And other question: Did you read any of my messages?
edit: Well, so what you could defeat him in JO? It is not storywise thing, it is just gameplay. (defeating Luke with so stupid AI is not big deal, heck, I could beat whole jedi order all by myself, but it is only gameplay. Storywise Katarn is weaker than Luke, and none can take whole jedi order out all alone.)
edit2: Nah, reading all those messages is propably too big thing. Last one is gives somewhat answer. Fact is anyway, that Luke is strongest. Even though I don't like him much (surprise surprise, I am NOT Luke fanboy) I have to admit that he is strongest, just due numerous things that have been mentioned here and there... I like him, he is ok character, but I too like - for example - Revan more than Luke, but that doesn't mean he is stronger.
My favorite character from movies is Obi-Wan, but he isn't strongest one.
I feel the same my favorte character is Revan but Luke I belive is more powerful