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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. They were never assigned this task, so there is no "deadline."
  2. We need to lock this topic and start a new stickied, locked thread. P.S. Thanks Meta...
  3. Why would they have gotten it down to eighteen issues if they were not going to release the mod? P.S. I think you're an alt of Force Slayer... Yes, they both are annoying [me]...
  4. When I want a worthless opinion from a loud mouthed know-nothing, I'll be sure to look you up though. [sarcasm]Oh yes, I know nothing about modding. That's why I haven't released several mods at various moding sites and haven't worked on several major projects for various games! You are an almighty being who knows everything, despite the fact that you know nothing! [/sarcasm]
  5. Ahh, another narcissistic n00blet who knows nothing about modding thinks that Team Gizka is an incompetent group of pathological lairs. How are you, someone who obviously has no clue how to add -let alone restore- content to a game, qualified to judge these people's actions? Also, how long do you think it should take to mod a game? A year? A month? Or do you think modders should only take about a ****ing day to complete their works? I have worked on several games, and the shortest amount of time a project took was two months. Of course, we had an usable "product" before that, but who wants to use a buggy beta release? I know that some projects that involved editing preexisting files, a certain Bloodlines project comes to mind, took longer to make than much more projects, like Neverwinter Nights Modules, that were created with a toolset or from scratch. Face it hurensohn, you're full of ****. Not only are you insulting Team Gizka without provocation, you are making yourself look like an ****. Please come back when you find another brain, as I believe yours is either dead or dieing.
  6. Your Score: a Ninja You are a soldier of the night. You rely on no more than your cunning and your repuation to strike fear in the hearts of lord and peasant alike. You've a sense of honor, but one that comes from within, not imposed from outside. Black clothes and shuriken for you. You're gonna do just fine.
  7. It's not the same, but it's close...
  8. 3.8|no mods; I thought about trying the True(!) Patch, but even though some of Wesp's choices are highly suspect, he at least doesn't write new dialogue. Ya, I know what you mean. However, I really could not stand some of the things Wesp changed, so I'm using the "True" Patch.
  9. Devil's Dance Floor ~Swagger ~~Flogging Molly
  10. Good, as it's already 3:44 a.m. here and I need to be somewhere at 7:00 a.m.. Thus, I am going to be getting off for the early morning and getting a few hours of sleep...
  11. If we used your logic gravity would also be called into question, as there is at least as much -if not more- evidence for evolution.
  12. Well, it was fun while it lasted...
  13. I ind it ironic that you're complaining that people are close-minded to your ideas while you're refusing to acknowledge that ours are logical and proven. There is no clear cut evidence of an instant creation. Books and scripture is NOT evidence, let me re stress this fact, they are NOT evidence. Books are written by man, man can LIE, or make fairy tales, its what man was good at for several millenia anyway, and still are to this very day. No tangible proof, no evidence, nothing. I will not commit my time to a Lord who very well might not exist, because it wastes my time. I believe in Humans, and creatures, and though humans may be flawed and malcontent at times, I believe we are the very thing we have created. Creationism USES RELIGION, PREFERABLY CHRISTIANITY AS ITS DOGMA when trying to prove that there's an invisible creator behind everything. They cherry-pick parts of science wherever it fits them. It's against the very philosophy that we call the scientific method. i think creationism is based off the bible and i think ur confusing the bible for religion. You know only the fabrications you have read and deduced. Your suppositions are not reasonable, tangible or testable; therefore you cannot justly say you "know" anything about it. We all know the stories and you repeating them does not strengthen the case. We all perceive it as we wish and that is our prerogative. When I say show me evidence you show me unproven stories and romantic fantasies. Your deductions and perceptions are not proof. I want evidence that is proved to the extent that it can be proven. Wherein, I am asking for tangible evidence not more "insight" into fictional stories.
  14. Oh I watched it, and I found it to be extremely humorous. There was nothing that hasn't been said, and disproved, before.
  15. Oh yes, a movie found on the internet is going to overturn decades of scientific research! as are gaming nerds-like myself- on a forum on a website for a company that makes video games ....... now theres a place for good scientifical facts It's a better source than the bible. Yes, there are fossils like the ones you desire. You could look at the evolution of the horse, as it is one of the best documented fossil lines available. I find that hard to believe ...
  16. I cannot tell you the name off the top of my head, but you can find them in any recent, and reputable, book about human evolution (e.g. The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution). I don't believe that "Multimedia Apologetics," who admit to being a "ministry committed to providing free, apologetics, discipleship, and Christian education materials to the world" and "that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be advanced in some small way through this ministry*" is a reliable source of information about evolution. *Do these guys sound like the kind of people who would give evolution a fair hearing?
  17. Oh yes, a movie found on the internet is going to overturn decades of scientific research!
  18. I'm reading The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins.
  19. There is no "lack of transitional forms," that's simply a worthless argument used by fundies -like yourself- who don't know anything about the subject.
  20. What you said is one of the things I hate the most about religion. It is a cop-out when you are backed in a corner. When someone provides evidence against your god, or your bible, you respond with the weathered expressions, "It is all according to god's will" or "you just need faith." I refuse to accept these as a rational explanations. Provide me with the tiniest piece of solid evidence; then I will give it some consideration. There is no way to back religion other than with unfounded ideology. Sure, scripture might have its usefulness, but in the end, its as real as Tolkien's Middle Earth, as imaginative as Ursula's Earthsea, and as fantastic as the Greek Myths.
  21. I've lost my head (a.k.a fun with "noclip")...
  22. I believe the FPS cap on the 360 is 30, but that might only be for Oblivion...
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