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Everything posted by Harpagornis

  1. Yeah, i got the same idea after awakening in the last night. TempAbilitiesID. Hah! Thats what i already used but have completly forgotten about. Will test it soon!
  2. Whatever i do the new abilities still are available in Human Form. Therefore i took a look at the original abilities from the Bear: Terrifying Roar. Surpisingly it does NOT has any "ActivationPrerequisites" and there is no entry in the PT. How does the game still knows how to put the roar only to the Spiritshift Bear? So many questions. I will have to take a break...
  3. You are the Heroe of my day @Armakoir! Using your PT and copying in the ID´s suddenly the abilities are popping up. Great!! I am still not sure where the difference is - maybe i have missed some strings. One problem remains: I put in the Bear ID as conditional but the ability is still showing up for all forms (even human). It has to be to Bear ID from the ability table - yes?
  4. Big thanks @Armakoir! In the meanwhile my head is swirling and - even worse: Its not working. What i have done so far: 1. I created a new ability file where i copied the data from "Crippling Strike" 2. Renamed the Notes to Shifter Strike 3. Gave it a new unique Ability-ID by altering the last letters ("ID":"1fda55c8-8d5f-47b2-b25d-0ca82c0deddd") 4. Copied the Shifter ID ("568f1c26-1398-4e67-8b81-0f6a60e6cdde") into the ClassID 5. Left the rest of the ability like it was before (error???) After that: 1. Created an AbilityUnlock file like in your first image 2. Copied the ClassID 3. Copied the new AbilityID So at the moment i have these two files. I did NOT save the whole Shifter ProgressionTable cause so far there are no other changes. (Another error?) I thought that with the new ability and the unlock conditions it should now show up in the level-up-screen. Its not. Holy cow. A headache is really not good when doing stuff like this... However: Any help or insight is welcome. The first (new) step is always the hardest one. No?
  5. You are absolutely correct @Armakoir - thats my idea: Giving only the Spiritshift Forms new abilities at higher PL´s! As i have "nearly zero" modding experience (The Druid Mod is the very first one i ever tried) i am more or less using trial-and-error while trying to understand what other mods are doing. The Progression Table looks "easy" but i fear that i am missing some strings. I am also not sure what some of the entries are meaning at all. However: At the moment searching through the tables and trying to mod them is more fun (and more challenging) then playing the game itself. If you wanna help me to get through this: Would be great!! P.S. If you can give me a step-by-step example of a build-in-new-ability for a Spiritshift Form i would understand it for sure!
  6. I am learning new things each day using trial-and-error so my modding skills have been evolved from "zero" to at least "a little bit". Creating new spells could be very interesting - maybe with some help. What spells do you have in mind @mant2si?
  7. I started a new solo naked run on PotD with Devoted/Shifter to test the new abilities. The result so far is pretty good as the Forms get more utility and some nice punch. Wolf is really good now when combining Crippling Strike with Knock Down. The Bear finally punches like he should be with Barbaric Blow. Cats i only use at the end to finish mobs or to get a quick escape with Smoke Veil. Stags are quite sturdy (+20 Defense!) and can easily negate hostile effects - feels great. Last but not least the Boar is still in a strong spot but not so dominating like before. Grabbing enemies with Into the Fray is really funny. The next step would be to give Shifters new autotrain abilities at each PL. If i can get it working...
  8. I wanna see pure Mage Slayers doing this *KABOOM* spamming everyone is talking about... But you are really going with a Chanter @mant2si? Give Druids some love! P.S. I am starting to like this "discussion"!
  9. I am doing something wrong... Even though i replaced the Ability-ID in the Progress Table for each PL its not working. I also renamed the Ability plus ID and saved it into a different file but still: No. What am i missing?
  10. As the title says: Is it possible to give Spiritshifting Forms new abilities at specific Levels? The problem so far: Whenever i add them to the Temporary Abilities they are available instantly regardless of the level requirements of the ability. Which tables should i rework? Have i to rebuild the progression table maybe? How? Thanks a lot for your input!
  11. My main concern regarding god challenges are: ---> Disabled Mods and Beraths Blessings <--- It would make the challenges a lot more - well - flexible. I think that it should be up to the player if he wants to use them. No? Maybe you can explain us why Obsidian decided to deactivate them? P.S. Consumables (Scrolls & Potions) are out of control so adding a challenge that reduces their effect could be an option!
  12. After a lot of trying i managed to give Shifters another active ability to increase their utility a lot: Bear: Force of Anguish Barbaric Blow (heavy damage tool thanks to Bears superior might) Boar: Into the Fray (Boars like to lunge out into the middle of the fray!) Cat: Smoke Veil (Cats are fast, Cats are sneaky - arent they?) Wolf: Crippling Strike (giving the Wolf a damage option will put him into a better position) Stag: Suppress Affliction (Stags are sturdy and never give up - fits well to this theme - no?) As the Inspirations plus the added Abilities seem to be an overkill i splitted the Mod into three parts so everyone can decide on his own what he wants to use. EDIT: Sharks are now granted with Blood Frenzy. Tekehu will love this!
