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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Ok, if the data is really corrupted you need to get a new disc - there should be a contact number in the manual that you can call.
  2. Ok, firstly, are you running the game on both of your cores? If so, do this: Start the game, alt-tab out, start the task manager, right-click the game's exe, select "set affinity," select one of the two cores, re-open the game. Secondly, have you tried older drivers? I have found that the newer 8XXX series drivers are buggy when used with NWN I, Kotor I, or Kotor II. Lastly, did you check the 16-bit compatibility mode box? If so, un-check it.
  3. What about your CD/DVD drive? Has it had problems with any other discs?
  4. Are your discs scratched, warped, or in any other way damaged?
  5. What are your system specs?
  6. Yeah, the objects rotated to make it appear 3d.
  7. In my opinion John Carmack's engine is the reason Doom could be considered revolutionary.
  8. It's a little more complicated than that, and the new codes are given out on a "case by case basis."
  9. Bah, Gaelic football is the best.
  10. That should be 2.9.5, not 2.8.5.
  11. Grey Delisle is back, awesomeness.
  12. I thought it was already out...
  13. Well, I would have agreed with you when the game came out, but I've played it fairly recently and there is a reason it is one of the few games I own that have not yet been finished.
  14. I'm not getting the avatar either...
  15. I'm looking for someone to study Latin with since the friend who was doing that moved after she graduated.
  16. If you set Reven to Sith in the beginning it should work.
  17. I cannot remember my first crush, although I can recall some more resent ones.
  18. Nope, you are not. I did not buy Spore because of DRM, nor will I buy Mass Effect or any other game that uses that level of "protection" - no matter how good they might be.
  19. Arrrrggg.... The newest Clear Sky Patch, something that had too many fixes and additions not to use, just made all of my saved games unusable.
  20. I'm working on a math project that is due wednesday and wishing that it was the 16th.
  21. Book of Lies - Electric Hellfire Club
  22. Clear Sky - The vanilla game is good, but I think it could still be tweaked. For one thing, drivable vehicles are needed.
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