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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. I still play again and again even if I don't get gold. It does not prevent playing. Would it be better if there would be some gold Also in reruns. Maybe but that is upp to devs to deside. Maybe They will make new changes maybe not. There is too conflicting interest in here. Player want to get gold, so that They can get perks, company wants to get money, so that They can pay salaries. And the devs have to balance it Somehow. Fortunetely I don't have to deside how it is done. My personal hope would be somekind of cranual decrease in gold, so that you get some gold even when replaying but not too much so that you eventually have to start buying something with real money. But as I said the balance is not easy. The more complex the system is the more likely there Also Are bugs so my "Dream" gold system some post above is very unlikely to happen. The system now is guite simple, so less likely to bug down. Most simple would be not give gold at all, but the idea is to allow free to play at least to some level, so we have the gold system. In this discussion there has been very few ideas of how to give players less gold, but at the same time give them some gold Also in reruns. Maybe giving less in the first run but then it would require more grinding to get your first extra adveture and your first extra characters, so I personally think that giving more in the Beginning and less later is better IMHO that giving less in the first run but giving some in the second and third run. The total would be about the same. Just requiring more playing. So it is all about choises. How to balance the game and why. If someone can come with really good idea, why not. The new dayly challenge gives gold Also to new old croups, so that will maybe help ftp-gamers a Little bit.
  2. It is not a bug and it is actyally easy scenario now, when Magga is not bugged. The game show's all cards that Magga eats, but that is not important Number. The important Number is how Many allies you have accuired compared to all. See the link below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eog6njabzwz691o/Photo%2018.8.2016%2019.21.50.jpg?dl=0 I only have 2 of 18 and that is not enough. Later in the game I have half or more... https://www.dropbox.com/s/q36zz05f30hubni/Photo%2018.8.2016%2019.30.16.jpg?dl=0 11 out of 18 and that is enough with hight margin. 9 would have been enough. (The half) So it is wictory, so it is possible to beat Magga... Total 12 saved soulls of 18. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eb9vc98ke80oqif/Photo%2018.8.2016%2019.36.38.jpg?dl=0 Actually even less than 9 could be enough, if it is same or more than Magga has. But safer to go to the half of all available allies!
  3. Quest mode is not cloud saved (yet) so quest mode characters would disappear. If you really want to save them and reinstall the app, you have to manually save them to another device, like PC first. The quest mode cloud save is coming, but we don't have information about when it will happen.
  4. Hmmm... Maybe you can try to remove all parties and all experienced characters and then remove and reinstall the game. The purhaces Are bound to your account, so They wount disappear. This does not however quarantee that the same bug will not reappear later. That needs real patch. Kurtalb1 is right in that phones Are not supported, but They may work, there just is more things that can go wrong. But phone UI update is coming so at least it will make Gaming easier with phones.
  5. Only treasure chest cards has rarity. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87901-new-treasure-chest-cards-are-coming/
  6. You can sell useless treasure chest cards for gold.
  7. No there is not die roll handicap. I have rolled 4 for weapons a couple of times and throw 1 for minion combat damage... But it definitely feels it sometimes But what you experienced sound a lot like a bug.
  8. Well, there is plenty of time to PC-release, so there can be and will be more changes. So tweaks would be nice to see. But most systems I can think of Are so complex that there Are more important things to do before even considering those. My personal IMHO gold system would be a combination of Many Many things. * party size ( not exacly like now, because solo character can be harder than 6 in some cases ) so this would affect a little * scenario Number vs the highest level character in you party (you would gain more gold if you do scenarios that correspond your character level. So level one character get full gold for level 1 senarios, while level 6 character would get allmost none. And so on. * how Many times you have done the scenario. To stop abusing the easiest scenarios. You get full in the first run, less if you have done it 100+ times... * difficulty setting so more for legendary, less for normal. * maybe even scenario spesific multiplier? So that certain scenarios always give more than some another That would mean some base cold that would be multiplied by different Numbers. For example level one character doing the approach the Thistletop at normal difficulty. Player has done the same scenario 15 times with previous groups 100g (base gold for normal) *1.0 (party size of 4) * 1.0 (party level vs scenario level) * ((100-15) + 5) / 100) (how Many times before) * x (scenario modifier) * 1 (difficulty modifier) So too complex, but it would give gold all the time but less if you do something over and ower too Many times. That 100-15 may be too much. It could be 50-15 or what ever is considered suitable to give enough gold in short run, but prevent one scenario abuse in the long run. But as I said this kind of multifactor gold reward system would be too complex at this stage of the game, but it would encourage doing right power level scenarios compared to the party and give gold Also in reruns with new party. But would cause Many things open to new bugs...
  9. Any information if forfeit helps if you lose the scenario or not? It is one thing to wait the patch and another just forfeit if you run out of time or something similar... Just wondering.
  10. You can level them up by using normal difficulty, you just don't get gold. But I supose that you know that allready.
  11. Red circle with Number indigate new dayly challenge.
  12. Can you chose the party From the story view? The play button is device specific for the last played Group. Also make sure that you have exacly same user account in the game Center, or google play! Not the same as user in the device...
  13. Ofcourse, but it is not completely up to them. If They fix this in one day, the Apple and google add to it one to three days... Google faster than Apple.
  14. Eta is, when the dev Finds out how to fix the problem + testing + inspection time by Apple and Google. If we Are really lucky, in this week, but most propably early next week. So if the dev fix it today, it still will take a couple of days. And one day fix is always a riski busines...
  15. You can only replase cards that Are two levels below your character level. Only other way of getting cards is to find the From locations. When you opened black arrow longbow, it did go to the card pool that is used when building location decks.
  16. It all depends on if we talk about achievements (long time non limited goal) or dayly challenges (a goal with time limit of one day).
  17. Yes you can. You need some third party program to do it though. Iexplorer or something similar.
  18. Yes, because before update you did not get experience on failed quest.
  19. Most propably so... The quest mode has been all the time the less stable part of the game. It has huge potential as a Great enhancemet to the base game, but Also potential to new bugs. So story mode will propably be the focal point next. It is very likely that we see new patch before next adventure, but after that the ad has to come out. The delay has been quite long.
  20. Well ofcourse everyone want to have robust game, but it will take time. You can Try again next year, or use a workarounds in the meanwhile... It will not happen tomorrow or even next month. There Are so Many bugs at this moment that I don't Expect them to be cleared for long time. Some time machine solutions can be done in quite short period of time. It just means multible save copies of same party From time period of X. So that you can rollback one, two or three days or something similar. Still the underlaying problem can be From even longer time period... But it could help in some instances to have that kind of roll back system.
  21. Story mode. Ezren, Kyra, Merciel, Amir Version 1.037. iPad air2 Ezren was fighting Tsuto Played wand of enervation. Kyra played Blessing of Sarenrae The blessing did not give extra dice as it should The blessing was discarded nor resharged as it should have After winning the combat, the Tsuto remains and there was not a way keep on going. I did go to wault and come back. The Tsuto disappear and I was able to close the location. So quite Many things that did not work as They should. Has not been able to reproduce this Again. But I am guite sure that it is related to the wand...
  22. Quest mode? Easiest way is to remove the game and install it again. You ofcourse lose your adwanced quest mode characters and have to start From the Beginning. Story mode is in the cloud, so it should be safe.
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