  13. From a RP perspective Barbarian works nearly perfectly with a Shifter unleashing the inner Beast to maximum effect. Therefore: Thanks again for your input @mant2si! I fear that implementing new skill settings is far above my mod-skills so maybe i will ask someone else for help after getting a clearer view which skills should be implemented. Lots of work is waiting. Maybe the whole project will never get realized to its full potential. At the moment i am trying to switch Wildstrike Frenzy to PL 7 which seems to be another small step into the right direction! Too bad its not working so far...
  14. Yeah, getting in more abilities would be great - thanks for your input @mant2si. I will play around with it in the next days even though my modding skills are "suboptimal". With regard to passives i gave each Spiritshift Form an Inspiration to make them a bit more unique: Bear: Tenacious (+5 Might, + 2 Penetration) Boar: Fit (+5 Constitution) Cat: Swift (+5 Dexterity, +100% Stride, cannot be Engaged by enemies) Wolf: Intuitive (+5 Perception, 50% Graze to Hit, 25% Hit to Critical Hit) Stag: Resolute (+5 Resolve, periodically gain Concentration) Stormblight: Acute (+5 Intellect, +1 Power Level) Boar only got flat +5 CON cause it was already the strongest Form (Reg, Raw DoT). P.S. Moving Wilstrike Frenzy to level 7 is a very good idea. Will be done soon!!!
  15. Yes, i love Druids! And to some extent even more Shapshifters. But i always get the feeling the Spiritshifting in PoE II is not in the place it could be. Yes, the weapons are scaling nicely but: Is this enough to make especially Shifters viable for soloplay on PotD? My question is: What are Shifters missing, what should be modded in or - even better - reworked by Obsidian? But - maybe - you think that Shifters are alreay in a fine place even in the lategame? I am curious! After toying around with Druids a little bit the following ideas went on my personal list so far: The Spiritshift Duration and Abilities scaling with Character Level (+45% at level 20) Spiritshift Weapons working with Devoted Base Penetration buffed from 9 to 10 All Forms dealinging a Secondary Damage Type Stag Defense +20 (?) Stag Carnage Damage Buff (numbers?) Armor scaling every three Levels instead of four (+2 max AR at level 20) Unique Inspirations for each Spiritshift Form More active Abilities (if someone knows how to mod this in: PM me!) Now its up to you! _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Here you can download the most recent mod version for testing - have fun: Spiritshifting Evolution 0.93.zip
  16. Devoted/Shifter is - at least for me - fun to play. Even without items. Too bad i had to build a mod to make this one work. Shifters really need some love - no?
  17. I tried a Berserker a week ago but - holy cow - he felt so fragile that i died to enemies where a Devoted was just laughing at. Maybe i played him just wrong. I also hate the confused stat and even more the hidden HP bar. Brrrrr. Monks are interesting with regard to their "unlimited" resources even though they lack healing options. Paladin on the other hand has no Monastic Unarmed Training so if spells/spiritshifting wont kill enemies he seems doomed. But maybe not many enemies will survive his onslaught! Why fighting the BoW dragon if you can talk him down? Words are always stronger than swords. Well. Sometimes.
  18. I heavily worked on the True Spiritshift Mod adding several small boni to make Druids (Shifters!) much more viable even for naked runs. With a Devoted/Shifter i now get the following numbers at level 20 (no items or consumables): AR: 14 (Bear 16) PEN: 16 (Shifted only) Duration increased by 45% (plus INT) Healing when shifting: 60 (+ MIGHT bonus) Stag Defense buffed to +20 Base Damage increased from 13-19 to 14-19. Not much difference. Spiritshifts Forms now also deal slash/pierce damage for better utility. Lots of small buffs that made my early game using PotD like a walk in the park. I havent tested boss fights with a naked setup but i hope that Druids will be now (even) more fun to play. Or are the buffs a bit over the top? Any advive @mant2si?
  19. Hhmmmm... the Stormblight weapon table is really different from the other ones as there is no "IsUnarmed":"false" entry that can be changed. Even if i add it manually its not working with Devoted. Switching the "TreatAsWeapon":"false" into "true" also does nothing. Something is wrong here. Hmmmmm...
  20. The Spiritshift damage scales like usual @AndreaColombo but it also allows mutliclassing with Devoted. Was a lot of trial & error until i got this one right. I am not sure about Stormblight. It feels more like a spell-attacker and - yes - you can count this as unarmed too. So if you desperatly want to play a Devoted/Fury its no problem to mod this one in!
  21. The Druid only gets the bonus from one aspect either the Monastic Unarmed Training or the Spiritshift Weapon table. Would be OP otherwise - no? However i decided to remove the scaling with Monastic Unarmed Training while buffing other aspects of Spiritshifting. Shifters should be much more fun now!
  22. @thundercleese: No, Spiritshift Weapon does not get benfit from Monastic Unarmed Training or Transcendent Suffering. Unless you mod this in (Version 1.1) so they use the normal unarmed damage tables and can use the Haymaker Modal.
  23. Thanks for the hints @mammasaura! I changed everything like you said: Copy+Paste the Unarmed-Modal-ID and switching EquipmentType from None to Unarmed. Now the Haymaker Modal works and the Spiritshift Weapon truly counts as Unarmed. This also means: Without Monastic Unarmed Training or Transcendent Suffering the Spiritshift Forms lack any damage bonus. Good or bad?
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