You can find them again From the locations, or you can take them directly if you have not enough cards (and your stash is Empty) Ofcourse you have to avoid of taking any cards of that type during the scenario, like in tabletop version!
  7. I Did win Vorka allready without any problems. What device you have? I did play with iPab air 2. Edit. Now Vorka again defeated with hard difficulty and still no problems. So it seems that we need info about how other Android devices Are working.
  8. A lot of blessings and scouting is the key. Exspecially at legendary difficulty! And some healing to get those blessings back... so that the stongest character always meet the muscle mans! With 3-4 blessing ready to support the try and a couple of more closing the location. Lem can Also help in here with his recycle power. And spells that give die in all checks!
  9. And with the new upgrade... ? Hmmm... definitely something that should be looked for.
  10. Yep. It was very likely that those first five scenarios would have been the last 5 scenarios of Goblin saga. Happy to see that we did get five more scenarios! So now it is as long as the official tabletop version of Goblin adventures. And fearing that we will not get any more adveture decks to this adventure. But hoping for the best! That there will be Goblin adventure 3 and 4 and 5 and 6... who knows, maybe someone in amosdee consider that it is a worth of it! I really enjoy the company of these Little hungry bastards that kill longshanks, horses and pesky dogs!
  11. Yep. Obsidian edition includes the first part of Goblin campaign.
  12. Thumbs up... I think. Driver problem Are annoying...
  13. It should be so that From the skull icon you can change the difficulty directly... if you have opened it with another team... have to check it out.
  14. Yes, the system specks help the developers. Any extra info that you can provide can Also help. But not Many Person have mentioned this so it may be quite spesific. Maybe hardware specific clitch and those Are hard to hunt down in PC world where there Are so Many different systems.
  15. Have not seen this one, but one other player has mentioned this one. I think that in was huawey tablet that time.
  16. Also it is important to check that pdif is the same before and after purhase! Sometimes system updates has caused havok in that aspect. If pdif x make the purhace and pdif y log in the purhase for x is ofcourse not available to player y even the physical Person is same.
  17. There has not been updates resently. New update is coming but not sure what is in in yet.
  18. Log first to the google play and start the game From the google play!
  19. If I remember right last Valentine there was valentine versions of Valeros and dwarf...
  20. Device support to Android version has been a Little bit on off. Sometimes mouse works and sometimes it does not. Maybe same with pens and other pointing devices.
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