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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Well here's my list of plug-ins, and, at the moment, I'm merely seeing if some re-textured skins, that are not listed as they do not use a plug-in, are compatible...
  2. I'm taking a short break from modding Bloodlines and am mod-testing Oblivion...
  3. Once I figured out the path to the files, using VamED, it was a simple matter to edit the Clandata000 file, so it was basically what you posted...
  4. Well I signed up, although I technically it's an alt... (I forgot my original username, password, etc... )
  5. "So I can't edit the extra clothing that I could earn later on in the game, thus making it part of the regular game." You can re-skin things, you can't do it in-game. "Couldn't i just play with the file names and do some switcharoo's?" Yes, you could do that.
  6. "Would you still recommend the 1.02 patch over this one?" Personally I like the 3.5 unofficial patch, but I know DR prefers to use only the official 1.02 patch. You can find the 3.5 patch here, although it does change some aspects of the game. As for the other patch, I have used it but decided that I liked the 3.5 patch better. "...Any ideas on which mods would make this game more enjoyable to play for the second time around?" I'm going to work on doing some re-skinning, and possibly more, but I don't know of many Bloodlines mods out there. You might want to try this mod that claims to add "[a] map of Baton Rouge for Vampire: The Masquerade." You also might try playing with histories enabled, or try this mod that says it adds sixteen new clans to the game. I have not tested those out yet, so I would like to know how they work if you do choose to try them.
  7. You simply edit a file so that your character looks like NPC X in whatever armor you assigned to look like that NPC...
  8. That's what I'm currently using, but once I figure out a the path to a skin I'm adding to my list so it's easier to find it next time I want to use that skin...
  9. That's a good idea DR, I'll definitely attempt to put something together in the next few weeks.... (I only have a few more weeks left in this semester, so I'll have more time to work on something in mid-May...)
  10. I think we should wait for TG to release their patch/mod before committing to the "there must be a Kot0R III" ideology.
  11. There is a bug-fix for this issue at TG's website, although you'll still need to use an older save file to restore your game.
  12. Weird Al - Don't Download This Song...
  13. I'm finding some that weren't on the list...
  14. It was a quick, but fun, read...
  15. Yes, although the secound pic is of Jeanette...
  16. I'm playing around with editing Bloodlines...
  17. We're fine, you really shouldn't worry about the hair...
  18. Here's the first screenie, I'm going to try Jeanette, VV, Nines, etc...
  19. It worked, and I'll be posting a list of char files sometime soon...
  20. There is a file called "clandoc.txt" that has all of the paths for character models in it. If you've installed any of the patches I believe the file should be openly editable in the Bloodlines directory without having to extract it. There's a tool called VampEd that can allow you to easily check the path for the model you want to use. Its then a matter of editing the PC Character models to be the ones you want. For example if you want your Tremere to look like VV, you'd edit the Tremere models (for all 4 armor levels) to models/character/npc/unique/downtown/vv/vv.mdl Darque's initial posting about this can be found here Ok, thanks...
  21. Well I just re-installed NWN:II, so I'll be patching tonight or tomorrow night...
  22. I'm also listening to NPR, and would agree that they already seem to be hunting for the scapegoat. Personally I believe that the gunman is the one truly responsible, although some of the deaths might have been preventable if people had reacted differently. As for the other incidents, the BBC says "There were two bomb threats at the campus in the week before the shootings, but police said they were still unsure whether the incidents were linked."
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