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Everything posted by Harpagornis

  1. Yeah, you are right. Spell Disruption in general is a nice ability but the whole class feels more or less like the Wizard Slayer in BG: Nice idea but not executed without some "flaws". Therefore it will be very interesting to see how your new concept works in practice. I have learned that in theory some abilities seem to be great but in practice there might be some problems sneaking around the corner. We will see!! P.S. Have you find a way how to make specific Multiclasses incompatible? If yes: How have you done it? EDIT: Okay, i have found the answer: The Characters Table!!
  2. After doing some level 10 test fights i do not think that the new Shifter is really OP - at least not at this stage. He eats so much damage against bigger groups that i am constantly forced to use everything (!) at my disposal while shifting a lot to get extra healing and refreshed abilities. On the one hand its a lot work but on the other its really thrilling. The extra CC´s and afflictions also help a lot while Camouflage from Cat is always a nice escape. I havent done any high level group fights against enemies like Fampirs but so far things look "pretty balanced". Or am i mistaken @mant2si?
  3. You never ever will beat all challenges - at least not if you get creative! Throw away all items will make fights more thrilling... Banning specific spells/abilities will force you to search for new tactics... Never leveling up like good old "Noober" will keep your head spinning... Its up to the player! P.S. Lets hope that the new DLC and official challenges will make things more... well... interesting!
  4. I can use Conditionals like BooleanHasStatusEffectwithKeyword but the problem is that this bans the spells from all the other Druid classes (in Human Form) as well. Not good...
  5. Keeping the elongated form and putting DebugName + ID directly under GenericAbilityData does not change anything... holy cow... this is really depressing...
  6. Once spells are disabled in human form (still not working) we should give Shifters the opportunity to use Spiritshifting out of combat. I always wanted to see a Boar charging out of stealth into big groups: BOOOM!!!
  7. Some small changes: - Moved the talents "Beast Slayer" and "Priomordial Hunter" to PL4 - Moved the talent "Vicious Strikes" to PL 5 - Moved the talent "Bark Skin" to PL 6 - Added a new spell for PL5 called "Exskeleton Plate" which gives a 100pt. shield for a short time. Removed the stun effect. - Removed the PL2 Spell "Woodskin" cause the ability screen got too crowded so some talents were not shown anymore. Looks like things are finally growing towards the first Beta Version!
  8. Just take a look into this thread @JerekKruger where i have uploaded an Alpha Version of a new Shifter: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105566-the-current-state-of-spiritshifting-ideas-reworks-and-more/ Everything is still in progress but first tests have shown that Shifters can be a lot (!) of fun when focusing more on shifting.
  9. Your Mage Slayer concept sounds really interesting and should make the class much more fun to play. The only thing i dislike - at least when watching the first thoughts coming to mind - is the removal of Spell Disruption as this can lock down Mages pretty hard. If they dont get out offensive or defensive spells they are - most likely - doomed. Sure they can autoattack but in this case we have stripped away lot of their power. What comes to my mind when manifestating a Mage Slayer he is one of the kind the gets RAGED when seeing Mages of any kind putting him into a frenzied state with only one thing in mind: Kill this ******!!! To get around the problem of reaching Mages quickly he could get a passive (maybe a talent) that grants him greatly increased movement speed (plus engagement immmunity) whenever a Mage is near. The Swift Inspiration could be a good start here especially as it also pushes attack speed (quicker stacking!). But - well - i am talking too much - no? However: It would be interesting to see how the reworked Mage Slayer would work in action. If things are not working like intended there is always the option to change things back. I cant imagine how many abilities i have changed and removed for my own Shifter Mod until things slowly started to work like intended. But playing around with the codes sometimes is more fun the playing the game. No? To make it short: Go, go, go!
  10. What about a REAL Shapeshifter with unique abilities, talents and playstyle? Just take a look at good old NWN and you see what a Shifter could be... To compensate for their immense power when being shifted they should get another disadvantage like limited spell casting and/or Armor Reluctance. So many possibilities...
  11. This extreme design is intentional @Armakoir. I want to make the Shifter feeling really weak in its natural form while being a true beast when being shifted. My problem is that the ShifterID i can find in the Abilities Table is not working. As i have posted i can insert any StatusEffects in the StatutsEffectsID but - for whatever reason - they are not applied ingame. If you can tell me which table i have to use or what else am i doing wrong: Would be nice!
