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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Kot0R II does not like duel-core systems, try running it with only one...
  2. I'm game, as my copy of The Orange Box arrived today...
  3. And now, for some reason, I cannot switch the player of the week - but, if anyone else can, Kissamies is this week's "Player of the Week."
  4. Get an Anti-Virus that has multiple installs, they're normally no more then $5 extra...
  5. Redemption was a decent game, but it was nothing compared to Bloodlines – the second Vampire: The Masquerade game. However, enough of that, there are more important issues to discuss in this topic, many of witch revolve around the question of your possibility deceitful postings. If you are really an experienced member of the United States Air Force (U.S.A.F.) you should have no problems telling me what “spin school” is and what it teaches, as even NASA Aerospace Engineers, one of whom I know, are familiar with the term and its usage within the U.S.A.F. – and I shouldn’t expect Google to be of much assistance.
  6. I've done that before, and it was strangely satisfying to have a complete list of all my games, DVDs, and books... Now, to get back on topic, my dance partner I recently saw the 8th best Ballroom Dance couple in the world preform live from about ten feet away - so, yeah, that was cool...
  7. I have no qualms with the ending of Bloodlines, it suited the mood of the game perfectly...
  8. No actual nudity to my knowledge. There was certainly enough tna to make it close enough. There was going to be fully nude NPCs, but that got canned halfway through development, although you can still see the signs if you look closely at certain characters -for instance, the strippers have a carefully placed tassel to cover the original module-.
  9. So was anyone correct? Let's see... = Member predicted = Not predicted So, we were correct about most of the points - good job Obsidian forum!
  10. Distant Sun -Lacuna Coil
  11. Almost non-one here plays the x-box version, so you might have to wait awhile for a response...
  12. The crossbowmen and musketmen saved my ass...
  13. Kot0R I: Reign of the Sith Bastila's New Uniform (Non-Nude) ORD Mandell Mod (A New KOTOR Planet) Revan's Mask+ Carth Romance Fix Lightsaber Forms Mekel Recruitment Mod Ebon Hawk's Workbench to a Construction Bench Republic Commando: Delta Squad [MECK] Enter Jabbas Palace Meet Athena (Selectable Female PC) DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol: Chained Force Lightning: HOLOWAN SPIRE {NEW VERSION} The Real Kain Bodysuit Bastila Revisited 1 (PVC Skins) Bastila on Korriban ... Kot0R II: Exile's Item Pack Darth Revan Cutscene Style Robes Mod (Now W/Masked Models) Ultimate Lightsaber Mod (USM) High Level Force Powers Jabba's Palace Themed Dancer Outfit Additions TSL Movie Jedi Robes and Armour Mod Combat Simulation Arena The Dark Apprentice: Gold AVol's Character: Darth Vader Ceremonial Weapon Pack (melee) Darksword Better Handmaiden Skin 9 ShortLightSaber Hilts DL-44 Blaster TSL Hak Pad Start the game with Lightsaber K2 Media Player Slender Body for Females (1.1) Skip Peragus Surviving Miner Saria Playable Yuthura Ban ... There are hundreds, if not thousands, of others that are not on this list...
  14. Here's to delaying my upgrade...
  15. For some reason it is fine to call a child Muhammed, while naming a bear after their "prophet" is illegal....
  16. If I hadn't heard of the story before this, I would have shared your hopes...
  17. But your personal case is applicable, for if you were once IP-banned this topic would have a completely different motive...
  18. And how do we not know you were the recipient of one of those bans?
  19. I agree with madam Raven, Baldur's Gate is hardly dead...
  20. Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal... (Ad infinitum...)
  21. But, if I remember correctly, cannot you only romance female aliens when playing as a female?
  22. Well, games that use SLI would run better, but not all games are coded to accept two cards so you might have to back down to one for certain applications.
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