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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Be nice, you were once a nooblet too... Anyways, I would think that the player should choose the gender of Revan in a third Kotor RPG as the second one allowed this, as did the original.
  2. You do not use the KSE to install mods, you put them in the "Override" folder in your main Kotor 2 directory.
  3. Do you have any mods installed?
  4. Well, my response was accidentally deleted when my Internet glitched; so here's my recreation of the posting. It sounds like you either have a damaged disc (warped, dirty, scratched, etc.) or your drive might be on the way out - although the latter seems unlikely if other things work fine. Anyways, while you look at the CDs you might want to try this: Step 1 -- Create a folder on your hard disk, for instance, C:\KCDs. Step 2 -- Copy the entire contents of KotOR 2 CD #1 to that folder Step 3 -- For each of the other CDs, copy only the single filed named dataX.cab to the same folder, where the "X" in dataX.cab is the number 3, 4, and 5 depending on which CD it's on. Step 4 -- Run the installation program Setup.exe from that folder you just created. When you're done installing it, you can delete that folder from your hard disk.
  5. Is it a DVD/CD Burner? If so, that might be the issue. If not, have other discs had similar problems?
  6. 33% of your installations are gone... After I install 3 times I still have 1% left no? Well... Technically it was 33.3333333333333333333333333333333333...%
  7. Try this: 1. Rotate the center block counter-clockwise 2. Rotate the rightmost block clockwise 3. Rotate the leftmost block counter-clockwise
  8. Opps, I knew I should have checked the date of the posting...
  9. I would recommend running a air-filter every now-and-then, I use a full-room HEPA filter and it really helps to keep the dust -and pollen- down.
  10. EDIT: Never Mind.
  11. It looks like Amazon customers do not like the DRM used by Spore... http://kotaku.com/5046552/amazon-reviewers...y-to-spores-drm
  12. It looks like Amazon customers do not like the DRM used by Spore... http://kotaku.com/5046552/amazon-reviewers...y-to-spores-drm
  13. There are such studies, and a recent congressional investigation found that these programs were deliberately spreading false information within the schools. Not only has this unethical practise blurred the lines between religion and science, but there is a general consensus that these so called "sex education programs" -although they should be known as sex uneducation programs and will be for the reminder of this posting- have actually caused a rise in risky sexual practises and teen pregnancies. Think about it, if the young adults are going to have sex anyways, as numerous studies have showed that the students in the "uneducation programs" are just as likely, if not more likely, to have intercourse or another form of sexual interaction, would you rather they know about sexually transmitted diseases and birth-control, or would you prefer them to believe that condoms cause AIDs and masturbation will cause cancer? ****, these programs even support the misguided "abstinence "virginity" pledges" - things that, while marginally helpful in preventing "regular" sexual intercourse, raised the likelihood that the students would engage in unprotected anal and/or oral sex to avoid breaking the "pledge." We must top the uneducation and brainwashing of America's children! Resources: http://oversight.house.gov/Documents/20041...02153-50247.pdf http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publication...tabstinence.pdf http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8470845/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...3-2004Dec1.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7041301003.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9504871/ http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/...23/feature.html http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/28/opinion/28sat1.html http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/03/28/...=Health_3976972 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080423/sc_nm/abstinence_usa_dc http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/06/health/06birth.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7368219.stm http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/...d.ap/index.html I'll post some more recent data too, but those links should give you a the general idea.
  14. If you are on a PC there is a bug-fix from Team Gizka that will make them appear on the surface where they are supposed to be located, if you cannot find that, or you are on an x-box, then there is nothing you can do.
  15. I think it would be the disc itself, but you might want to try another PC to be sure.
  16. Well, although I am glad that the PC is getting the game, it seems I might not be buying TFU after all - I think I'll wait and see what the players and reviews say.
  17. Well, you might try manually installing the file - but it seems you have a similar issue as this person and there is not much that can be done.
  18. Have you tried re-installing or, if it had not been registered as installed, tried a second time?
  19. 33% of your installations are gone...
  20. About that first link, it looks more like a personal blog than a credible news agency - and the facts that I cannot find any more information on the author and his other blogs are right-wing/pro-conservative makes it suspect.
  21. I'll post links later this week once I make sure everything works and does not crash the game.
  22. Yep, I've got some of those running now and I found another third-party mod that replaces all of the "generic buttons" during quick-time events with the keys that need to be pressed. I'll make a list and put it up when I've finished looking just in-case anyone else buys this.
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