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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. If he's on PC he could have used the KSE to switch... DN
  2. X-box? Who would use one of those? (there's no cheats, sorry...) DN
  3. It was used in the ending of the M0D, at least the one I have, thanks for asking for me! DN
  4. Also I knew a guy who broke his Halo disk by leaving it out in the sun for the afternoon... DN
  5. leaving the poster with a comical picture of a Jedi holding his arms while a sith tries to cut them off... DN
  6. I think it's fixed by the 1.0b patch, but that's only for PC... DN
  7. So what do you people think of the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"? The Home Page... DN
  8. Red Hawk did one of those... So did the guy who made the "Reign of the Sith" M0D... DN
  9. Yes she's a good DM/GM... "
  10. did you know there's a thing called a PM? DN
  11. exactly, i find it a bit weird how visas jsut abandons nihilius and latches onto you, she could then betray you, like she has nihilius you mean t4m4 Pray, tell us why. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well for one you have Reven Returns (is that his name?) going on about his conspiracy theory... and two, if look at his actions, he dose seem to have his own agenda... DN <{POST_SNAPBACK}> huh what did i do? what conspiracy theory? "..look at his actions" are you refering to me? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> your theory that the remote was on paragus...
  12. Try "The Beach of Death"... I think you can deside not to kill her in favor of other party members... (carth)
  13. So that's why it would do that... Thanx!
  14. try looking in the foldor called modules... "
  15. Pray, tell us why. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well for one you have Reven Returns (is that his name?) going on about his conspiracy theory... and two, if look at his actions, he dose seem to have his own agenda... DN
  16. I think you can only edit for one hour after posting...
  17. Yes! :D
  18. I think he has, but that's a matter of confusion on this forum... DN
  19. Why, the platformers try to bash the PC...
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