  12. Here is the latest version - have fun! P.S. I think i have solved the problem that the talents will only apply to the Spiritshift Forms - check it out! Spiritshifting Evolution 0.31.zip
  13. Reworked several things... Taste of the Hunt moved from Boar to Wolf as it represents THE hunter aspect better while also giving the Wolf a bit more durability. Hunters Mark expands this even more. Ferocious Strikes (Wolf Level 4 Ability) was removed! The new Level 4 Boar Ability is now "Boar Gore" which is a heavy double attack dealing bonus raw damage while also applying the Sickened Affliction. With its passive regeneration and Level 16 Ability "Proliferation" the Boar should still be the most robust Form. Natures Mark and Natures Terror - the Level 2 and Level 5 Auto Granted Spells were removed as well cause they also contained the "Elements" keyword. This small "nerf" should be no problem thanks to the reworked abilities. The new Auto Grant Spells are: Level 2 -> Touch of Rot, Level 5 -> Plague of Insects. The Level 16 Cat Ability Game Over! (Flurry of Blades) is now deadly like never before as i not only increased the AoE but also damage to 28-42 while also buffing its Penetration to 15 (!) - lets hope this is no overkill. On the other hand the ability felt really weak before. At least for a level 16 Ability! The Boar Charge damage rework (20-30 base) plus the removal of recovery makes Boar play more interesting now while also giving it a bit more punch. I am still thinking about a Life Leech Ability or passive but so far i cannot see where to apply it. Maybe we could remove the Boar Regenration with it? Next stop will be the passive talents so the will apply only to the Spiritshift Forms. Lets see if we can get this done!
  14. Isnt there anyone that can tell me how to disable spell casting for the "human form" only? Just point me the direction so i can - hopefully - find my way through the code horde!
  15. I did a sneak preview on your mod-in-progress @Armakoir and so far it looks very promising! I not only like the new subclasses (more choices!) but also the added spells and abilities. Will have to take a closer look at them in the next days (week). I am not a big fan of the passive talents tree so that any class has access to resistances and the elemental stuff. But if we take this as a basis to include more unique class talents later on i think this is absolutely okay! I am sure that you are aware of the missing strings (lots of them!). But thats minor stuff. Too bad i cannot test the new abilities in practice at the moment. Later! To make things short: Keep up your inspiring work! Lets hope more will particpate - and test - this one!
  16. Even though it seems that no one here is really interested in a Shifter Mod - except for @mant2si - i will continue the optimization in the next weeks (when i finally will get some time!). In the meantime i invite everyone to either give me some feedback on the ideas or test the Alpha Mod in practice. There is still a lot of work to do! Next things on the workflow: - Optimizing active abilities - Adding more talents - Level Scaling finetuning - Find a way to activate "spell disabling" in human form - Do a complete run with Single and/or Multiclass Shifter
  17. Regardless of the StatusEffects i am using nothing is applied to the Shifter... holy cow... This should be the right table - no? And StatusEffect ID for the effect i want to get... again no? I am confused... {"$type":"Game.GameData.GenericAbilityGameData, Assembly-CSharp","DebugName":"Shifter","ID":"197466a3-5a92-4f93-bc6b-36fa86bc49e7","Components":[{"$type":"Game.GameData.GenericAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp","KeywordsIDs":[],"DisplayName":2256,"Description":3727,"UpgradeDescriptions":[{"String":2257}],"UpgradedFromID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","Vocalization":"NoVocalization","Icon":"gui/icons/abilities/talents/class_druid.png","UsageType":"None","UsageValue":0,"AbilityClassID":"568f1c26-1398-4e67-8b81-0f6a60e6cdde", "AbilityLevel":0,"IsPassive":"true","StackingRuleOverride":"Default","TriggerOnHit":"false","IsModal":"false", "ModalGroupID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","IsCombatOnly":"false","IsNonCombatOnly":"false", "HideFromUI":"false","HideFromCombatLog":"false","UniqueSet":"None","NoiseLevelID":"15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63","DurationOverride":0,"OverrideEmpower":"Default","ClearsOnMovement":"false","CannotActivateWhileInStealth":"false", "CannotActivateWhileInvisible":"false","ActivationPrerequisites":{"Conditional":{"Operator":0,"Components":[]}},"ApplicationPrerequisites":{"Conditional":{"Operator":0,"Components":[]}},"DeactivationPrerequisites":{"Conditional":{"Operator":0,"Components":[]}},"PowerLevelScaling":{"ScalingType":"Default","BaseLevel":0,"LevelIncrement":1,"MaxLevel":0,"DamageAdjustment":1,"DurationAdjustment":1, "BounceCountAdjustment":0,"ProjectileCountAdjustment":0,"AccuracyAdjustment":0,"PenetrationAdjustment":0},"StatusEffectKeywordsIDs":[],"StatusEffectsIDs":["379dafce-36f4-4569-9612-7d3f10a21122"],"VisualEffects":[],"SelfMaterialReplacementID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AttackID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AITargetingConditional":{"Conditional":{"Operator":0,"Components":[]},"Scripts":[]},"AudioEventListID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"},{"$type":"Game.GameData.ProgressionUnlockableComponent, Assembly-CSharp"}]},
  18. Continued finetuning some abilities: I must admit that the Boar is the most boring Form even though its powerful healing (and raw damage) puts it into a "okay" spot. To give it also some punch Charge got a rework: - Removed the Recovery Time - Charge now also applies 20-30 base crush damage to anyone in the path I am also thinking about removing more Recovery Timers to make the Forms act much faster. Good idea? Activating Armor Reluctance (no spell casting when wearing Armor) also disables spell casting in Forms so i have to find another way... Another option to give Shifters even more freedom would be to allow Spiritshifting outside of combat. Not sure about this one even though it sounds interesting. However: Feedback is always welcome! EDIT: Reworked Level 10 Cat Ability "Finish Them". Renamed it to "Executioner". Increased damage, added +2 Bonus Penetration and +30 self healing per hit.
