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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Dayly rewards come automatically.
  2. Roger, Roger! Then it is something else this time. Hopefully next day challenge will get registered, but there seems to be some refistration problems... what does it says about this about this day challange? Is it that or the weekly challenge that does not get registered? Some more info for the devs to work on.
  3. Try to force close the app and the restart it. I did complete the challenge today so it should work to you Also.
  4. Try to force close the app and then restart it. Sometimes the app register the win, but the UI does not get updated. So you actually get the reward but the app just don't show it.
  5. I generally get much better rolls in the app than in the real tabletop version... Maybe Paizo has a conspirasy with dice makers so that They can sell better dice to me Nah... I think that They Are the same, but I remember the bad rolls from the tabletop version better, because They Are more important to the team. When I play the app, the rolls has less meaning, because there is not that sosial aspect. But I definitely feel that I have newer rolled so badly in the app than I have in the real game. Maybe because I have played the tabletop version so much more than the app, so there is Also more those bad rolls Also.
  6. Quest mode is not official Paizo game, so it is something extra that developers think would be neat to have. They have a Great plans for it, but we can not blame them if They remove from the game something that does not belong to it originally. That said, I Also personally like quest mode more than Story mode IMHO. But leaving it of does not take away the original game that was the goal of this project. Hopefully They will release the quest mode later as a separate game, if it get hacked off this time. I would buy it without hesitation!
  7. Just checking out. The Tangletooth requires that each character in the location defeat it, not just one. Update: I did just try that scenario and Tangletooth seems to work just like it should be. But it can be a spesific condition, but in general it did allow closing the location as it should. It most propably is that multible opponents parts that is causing the trouble.
  8. Hmmm... possible because They Are a new thing. If you make a new croup, try first with new versions, then new croups with old versions and try if it does make difference. Make Also sure that you don't go above 20 character limit that the game has...
  9. The deck management is two parted. First you have to discard extra cards from all members. And fill any Empty slots with those. After that if you Are still missing cards the arrow will bring the fill the caps screen where you can add any card types that you Are missing.
  10. My worry is that the dev team if far past the deadline that the company have give them to this game. So it requires that the company is still willing to put time and efford to the quest mode. The dev team want to do it, but if company says that They don't pay salaries any more for this game and the team should start the next project instead. Then it means that there will not be anything to quest mode. But if the company gives more time to the dev team, then most likely because the dev team definitely would want to fix the quest mode Also. But it all is about companys budget for this game and if They need to priorite the goals, the quest mode is not very high on that list. Making pc version eventually will bring new customers, quest mode... well you see the problem. But as Irgy say we should be optimistic at this moment, but be ready for bad news Also. The dev team have the dedication, just have to hope that the company has Also.
  11. There may be long awaiting list of posts in the customers service at this moment. So I would Expect some delay. It depends on how high your post is in the list. The the monday is 2nd january, so that week They start handling these.
  12. The quest mode is in the hold state. We and the dev Are not sure if and when the quest mode will be fixed or will it be removed. Only time will tell, but the dev have an intent to put quest mode to good shape if it is just possible. There was an info of this in the last dev blog. https://forums.obsidian.net/blog/8/entry-199-pathfinder-adventures-whats-next/ Following the dev blog is most usefull when hunting does information about the state of the game! https://forums.obsidian.net/blog/8-pathfinder-adventures-dev-blogs/
  13. Have you tried to force close the app? The restart after that should give you the card(s). The sync between the server and the device does not always work, so resetting the Connection sync the game and Also the content. After that you should be able to see it in the gallery... https://www.dropbox.com/s/xdn8nfnuk9212mw/Photo%2031.12.2016%202.58.31.png?dl=0 If not, the customer service has been most helpfull in getting these items to customers if and when the shopping event has not been registering properly.
  14. Deleting a party in the story mode (does not delete the characters, the characters Are still saved in the experienced characters tab) https://www.dropbox.com/s/j627e3whwtld7co/Photo%2031.12.2016%202.42.44.png?dl=0 Select the party and press X Deleting a character in the story mode https://www.dropbox.com/s/ppeegw8isd7sj62/Photo%2031.12.2016%202.43.23.png?dl=0 And then press the gog wheel https://www.dropbox.com/s/lsp3kntfj9ficok/Photo%2031.12.2016%202.43.29.png?dl=0 And delete the character. (This does actually remove the character and there is no going back...) In the quest mode the same Select the character and gogwheel https://www.dropbox.com/s/z17r8vkjlwd1elw/Photo%2031.12.2016%202.44.10.png?dl=0 And then delete the Character (Also like above, remove the character completely so no going back is possible after this) https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0170nu6p7qrmru/Photo%2031.12.2016%202.44.14.png?dl=0
  15. In the second link They saved the day by deleting the party...
  16. No. There was not anykind of cloud saves in those early days. Your own backupp system was only possible way of rolling back in the time.
  17. The treasure cards have their own pool in the location building, so selling not so wanted treasures really help the odds of getting those you want to get. Personally I like variety, so I keep my treasures as equal measured as possible so that I see different cards in different Gaming sessions.
  18. It is at this moment possible to get monsters in your deck. Try to play a scenario where you can banish a card in location like town Center or similar.
  19. See this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90766-harpy-monk-check-stuck-v1161/ And this (allso a solution) http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90070-harpy-monk-card-persists/?hl=%2Bharpy+%2Bmonk
  20. Sounds very plausible. There have been Many cases when the turn order has changed and card has been transferred to another character. So it may be possible that the check to Divine has Also transferred to another character. I think that you have tracked down the reason for disappearance. The real myster is why turn order gets changed in the first place...
  21. Do you hapen to remember if those characters had a lock icon on them before disappearance? It can happen when the save get corrupted. Happened me ones or twice one year ago.
  22. My advancement work Also and I did get the sweater immediately when it was announced. Have you surely force closed the app? The new card most often reguire the force closing the app and restarting untill card upgrades show's in the gallery. Try force closing then check the gallery.
  23. Also working perfectly on my croups, but it is possible that the healing algorythm brokes down. I have had it in 1.1.5 and most propably because ofturn healing, but even then it may not turn of always.
  24. It was Also before the new patch. It seems to be so that you have to avoid offturn healing because it can cause healing to stop working.
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