Uhh... That's not what I would consider romance - in fact I would find that condition more alarming than enjoyable. What you describe is more along the lines of what I was talking about in my last post when I mentioned "passions," an attraction that is very powerful and all-consuming but might not hold up to a long-term relationship. Sure, it might be great while it lasts, but I would rather spend time with a good friend who shares some interests, and not a lover who might be completely incompatible. If the two are are one-in-the-same, great, but that is an ideal situation and not very likely to happen. The more probable scenario, at least in my mind, for a long-term romance is that you, and I am speaking to the general audience here and not to qtpi when I say that, would get involved with someone you had known for some time and that you would not mind spending the rest of your life with. While this might also take some compromise, probably in the bedroom, if you know what I mean, the positive end results will, most likely, outweigh the negatives. Now, speaking from personal experience -although I am sure other members, Shryke, for example, have more than I do- I have found that my longest relationship was with with a very good friend who had many similar interests, she was the one who bought me my first copy of Bloodlines and saved my ass in Latin more then once, and even though we went our separate ways as far as the relationship we are still close friends. Maybe I am biased because of that fact, but it seems that I find those kind of relationships much more satisfying in than purely physical ones - something that is reflected in my current situation. Until recently I would have said I was single, but it now seems I have gotten myself involved with another friend as she has set up a second date - and that's not a bad thing, really, and even if nothing comes of it we're still having fun and enjoying eachother's company.