  19. I thought this one would be easy so i copied the Ability_ID for Shifters and combined it with the renamed Bear_Shifter_NoSpell StatusEffects_ID. For whatever reason its not working and so the question is... What am i missing this time? BtW: Even when using the Mage Slayer No Potion & Scroll ID´s on the Shifter Ability ID he can still use them. Wrong tables?!! Thanks for your help!!
  20. I am really curious how the new setup will work against lategame groups or bosses especially when using MC. Lets hope that the Armor Reluctance wont put back spell blocking when shifted - will test it soon!!
  21. Lots of small changes thanks to the tests of @mant2si. And one for the ultimate trial: I removed the Spell blocking when shifted. How OP is the Shifter now? Test it! Changelog 0.21: - Beast Slayer now properly gives +15 Accuracy against Beasts. - New Level 4 Bear ability "Crushing Blows" (like Stunning Blow with +10 Accuracy, +25% Damage, +2PEN). - Base Penetration for all Forms lowered to 8. - Duration of the Level 4 Stag Ability "Armor Breaker" (And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon The Shield) increased to 18 seconds. - Increased AoE for the Level 16 Cat Ability "Game Over" (Flurry of Blades). Damage increased to 28-42. Penetration increased to 9. - Duration of the Level 10 Bear Ability "Thunderous Blows" increased from 12 to 18 seconds. - Duration of the Level 10 Stag Ability Revenge (Blade Turning) decreased from 10 to 6 seconds. - New Level 10 Wolf Ability "Hunters Mark" (like Divine Mark with +10 Accuracy, 15 seconds duration, 41-51 slash/pierce damage, casting duration: 0.5 seconds). - Moved the Level 10 Wolf ability "Ferocious Strikes" to Level 4 and increased the duration from 15 to 22 seconds. - Decreased the Casting Time of the Level 16 Bear Ability RAGE! (Citzals Martial Power) to 0.5 seconds. - Removed Spellblocking when wearing Armor in Human Form. - Enabled spellcasting when shifted. More changes will follow for sure... Spiritshifting Evolution 0.21.zip
  22. Wouldnt spellcasting in Spiritshift Form break the balance? But before making any decision here lets wait what the boss tests will show us! I started reworking the Wolf and the first thing that went out is "Wounding Strike" which got replaced by "Hunters Mark" which is a heavily reworked Divine Mark with very fast casting time and decreased slash/pierce damage. The deflection penalty should still be very helpful! For Disciplined Strikes i am still trying to rework Triumph of Crusaders so it will heal on hit. If this works the Wolf will bring a lot more power to the table. Crushing Blow (reworked Stunning Blow) should also be a nice addition for the Bear (instead of Paw Swipe). Thunderous Blows went up to 18 seconds duration. Okay, more changes coming soon - time for some sleep!
  23. Spellcasting when shifted is complete overkill and does not feel right. Personally i like the small dilemma of "Spells" or "Armor" and it would also fit really good into the background of Shifters who constantly manipulate their bodies so any kind of Armor is just a hinderance. Have you noticed that the old "Spiritshift-Armor-is-not-vanishing"-bug has returned? Holy cow... The Wolf is still a problem.. ability like...
  24. I got an "easy" fix for the AR talent problem: Armor Reluctance!!! Whenever the Shifter wears any kind of Armor spell casting is disabled - even in human form! This would make casting a lot more dangerous or tactical (Smoke Veil -> retreat -> cast). Whats your opinion on this one @mant2si?
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