If I remember correctly, the 7600s were designed to be a less powerful, but also less expensive, version of the 6800 for causal gamers. You might want to turn the graphics settings down, as was already suggested.
I will assume that's a joke. Because you should know that knowledge of a felony which you do not report to the cops may well be an offence in the USA now. I know it is where it may affect national security.
He did nothing illegal, as he simply posted how to spread a virus the developers had included in the game by infecting your familiar. The "virus" was not a computer virus but a WoW Hemorrhagic fever that was released after a certain boss was killed...
But we aren't perfect, so we either evolved or were the products of a completely moronic designer. I mean, who would give us this easily-injured back or semi-blind eye if they could have given us anything they wished?
Try going to your inventory and clicking the hand you want to equip the torch to. Than select the weapon you want and click something like "ok" to save the settings.
I loath it when Mac users bash Windows and then act as if there is nothing wrong with their systems, well I have news for them: Macs aren't the perfect creation either! * Mac fanboys gasp and faint in the face of such disrespect to their great apple adorned idol.*