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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Let's see, here's the top five: Shaun of the Dead Raiders of the Lost Ark The Red Violin THX 1138: Special Edition Saints and Soldiers ...
  2. Frankly, the media are not the ones responsible for the current, dismal state of our news broadcasts: we, the viewers and consumers, are. By demanding more sensationalized and simplistic news stories -not to mention the scandalous or irrelevant crap, mainly about celebrities, that is constantly spewing into the system- the public is lowering itself to the lowest common denominator and than wondering why the media has turned into a slush-pit of extraneous, melodramatic stories that should have never made it into a national broadcast. Yet the public, and when I say public I am mainly talking about the American public for the simple reason that I know more about it than any other country
  3. Senses Capture ~Leaves' Eyes
  4. ^Hackers wrote slogans attacking the United States and the state of Israel on bottom right hand corner on the U.N.'s website. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6943385.stm
  5. BM15, if you're posting a fix no-one else knew about double-posting is ok...
  6. Ehh, what is the point of this topic?
  7. Skraaelings ~Legend Land
  8. Here's one I wrote awhile ago: The Last Flight: A Story of Star Wars By Deadly_Nightshade (DN) Edited by Ice_Queen and DN The Last Flight A Jedi Knight sits alone in a dyeing ship, contemplating his troubled past as the clone pilot frantically attempts to keep the ship from self-destructing. I was foolish to ignore my master
  9. What a compelling argument! How did you ever come up with that incorruptible argument for the 360?
  10. I still have Neverwinter Nights, and its expansions, installed, and I still play a few modules that, in my mind, are timeless classics...
  11. We have already addressed the game issue, and I am not sure how "pop-ups" affect you gaming experience -you don't get them while you're in a game-. You can play with friends, sometimes more than sixty at a time, on a PC, and you can connect your PC to a surround sound and/or TV. Personally I have a 5.1 stereo system on my PC, and I have a HDTV available if I want a bigger screen. Furthermore, you can mod games on the PC, something that is illegal in the 360.
  12. And why is it? You have not proved how the 360 is better than a good PC...
  13. You, mostly, use the mouse; something that is easy and has a faster turning speed than your 360 controller.
  14. Fool, you simply hold the button down; just like you hold a controller's "thumb-stick" down...
  15. Ummm, yes a mouse and keyboard have a better turn speed and response time than a 360 controller...
  16. First, I installed Oblivion in under three minuets so you either have a really old, or crappy, PC or have no idea of how long it takes to install something. Secondly, the a mouse and keyboard will always out preform a controller.
  17. What about better graphics? What about better controls and games?
  18. No console will ever rival the PC...
  19. The short answer is no, you are the sole proprietor of the "modders-are-con-men" theory. As I said before, in a topic that is now locked, you are simply a noob asshat who wants us all to damn Team Ginza to hell for your own, unknown, reasons. You claim to be a fan of Kot0R II, yet you seem to have an irrational anger, or, possibly, a fear, at the prospect of people restoring content that was designed by Obsidian to be included in the final release. Until you can logically explain what doomsday scenario will arise, I will continue to believe that you are full of "guano."
  20. Bells of Freedom Bon Jovi
  21. They, most likely, got a new graphics card, or cards, for you cannot download graphics cards from the Internet.
  22. That's a "really great suggestion," but didn't the original poster want to make it playable on his PC?
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